Err yeah I had that right in my first fireball, so used to saying B for the Karas infinite, lol.
You can also combo into the level 3 from a standing A fireball. I usually do jC, 5A, 5B, 2B, 5C, A fireball, level 3.
Is his kick thing on the ground an overhead? I think the first hit may be, but the rest aren’t (the computer crouches when blocking subsequent hits). IMO the kick on the ground is a horrible move. Not a good anti-air (duh), doesn’t naturally combo into anything useful without Baroque, rather slow, pretty weak, and may not even be an overhead. Definitely Batsu’s worst attack.
By the way, does anybody follow up the guts upper with anything? When I hit them with the uppercut on their approach, I can’t figure out any way of tacking on more damage.
I’d say guts upper is a worse move than ground kick. At least ground kick covers some space and can be a decent approach. It has a big hit box too, and can catch opponents.
As for guts upper follow-up, you can cancel the first hit into super guts upper, like someone else said just a couple of posts ago.
from my matches, his infinite does not seem to be very applicable. as stated by D. Hyo before me, Batsu has many other BETTER options when he has an opponent in the corner.
ex. (with Karas as Partner/opponent in corner. works on standing characters, does not work on some crouching characters)
2A-5B-2B-5C-:dp::snkc:(1 HIT)-BBQ-5B-2B-5C-:qcf::snka:-:qcf::2p:-Hit P for Double Team Super-Wait for Karas to land second to last hit of his Super-SJ-B-B-:qcf::snkb:-:qcf::2p:
I’ve been toying with this setup for the infinite, seems to work fairly well. Remember after the jumping A after the IAD B is the double jump cancel in the combo.
6C, IAD B, 8 [8A, 8B, 236A, 8B] Repeat Brackets
Seems easy to get them in the sweet spot where the fireball will continue to hit after 8A, 8B. Anyone else noticed that the infinite seems to work better if you hold up during the attacks? I know Marvel 2 had something like this and I know Doronjo can do something similar vs. Tekkaman for her jumping B infinite. Anyone care to explain any of the tricks they use to make the infinite more viable?
Breaking Down Connecting the Level 3 into Infinite
In the corner you can land a launcher to setup the infinite if you have baroque. Outside of corner use fireball super for some extra damage.
In the corner this sets them up falling to the ground spinning with you free to move around. I’m almost 100% sure you could infinite from this version either by tiger kneeing a fireball xx baroque or just by starting from a normal jump.
Hurts pretty bad but doesn’t seem to set up any possibility for the infinite.
So, I found something I don’t think anyone knows about yet. You can actually hold up after guts upper super and get a SJC into an air combo, shit looks hot. You can actually start the infinite off of it, lol. Also another cool thing you can do (kind of a waste of meter but if you want to kill them with it go ahead) is you can burst after an air super in the corner and combo again.
So incorporating all this stuff…you can do:
IAD j.C 5A 5B 2B 5C BBQ IAD j.C 5A 5B 2B 5C Assist 66A 5B 2B 5C 236A 623ABC SJC j.B dj.B j.B 236A 236ABC MC 214C 214C 236A 236ABC
100% damage for 30% life and 5 meter…terrible but FLASHY AS HELL. 3 Supers in 1 combo is just pretty.
but this was known like a month ago.
I asked kaworu_scott about that and he said its a different lanucher so you couldnt get the inf out that…dunno if he was wrong or right
It works the same as the 3C infinite, you can still get jump up 236A mid way up, so I don’t know why it wouldn’t work.
But yeah sorry for the old news then, I never saw anyone mention it.
I think he said something like, they can tech before the fireball reachs them if you try to do it after zenkai upper or something like that.
Now that I’ve ruined my credibility, I found something interesting the other day. I’ve been looking at this thread for a while and haven’t seen anything like it, so if I overlooked it somewhere, my bad.
Batsu’s 623A/B/C special can be baroqued early to continue a combo closer to the opponent. This makes combos not against the wall more possible. For example, here’s a combo that uses this.
5A 2A 5B 2B 5C 623A [BBQ as soon as the first hit connects] 5A 2A 5B 2B 5C [anything you want, like launcher, lv. 3 super, team super, etc]
I could throw up a youtube vid of the combo I came up with (takes up 3/4+ health with Roll, my primary teammate) since I have a recording device. It just won’t happen until much later today.
Edit: apparently, this was on the first page. So QCB+A is better than 623A for following up a combo then…that doesn’t work with Roll >_<
Dude of course i have known about those combos for awhile now.
OK posting about this game if anybody still cares.
Batsu is turning out to be really good, especially with Ryu/morrigan as assist. The key is those baroque resets. QCB+C is a 4 hit overhead that can be baroqued at any point into a crouching A (overhead>instant low) and back into a ground combo. 3 things about this.
1: Reset damage
2: plus baroque damage
3: if done right, your assist has time to reset even if used in the first combo (ryu/morrigan).
Your string looks like this:
(potential j.B crossup for starter)2A,B,2B,C,P,dash,2A,B,2B,C (reset)214CxxBBQxx2A,B,2B,C,P,dash,2A,B,2B,C,3C air combo of your choice.
At the launcher, it’s already 2/3 of a life bar or so on Ryu.
first off, hi everyone. i’m new here.
secondly, yourmother, does that combo only work if they start ducking right after the first half of the combo ends?
No. Keep in mind it is a reset so it is possible to block, but it hits overhead then low somewhat unpredictably at high speeds and a pushblock won’t knock away the second part.
EDIT: Oh yeah, welcome to srk.
i still haven’t found a better all-purpose batsu combo than that last one on here. damn, i love playing batsu.
What the one I posted up? I’m glad you like it. Batsu’s super fun and actually one of the characters who seems to be up-and-coming still, he’s becoming more popular and people seem to be doing consistently better with him. Another one of the big keys is mastering assist/j.B crossups with him, when done properly with a good assist, you have not one but two ambiguous blocks to make, after which you can combo various things, although the string I posted up won’t quite work thanks to the assist needing time to reset, however, you can do something like this for a reset:
or for a straight combo with no reset (if you’re into that )
sorry for the super noob question in this tread, but it seems to be the only batsu thread that’s been visited in the past few months, so hopefully someone passing by will be able to enlighten me…
I’m fairly new to the vs. games in general so I don’t really get why the combo counter gets reset at odd times when I think I should be getting a full combo (or the idea of resets in general…), and this seems to happen a lot. The batsu example I’m seeing right now is, if I do:
A, A, B, C, Baroque, A, B, dfC - and then follow up w/ aerial rave, the air combo gets counted as part of the combo. But if I do
A, A, B, C, Baroque, A, B, dfC , everything up to the launcher gets counted and then the counter resets when I’m doing the aerial rave…
Can someone explain if/why this is supposed to happen or if I’m just doing something wrong/too slow etc? Thanks
I’d love to help you but as far as I can see, those two are the same, so I can’t imagine they’d work differently. Want to rewrite this?
Oops, dumb mistake, sorry… I meant A,A before the launcher instead of A,C on the second one…
how do you cancel a superjump backwards to set up fot the infinite???