Guys i found these a bit interesting.It’s the cpu pattern that you can possible fight in order.I found it in a great Faq done by Chris Mcdonald, from 210KB.
Here’s what he wrote:
dr. whO? also sent me a list of fight patterns when you're playing
against the CPU. Keep in mind that these are for stages 1-3 and 5-6
(since your fourth stage opponent is predetermined, as described above).
Pattern 1.Pattern 2.Pattern 3.Pattern 4
Pattern 5 Pattern 6 Pattern 7 Pattern 8
Tabasa Chun-Li Mr. Karate Choi
Sagat Kasumi Hugo Mai
Mr. Karate Hugo Shiki Balrog
Chun-Li Mr. Karate Dhalsim Genjuro
Ryo Guile Terry Gouki
Pattern 9 Pattern 10 Pattern 11 Pattern 12
Kasumi Earthquake Dhalsim Iori
Chun-Li Balrog Hugo Guile
Shiki Gouki Kyo Vega
Tabasa Ken Bison Kim
Mai Ryu Iori Ken
Pattern 13 Pattern 14 Pattern 15 Pattern 16
Ryu Terry Kyo Bison
Bison Choi Ken Balrog
Kim Earthquake Ryo Sagat
Sagat Genjuro Ryu Vega
Ryo Guile Terry Gouki
He also notes, "The last (6) have 8 chars from SNK and 8 from Capcom,
so you have a 50% chance to fight ROTB Iori and Honki ni Natta Mr.
Karate and a 50% chance to fight Violent Ken and Shin Gouki."
also,there's a simple guide for zero that he made.He wrote bout all the charecters,but i find this the most interesteing(am not a zero player at all,so i liked it)
ZERO (aka "Rockman Zero" or "Megaman Zero")
Press AB when near Upper
Press CD when near Tensou Buster Shot
d + B in air Jump Kahou Zuki
b + B Jouhou Zuki
f + B,B,B 3-Dan Zuki
df + B Naname Shitazuki
df + D * Sliding
ub into a wall, press uf Sankaku Tobi
qcf + A (air) * Buster Shot
qcf + C (air; can hold) Charge Shot
hcf + B (air) * Zed Saber
hcf + D (air; can hold) Charge Zed Saber
qcb + P (x3) * Triple Saber
qcb + K Shield Boomerang
f,d,df + B (air) * Triple Rod
f,d,df + D (air) Charge Triple Rod
f,hcf + P Irregular Hunt
Charge b,f + P / K Cyber Elf (Support)
Charge d,u + P / K Cyber Elf (Bakudan Setchi)
qcf,qcf + P (can hold) S^ Spiral Shot
qcb,hcf + B S^ Ultimate Saber (Dash)
qcb,hcf + D S^ Ultimate Saber (Sliding)
A,A,d,B,D X^ Cyber Elf Force
cancel chart A B C D
standing near Cr c C C
standing far cr c - -
crouching cr cr c -
jumping up - - - -
jumping diag. - - - -
guard cancel Far standing D
super cancel Zed Saber, Charge Zed Saber
anywhere cancel from Jouhou Zuki, Shitazuki, Sliding, Triple Saber,
Zed Saber, Charge Zed Saber (but only into
- After hitting with the Jump Kahou Zuki, Zero will leap away. You
can make an attack while still in air, although if you leap over
your opponent, you must enter the command backwards, since you're
technically on the other side of the screen.
- The Jouhou Zuki is an anti-air attack
- The 1st input of the 3-Dan Zuki is cancelable.
- The Naname Shitazuki is a low attack that can hit an opponent who is
lying on the floor.
- The Sliding is a low attack, that can be used to pass under mid-level
- You will notice that if you input the "Charge" version of a move, Zero
does not actually perform that attack. Instead, a green aura will
surround him for as long as the button is held. If you hold the
button until the aura changes to amber, then you can perform the
"Charge" version of that move by releasing the button. Otherwise,
nothing will happen when you release the button.
- Also, continuing to charge a move once your aura has changed colors
will not make it any stronger. If you are hit while charging, the
charge will end.
- While charging a move, you can only use command attacks and not
special moves, super moves, or Exceeds.
- The Buster Shot does no damage if blocked.
- The Charge Shot is a knockdown attack that will go through other
normal projectiles and even super projectiles.
- The Zed Saber and Charge Zed Saber have autoguard, but only for the
very brief moment when Zero is raising his arms before he starts
to slash downward. This even applies to the mid-air versions.
- The mid-air Zed Saber is a knockdown attack.
- The Charge Zed Saber itself does not actually strike your opponent.
Instead, the wave that comes out once the sword has been swung is
what hits. This wave is a knockdown attack, and it can negate
normal and super projectiles.
- What's more, you can cancel the Charge Zed Saber into another
special move, once it hits (including the Zed Saber or Charge Zed
- You can juggle an opponent with the mid-air (D) Charge Zed Saber,
but only into the Spiral Shot or Ultimate Saber (Dash).
- In the corner, you can follow it with pretty much anything, except
for Zero's Exceed.
- The Shield Boomerang can hit an enemy, but they have to practically
walk into it in order for it to hit. It's best used for negating
normal and super projectiles.
- When the Irregular Hunt is used, Zero fires three shots into the air.
These shots cannot hit an opponent, but they will cause an enemy
from Rockman Zero to fall from the top of the screen after a moment.
One of the ten types of enemy can electrocute your opponent (and
another drills into them), but they all do the same amount of damage
and stun your opponent for the same length of time, leaving them open
to attack.
- Using the Cyber Elf (Support) move summons a Cyber Elf to help you
A - Restores a small amount of missing life.
B - Vacuums up the projectile, netting you an extra level of
gauge power. Works on multi-hit projectiles, though the
remaining hits may still hit you.
C - Fires arrows at your opponent from time to time.
D - If it bumps into your opponent (and it is blockable, it
should be noted), your foe turns into a cyber elf for a
limited period of time, and can do nothing but walk,
crouch, or jump.
- You can summon each elf three times per battle (not per round). Note
that summoning the (B) elf while the (C) one is active will make the
other one disappear, and vice versa. If Zero is hit, any onscreen
elf will vanish (excluding the (D) version).
- When you use the Bakudan Setchi, a blowfish appears in front of Zero.
The button used determines the blowfish's location; (A) is slightly
above Zero's head, while (D) is closer to the life gauges. The
blowfish acts as a mine that remains active until your opponent
touches it (although you can block a mine blast), or until enough
time has elapsed. Mines can also absorb normal and super projectiles.
- You can only have one mine on screen at once. Furthermore, you only
get to create three mines per battle (not per round). If Zero is
damaged while a mine is on-screen, it will vanish.
- Also, if you create a mine while the (B) or (C) cyber elf is on
screen, they will vanish, and vice versa.
- Even if not charged, the Spiral Shot has the ability to pass through
other attacks that most attacks couldn't, such as Dhalsim's Yoga
Inferno. Charging it will increase the damage slightly, however.
- The Sliding version of the Ultimate Saber not only has a longer
horizontal reach, but it can be used to go under attacks.
- If you use the Buster Shot, then the Ultimate Sabre, the shot will
disappear in mid-air.
- When you use the Cyber Elf Force, a single cyber elf walks across
the screen. Not only is the elf unblockable, but if it touches
your opponent, you become completely invincible. So, if someone
throws a fireball at you but gets hit by the cyber elf first, their
projectile will pass through you.
- If the Cyber Elf Force successfully connects, Zero will gain back
a sizable amount of life, and he will glow pink for a while. While
glowing, his overall speed increases, his attack power goes up, and
he takes slightly less damage from attacks. What's more, the game
timer also goes down slower than usual (useful if you're about to
lose by Time Out).
- Zero comes from a GameBoy Advance series based on the popular
Megaman / Rockman games.
- An interesting side note: whenever Zero fights a boss character,
a warning message flashes on the screen.