I wouldn’t exactly call it practical, but it’s pretty cool. I think I might be able to eek out close to 1.1 million for 2 bars.
Right so it’s not worth paying attention to then
So hateful
I like me some impracticality…
Why hasn’t this phantom combo, or at least the idea(s) behind it, been typed out days ago?
turns on asshole mode
I’m only going to tell you guys once I finally make a video because I’m tired of people “coincidentally” discovering things shortly after I happen to mention them on the forums.
Funny how I’ve kept my mouth shut and it hasn’t happened for this.
I have some free time in the coming days so I will make a vid soon.
In the meantime feel free to doubt me all you want if that floats your boat.
I really don’t think this is anything super groundbreaking, just a way to get a bit more damage from your combos (and I’ve started to land it fairly consistently). Task won’t suddenly be shooting to S tier if that’s what you’re hoping for.
Believe me, I don’t doubt you one bit. Your labwork is consistently some of the best. It’s just that sometimes the whole “I figured something out… but I’m not tellin’ yet!” gets a bit tiresome (not from you specifically, but in general).
Truth be told, I probably won’t be able to execute whatever it is anyway, I’m just curious. Lol And I didn’t mean to come off as combative, it’s just funny a week later to see some of the best Taskmasters still going, “hmm, does it maybe involve shooting arrows?” hehe
I am going to predict that whatever it is, the medium button will be pressed at least 3 times, and Taskmaster will jump at least twice. You heard it here first.
I mean I don’t doubt Duck Strong that what he’s talking about exists
I just dislike it when he talks it up when it sounds like he doesn’t actually think it’s consistent or important.
Well, here’s where I’m coming from. I think Marvel is a pretty bad game; it’s fun but really bad at least from a competitive stand point.
I get more of a thrill from seeing all the little workarounds people find to squeeze out a little bit more out of their combos. It doesn’t matter to me how hard it is, I just get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I see something and think to myself “wow I never would have thought of that in a million years.” The great thing about Marvel is that there always seems to be a little bit more to discover since it’s so free form (unlike say sf4 which has like the most rigid and boring combo system ever). That’s where I get my enjoyment of the game. So yes, I will always try to squeeze out every last bit of damage. I’m trying to break the game, not play nice with it.
Maybe I’m coming from a different time, but I really have to scratch my head when people get irritated at something not being practical. Random strangers have sent nasty messages to my youtube account because they say my combos are too hard :looney:. I don’t see the logic in that. It’s gotten to the point where I usually put a disclaimer to that effect when I upload something.
Then I realize that something might seem too hard at first, but with a little practice I can start to feel out all the nuances of a combo and it slowly becomes second nature. I mean, in the grand scheme Marvel is not a difficult game at all.
Also have you guys ever heard of stsfn :wink2:?
Yeah, and Im a low execution player, so even the “intermediate” stuff I often realize I’ll never be doing consistently. So the impractical stuff is more entertainment to me than anything. Tho I often wonder if the mad scientists like you actually bust that shit out in tournaments with Wesker MMHS consistency. Oh, and you know the people commenting theyre too hard are the same ones that would bitch if they were too easy or well-known. lol
And yeah if you were holding back as a stsfn, I would totally respect that. But ststtromnv (…till the release of my next video) can leave people tapping their feet and looking at their watches.
I dont really give a shit, though. I still do swing MM swing MMH land launch. lol Rather get 650 every time than 900 one out of 5 tries. But I also dont play tournaments really.
this is a combo thread not talk about stupid shit thread
I agree, but i think marvel is pretty hard but only once you start doing advance combo’s. Which only really are for bar imo more so than damage…
Also its something about marvel 3, i can’t really pull off some of those harder combo’s like I could in other VS games or games in general. I think its the fact that I know if I mess up I might die because I didn’t kill a character I landed a hit on…
Marvel is more mentally taxing, you really can’t afford a mistake. But for those with good execution, its cake
Guess we won’t be talking about your hat then.
$20 ft5 evo
Or how 'bout Duck Strong puts up $2000 and you put up the hat?
Lol, did I not just say I thought competitive Marvel was stupid?
Yeah, but in a thread that is explicitly not about stupid shit, making it null and void.
Your the one who instigated shit, if you don’t want to play then keep your shitty attitude and stay in training mode. Also stsfn–>I think competitve marvel is stupid, good fucking logic.
omg I wish to fuck there was a sarcasm tag or something. I don’t care about saving shit for nationals, I’ve been too busy to properly post shit that’s all.
Christ don’t get your panties in a bunch. Is your ego so fragile that you think a $20 money match will help you save face?