Taiyo High's Burning Batsu

combo break: when i play again i’ll test out what you’re talking about but the rule of thumb is if it doesn’t work…it doesn’t work. you should really try changing that combo into the basic bnb for batsu. its by far the way to go.

infinite: what infinite? are you talking about the old one, cause that wont work no more.

With UAS out and Batsu being given some nerfs how do you guys think he fares now?

Also who would you say are Batsu’s best partners and for what reasons?

Batsu has a new ‘infnite’ now. It’s basically the same as his old one, because his aerial kaia-dan still stuns like a motherbitch. However, it’s really just a long loop because the new gravity system in TvC makes infnites just not work anymore.

Thanks for the input, do you by any chance have the notation for the infinite?

Who would you say is his best partner? I was using Ryu just because Ryu is good anyway and his assist keeps them grounded for longer strings.


how many times can you do the loop before it stops? ive onlybeen able to get it to like 21 and wanted to know if that was or wasnt the max

and also:
IDk about you guys but the areal rave that works the best for me with batsu is J.B>J.B>D.J.B>D.J.B and then whatever after that usually 236C>236A+B…but when i try to do this coming off of a variable areal rave it doesnt work so i have to do J.A>J.A>J.B>J.B>D.J.B then 236b>236A+B does any1 else get the same or thing or do i just have bad timing with my variable air raves???

i was just trying out batsu a little earlier and i dont know if this was posted yet but in the corner you can: A,B,2B,C,3C,J.B,J.B,second jump,J.B,QCB.C,QCB.C,QCF.C,QCF.B+C

You can also add two more shooting star kicks before the second jump, though I don’t know if it works if you just do j.b,j.b during the first jump since I usually add a j.a or 2 before it.
I usually do 2A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.A > j.B > j.B > 214C > 214C > dj.B > 214C > 214C > 236C > Super Guts Bullet.

Batsu can also do eight shooting star kicks if you use a baroque in the air after two shooting star kicks.
It would be (in the air) 214C > 214C > baroque > 214C > 214C > dj.B > 214C > 214C > third jump.B > 214C > 214C, which could then be ended with 236C and Super Guts Bullet. I don’t think it has any real use, just putting it out there.

yo batsu might have an new infinite/loop in the corner it deals with his Ryusei kick since you can jump/dash cancel them and do it agian plus it as alot of hitsun

i play souki and batsu so this is how i set it up 5A ,2B, 2C,assist, j.214C, adc, j.b,[ land then j.B, 214B, dj then air dash, late j.B], land and repeat brackets

you can baroque 5C into 6C to set it up that way, if had some recording equipment i would post a vid.

Which character(s) do you feel compliment Batsu the most? Don’t have the game to mess around and see, so I’m curious what you guys think.

i heard batsu had a new loop in the coner does any one know the inputs for them and i have ps2 stick if i buy a ps2 to wii adpter for tvc would in lag like th3 ps2 to ps3 adapter

look at my last post thats basic variation of it you can do up to four reps of the loop before they fall out it.

i have change the combo up since i posted that one, plus i have found out that he can carry somebody from almost frullscreen to the corner and start the loop.

i play batsu with soki. Soki has ery strong ground combos with weak air combos while batsu has very strong air combos so an ideal combo would be something like:

Soki: a,b,2b,c,2c,6c,BBQ,a,a,a,a,a,a,b,c,3c, j.b,QCF.P,(Batsu:) b,qcb.a,qcb.b,qcb.c,qcf.a,qcf.ab. does something like 30 billion damage

Batsu gets a whole lot of noobish online play but not alot of attention here anymore. Feels like he’s a newb character now…

Here’s my anywhere-but the corner Batsu combo:

A, 2A, B, 2B, C, 214C Baroque dashing A, 2A, B, 2B, C, 2C, 236A, 623ABC, j.A, B, B, j.B, 236A, 236ABC

2C,236A,623ABC will not work in the corner as the hits that launch will somehow miss. Skip that and just do C,3C for launch. At least you can do the repeated 214C kicks in the corner.

You can extend with an assist. I extend with Yattaman-1.

214C is great for mixups since it hits high - it makes the 6B overhead basically obsolete in my opinion since it travels farther and does more damage, unless someone can tell me otherwise.
Tardy counters don’t feel as safe as before and I’m not implementing them as much. Maybe someone has a strategy for using them more often, and what does most damage after hitting one?
I see little use for 623C or B, since it travels and follow-ups require baroque. Only 623A feels like it might be legit anti-air.
Travelling around with 214C in the air is dangerous nowdays, of course…

Feels like we should redo the thread, since most of the old posts are like 2 years old and the data throughout isn’t very valid.

ok so i just got into tvc, see a lot of stuff for the older version and was wondering whats batsu best BnB combo?

First of all, thanks to everyone whose been posting up combos and such. They’ve pushed me in the right direction.

Question: I was never too good at Marvel and I’m not very creative. So does anyone have any suggestions on how to best utilize Tekkaman Blade’s assist with Batsu on point? Any combo ideas? Set-ups? I’d appreciate some advice, thanks.

Off the top of my head, you can likely use him to set up for the corner loop.


How many hits does the tardy counter armor have in the UAS version?

I read somewhere that it’s not infinite anymore.

Hi all. Recently been making combos for different characters… and finally got around to Batsu. Pretty interesting character with some neat tricks. Not sure if these combos are known/obvious/whatever, but here are the first two (almost same combo).



His tardy counter gets countered by some characters easily, like Karas (counter move), Zero (crossup moves), or BRQ, you must be careful on who you’re doing it. Just found out you can do up to 4 SSKicks anywhere on the screen :p, just switch to C version after the 2nd one.

I think Tekkaman Blade is a good partner (my newest team, actually), just 'cause of variable air raids; No matter who stars an aereal rave, performing an VAR gives you so much damage due to either heigh for Batsu or going for a dive lance into wallbounce with Blade, is fucking NUTS. You can even score in corner 4 SSKicks, 1 fireball, BRQ, j.b into VAR to Blade, and there goes the other guy’s life, or starting with Blade, go for he aereal rave into dive, 2,8+B, juggle for relaunch and then you have 2 options: Either going for another dive into 2,8+C, relaunch into VAR, and the Batsu’s SSK x 4.

Good shit you got right there trag, will try ASAP.

Something to note for Batsu players (or combo enthusiasts): Apparently, you cannot do a normal move before a dive kick and still air dash. It’s a very strange phenomenon. When I was trying to figure out how to relaunch after mid-screen loop, I noticed that I couldn’t 2-1 cancel the last j.B into dive kick. So I did some testing. I then tried to jump C -> 214B on a standing opponent, and dive kick didn’t work their either. For my next test I did whiff j.A and canceled the whiff into a 214B that hit, and I still couldn’t air dash after. However, if you do any normal into dive kick canceled into a dive kick, you can air dash. This is why the corner loops work - you are usually doing j.B -> 214B~214B, air dash etc.

So, in both Batsu Combo 01 and 02 listed above, you can see that I’m doing numerous sets of j.B, falling j.B, land, repeat… and at the end, I do j.B -> 214B. You might be saying “you just said that wasn’t possible!” and you’d be right. What I’m actually doing is j.B -> 2147B to get the Tiger Knee air divekick. This puts me into a fresh jump state so that the next hit is simply a 214B (without a normal ahead of it… remember, new jump state), thus allowing me to air dash B, land, B3C… etc.

Those practicing divekick loops in corner may have already noticed this phenomenon.

If this is already known, apologies in advance!