
also, her kiss bar is longer than collosuses, so she has metal armor for longer than collosus HAHAHAHAHAHA

No no if rouge kisses col while hes in super she can get launched it just takes 3 hits to launch her unlike sent 2.

Tharimrattler: Hes c.fk is pretty good it has long ass range plus with drones aww man its fucking safe. Also u can put on that armor so theres always that. Hmm only time i whore out his command throw is when hes in armor mode but if u find anything let me know.

Try this sometimes:

C.hk + drones, qcf + hk.

Lands on the other side and drones often crossup for combo.

Only use I found for the command “throw” is to do it after you KO a character, and the next character is coming in. It seems to work a lot of times.

Think (after char dies)j.lp commando throw would work as a gb? I mean ive done it buut only a few times iono if the guy wasnt blocking or what but try it out.

You mean command throw? or do you mean j.lp + commando?

I have tried j.lp, command throw for gb too. It worked a couple times, but i dont know if itactually gb them.

Nice avatar.

WHoops yeah i ment command throw LOL @ commando throw man i was so high xD. And thx i made it myself.

Well its not the best footage of me playing but heres a vid of me using ssc. Tell me what u think.[media=youtube]vQM26Ua3ufs[/media] Ima put some more later tho.

there was no use of colosuss on point…

What are you talking about? Colossus on point is a viable tactic depending on the team you are up against.

Colossus instant over-head.

Im trying to get a video this, but so far I havent had any luck.

Anyway, when you land from colossus air throw (the pile-driver) mash on FP and you will get a very, very low j.fp animation. About the same height as his c.fp. The same thing works with FK, you get a low j.fk animation.

[Corner] launch, sj.lp, lk, lp, FP throw, land, mash on FP/instant overhead, land > whatever
[Midscreen] launch, sj.lp, lk, lp, FP throw, land, opponent rolls, mash on FK/Instant overhead will crossup, land > whatever.

The overhead comes out as the opponent is getting up. It actually hits meaty, so it might hit low if they’re standing. Unfortunately, I was only able to test it on a crouching AI.

I can only get it to come out maybe once out of 20 tries, but this isnt a lose situation. It either comes out or it doesnt.

Wow nice discovery phil. I never saw this, I will at least try it now.


Tyler and I were testing it. It comes out more if you hold down and mash on fp. I’ll try and figure out the timing.

This shit is fucking weird looking. LOL.

Is this a glitch or something like that? It just looks so wrong. Makes me wonder what other random weird properties other moves/throws have.

Activate Hulk up mode

anytime somone drops a helper

dash in s.fk+ delayed tron call, sj d.fpXX down forward tackleXXsuper

i know alot of people will reposition out of it with square jumps ect, but it’s pretty funny

for ez mode dmg, c.fk+tronXXtackleXXhulk up

That’s a funny combo. Doesn’t seem practical in a real match though.

I do use c.hk+ assist, tackle, hyper armor mode. It is safe against a lot of characters, but not all. This works with a lot of assists. This reminds me of a LOL combo I did one time.

c.hk + IM AAA, tackle, hyper armor. (repulsor blast hits them off the ground then hits a couple more times). Then you can otg c.lk, s.hk, sj.lp, sj.lk, sj.mp, tackle, super, dhc.

When I did that I did not have a good DHC, and I did not test it since. I think that can be a 100% though with a good multi-hit super. (hail? maybe tronne rush super?)

off the top of my head, the tron rush super wont hit…but i could be wrong. DF hail would be the ideal DHC.

This is madness. I will have to test this out for myself. Good shit man.

i even prefer j. rh, c. rh + tron, tackle, provided you’re in the air already.

col+tron causes stalemate or a better for free against MSP provided Mag doesn’t touch you from the start. If you get powerup, mag/storm have to run away from you the whole entire time.

and yes, people have actually done that to me at cf.

I play rogue and as far as i know it is not possible to launch rogue when she has colossus’ super armor (it last three times as long too but colossus players are few and far in between.)

that’s cool. I had no idea she could get colossus level super armor my kissing iron-mode colossus (or presumably iron gief). I guess her kiss is considered a throw as opposed to a hit? that’s pretty hot actually.