Batsu gets a whole lot of noobish online play but not alot of attention here anymore. Feels like he’s a newb character now…
Here’s my anywhere-but the corner Batsu combo:
A, 2A, B, 2B, C, 214C Baroque dashing A, 2A, B, 2B, C, 2C, 236A, 623ABC, j.A, B, B, j.B, 236A, 236ABC
2C,236A,623ABC will not work in the corner as the hits that launch will somehow miss. Skip that and just do C,3C for launch. At least you can do the repeated 214C kicks in the corner.
You can extend with an assist. I extend with Yattaman-1.
214C is great for mixups since it hits high - it makes the 6B overhead basically obsolete in my opinion since it travels farther and does more damage, unless someone can tell me otherwise.
Tardy counters don’t feel as safe as before and I’m not implementing them as much. Maybe someone has a strategy for using them more often, and what does most damage after hitting one?
I see little use for 623C or B, since it travels and follow-ups require baroque. Only 623A feels like it might be legit anti-air.
Travelling around with 214C in the air is dangerous nowdays, of course…
Feels like we should redo the thread, since most of the old posts are like 2 years old and the data throughout isn’t very valid.