SVC Choas Faq

Kaneda? Are you planning to buy this on X-box too.

I hope to fight lots of people.

I’m glad the Zero infinit is gone and Geese’s is harder to do. But how do you know since its not out on X-box yet?

And are they still considered in the god tier without them?

ok whats the tiering on PS2 with Athena & Red?? and will they add new stuff to the xbox ver?

Hey Saotome Kaneda.Thanks for yar tier explination,and i think i am really convinsed.
Bout guile,seroiusly i think if he’s on the low tier then he’s gonna be the first of all of the other low tier charecters.
well,i beated lot of tessa players normally with guile Game style but that’s not a deal at all and i also find that chun-li can easly beat her…
As for Guile,he could easly force opponent to guard or force him to ease and retreat.
Sonic charge speed is quite faster,and so you can connect lot of sonic boom’s together(simple example quick sonic boom into slow sonic boom into another quick…etc),also his air game with sonic boom could stop opponent from harising (a simple anti-Air) >> example,Sonic into Jump deep combo or either normal jump kick to stop opponent into air,or force him to either guard and stager

His Attack farly in big deal, b+D_f+D are one of his most used hits and specially b+D.You can charge a sonic bom from it,if faraway from opponent then you can escape sweep and fireballs(as quick guard),Poke or either safe retreat.
b+B or f+B are totally safe recovery,either if it been guarded or hit,you can also use it for mind game for sonic boom.
His f/d+B is way in good long range, f+C could be used for stagering and forcing opponent to guard.
Jump deep B into Pokes or retreat moves or either offensive are in great deal of use, J.B into poke to sonic boom or retreat hit’s are great,you can easly force opponent to guard with your safe retreat or offense move(like another sonic boom charge into pokes).
Flash kick samersualt with B is at good recovery and better usage than D.samersault.
His **,f,b,f+SK is a good recovered super,you can even quick do another one after the first end and you’ll still be safe.

I know he’s aint top teir but cannot be compared as to other’s >> Like Terry,Takuma,dahalsim,Shiki,kim…etc

anyways,let us leave this topic right now…what bout the quickest Dragon punch in the game??
i find that Dimitri’s,Ryo and Violent Ken are one of the fastest in the game, while sagat is the worst! and also takuma’s dragon punch is a bit slow.(f,d,f/d+A >> that what i meant by Dragon punch)

thanks dude…c ya

Ok everyone,i did a chart bout the most damaging exceed in the game.
I tried it one several time specially on arcade and with my friends, and with different kinda stamina too
Am sure of my chart cause am also not the only one who tried it,here it is.

-Most Powerfull Exceed Ratio:

This Exceed ratio are done and tested or Ryu's Stamina Only.Stamina from charecter to charecter will differ makin some exceed damage either less or more damaging but with the same Ratio as if it done on Ryu(Aspect ratio rules).
Here's the order chart for the most powerfull exceed in the Game.

01-M.Bison(knwon in japanese version AKA Vega) - Kasumi - Hugo - Geonitz

02-Terry - Akuma

03-Takuma - Kim - Earthquake - Dan

04-Guile - Ryu - Sagat - Balrog(Knwon in japanese version AKA M.bison)

05-Athena - Geese - Red Araemer

06-May - Ken - Chun-li - Tessa - Dimitri - Violent Ken - Shin Mr.Karate - Marspeople*

07-Devil.Iori - Shin Akuma

08-Kyo - Vega - Genjuro


10-Dahalsim - Marspeople*



Note *:Marspeople Exceed,If it done from far distance from suacer explode then it'll cost more and so it'll take the 06 tier.If it done in close,then it'll take the 10 tier with Dahalsim

thanks for reading....

Don’t know outside of online RANKING(IIRC there’s no p2p).

With final bosses, the tiering goes as such:

Shin Gouki(Super fireball takes 20 frames to go across the screen, so if you stick ANYTHING out from full screen, you lose. Add the fact that only one super actually uses meter, and that one grabs you out of wakeup…)

Athena/ZERO/Red(no meter supers and stupid invul on her moves, plus s.D is goofy AA for her, and Red just puts random shit on the screen, and has unblockables on top of that, Zero is still Zero, though)

Honki Karate(Uppercuts are much better, Haoh Shi Kou Ken spam is much better, 2002 Ko’oh Ken can be tricky, but primarily uppercuts)
R. Iori


Rest of Bosses

Rest of cast

Dude rest of the bosses like Shin takuma,M.bison,Sagat,Vega,Balrog…these?
M.bison is too dam weak,Vega too…hmmmm,am i right?
Sagat Damage is really incridable and mainly all his moves are quite effective.
Balrog,is he weak?? cause i think it’s ok…

also,what ya think bout the best dragon punch in the game?

Shin Takuma = Shin Karate = Honki Karate

The 4 Grandmasters are not considered bosses in this game. And they’re ALL low tier. Sagat can’t stop people from jumping on him.

Two-way tie for best DP, Honki Karate’s normal and “DM” Uppercuts, and Shin Gouki’s.

Hey everyone.I’ve finished hella most of the faq, it’s like 90% completed
I would really like you to see these combos as a teaser for the Faq

It’s bout Shin-Akuma.First here’s the guide


f Forward direction (Move forward)
u Up direction (Jump)
b Back direction (Move backward)
d Down direction (Crouch)
f/u Foward+Up direction (Front jump)
b/u Back+Up direction (Backward jump)
b/d Down+Back direction (Crouching,could charge b/d)
f/d Down+Forward direction (Crouching,Could charge f/d)

f,f Dashing
b,b Back dash or retreat
d,u Super jump
d,u/f Super front jump
d,u/b Super backward jump

360 Motion pad from u to clockwise or anti clockwise motion tell it reach u agian
f270 Motion from f clockwise tell you reach u
b270 Motion from b Anti clockwise tell you reach u

WP Weak Punch "A"
WK Weak Kick "B"
SP Strong Punch "C"
SK Strong Kick “D”

SP+sK Right throw, throws opponent to the other side (C+D)
WP+WK Left throw, forward throw (A+B)

-Power Bar diffinations: (proportioned to both the red and yellow life bar together)
1/4 Means 1/2 of the first yellow bar
1/2 Means the whole first yellow bar itself
3/4 Means 1/2 of the second red life bar
Full Means the whole first and the second bar themselves.

-Conuter:While guarding, SP+SK.Doesnt deal any damage.Takes a bit from super Bar.

-Guard forward step: While Guarding, quickly press either f,f or f Plus any button.Must be done quickly.

-Guard Back Step: While Guarding, Quickly press either b,b or b plus any button.Must be done quickly

-Guard crush: Happens when you guard alot untill your guard meter finishes up.Guard crush effect is stun to opponent,giving you properties of free hits.

-AA: Anti Air combo or charecters strategies and tactics.

-Sweep Distance: the excution of the juggle range must be takin in such a place as follows, the furthist possible range that a sweep move can sweep opponent is called Sweep range.

-Half Screen: Juggle Must be excuted starting from Half of the screen.

-Special Maximum Cancel: Mainly maximum cancel is like cancel a Special move or special hit or super moves into one to another.Some charecter’s like Sagat,Dimitri,Akuma,or Chun-li are like able to special cancel(mainly most of the charecters can special max.cancel),Example: Sagat, f,d,f/d+SP for tiger uppercut,if you did SP or WP just quickly as soon as you excute Tiger uppercut(maximum bar for maxim cancel),he will cancel the uppercut into a tiger fireball(qcf+Punches or Kicks).These kind of stuff are special maximum cancel’s,mainly most of them are aint usefull that much like dimitri’s f,d,f/d+SP into SP.(any charecter that can cancel an uppercut into fireball are mainly useless maximum cancel cause they can never connect).Note:Mainly any charecter with charging move cannot special maximum cancel.
Here are some simple examples of maximum special cancels:

-Dimitri: f,d,f/d+SP >> SP(For fireball)
-Sagat: f,d,f/d+SP >> SP(For fireball)
-Chun-li: Qcf+WP >> qcf+SP(For super)
-Genjuru: qcf+SP >> SP(For uppercut) or vise versa

-Traps: What are traps?? Traps are a non combo strategy but more to Tactic.It is were you get opponent to trick them in order to fall into other hit’s connection(it maybe either followed by combo’s,super,Special move, Throw…etc)
Example of some traps: Akuma and Shin Akuma Death could be used as trap,simply jump in deep to opponent with SK and then normally excute Death super(WP,WP,f,WK,SP).This will not be counted as a combo,but totally guarenteed and non escapable.
Look at the strategies for Shin-Akuma and Dimitri,these charecters hold lot of traps.

-Arieal Rave: A series of combo while you and opponent are in air and you are preforming a combo,a charecter who can arial rave: Like Kim kaphuan.

-Combos or juggle: A series of hits that can guarenteedly hit opponent while he can never escape.

-Super moves: A special move which accumelate super bar, in order to preform a super move
Exceed: A superable Move, which it’s likely near to super.Great deal of damage will be dealt if it hits, and also only preformed one time in the whole battle and must be on the red HP bar.

-Normal Combo:Combo’s that doesnt need the help of the Maximum bar,so that means no maximum cancel will be used in any of the followed juggles that will be mentoined.

-Maximum Combo:Combo’s that does need the help of the maximum bar,so that means maximum bar will be use in any of the followed juggles that will be mentoined.

-EX Combo:Combo that involve excuting of an Exceed.

-Finisher: Finisher is the final finisher that end’s the juggle,where you cannot juggle after the final finisher(Could be either a move,Special hit,A normal hit,Super or exceed).

-Tactics and Strategies:These are small info bout some usefull tactics and strategies that you may use in the game.

-Tips:Small Notes and tips just to help in any prevoius mentioned combos or tactics for the mentoined charecter,or it maybe some small info bout the charecter that may come in handy within the game.

-Combo Analyser:A simple combo analyser for some Hard combos or important combos.It will just bhelp in uderstanding the way for preforming the combo.

-NEW*: Means that this is a combo newly edited and listed with the new Faq version

>> Maximum Cancel move (Only when mximum bar is on)
>S> Special Maximum Cancel (Only When Maximum bar is on)
[] Charge
"" Take A note

  • Refer To

() Simple explination
{} Not guarentee to hit, or use for purpose of non guarentee move
_ You could also use(Meant Or)
– Connected move togeth

Here are Shin-Akuma’s Combos:

@Maximum Combos:
01|-When in close, f+SP, f,d,f/d+SP >> hcb+SP >> hcb+SP(for super cancel) >> qcfx2+SP

02|-In corner,When in close,f+SP, f,d,f/d+SP(1 hit only) >> hcbx2+SP , f,d,f/d+SP(1 hit only) >> qcfx2+SP

03|-In corner,On Earthquake or Hugo only,From sweep distance,When in close,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly f/d+WK_b/d+WK,  d+WP,d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, hcbx2+SP(For super)(do not do it very quickly or else it will not connect after landing qcb+WK), f,d,f/d+SP

04|-On Earthquake or Hugo Only,In corner,From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly  f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d+WP,d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, f,d,f/d+SP(1 hit only) >> qcfx2+SP

05|-From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly , f/d+WK_b/d+WK , SP, f,d,f/d+SP >> qcfx2+SP

@Normal combos:
06|-*In corner,from sweep distance, u then qcf+SP, quickly jump and then qcf+SP.......Infinity

07|-Jump in deep with SK,then excute Death super(WP,WP,f,WK,SP) (Trap)

08|-In croner,From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, f,d,f/d+SP or qcfx2+SP(For super) or hcbx2+SP(for super)

09|-From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly  f/d+Wk_d/b+WK, sp, qcfx2+SP(for super) or hcbx2+SP(for super) or f,d,f/d+SP

10|-On Earthquake or Hugo Only,From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly  f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d+WP,d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcf+SP

11|-In corner,From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly  f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, hcbx2+SP(for super), f,d,f/d+SP

12|-Anywhere, From sweep distance,Super Jump Toward opponent and quickly  f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK, Wp,WP,f,WK,SP(for exceed

-SHin Akuma's Exceed is totally not escapable,the only way to escape it is by Teleportation or evade.You can use it after Sweeping opponent to the ground,but it must be correctly timed in where it must be done while opponent getting up from the ground(in order to guarenteedly connect the exceed).This tactic is usefull specially in corner,in where non evader or teleporter charecter can evade it,you could also use this tactic after Shin akuma's Infinity
Here are the charecter's the could escape Shin-Akuma's exceed:

    01-Dahalsim:     f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    02-Dimitri:      b,f+SP,WK or f,b+SP+WK
    03-M.Bison:      f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    04-Shin-Akuma:   f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    05-Akuma:        f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    06-Shiki:        d,d+SK_WK  or d,d+SP_WP
    07-Earthquake:   hcb+WK(Must be done as late as possible) or hcb+SK
    08-Vega:         SP+WP Only (Due to the long evade)
    09-Goenitz:      qcb+SK or WK
    10-Mars People:  hcb+SK or WK

-Exceed is homing specially when it's done in corner, the only way that you could get pass through it is by teleportation(any charecter that can teleport, like Dhalasim,Shiki,M.Bison,Akuma,Shin Akuma And voilent ken)

-Shin Akuma's super are infinit! except for the death

-Shin Akuma's Death is faster and longer in distance but weak in damage(As comparing to Akuma)

-*Shin-Akuma's infinity Must be done quickly and with short jump, and dont Jump forward or backward by mistake or else the infinity will be cancled.
-Any Combo that Involve Air hadouken then this combo could be used as a semi infinity to life combo juggle, Example;From sweep distance, jump qcf+SP, quickly jump agian into a quick qcf+SP excution....etc, until you reach 22 Hits, Super jump toward opponent and quickly f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, f,d,f/d+SP >> qcfx2+SP(for a maximum combo), or end it with qcfx2+SP for non maximum combo.

thanks for reading

Thats odd his DP basically has the priority that it has in CvS2, its even traded off with some exeeds which is not a good thing damage wise but it shows how good its priority is. And I’ve even used his fierce punch as they are about to jump. As well as his fierce kick is pretty good too. The only move that I don’t usually use is his tiger knee.

A lot of good info Beholder.

hey dude.Thanks as for the start :slight_smile:
Bout sagat; He’s not that good ya know and also not that bad
for his DP, it’s too slow to excute it as compared to other move of DP’s example >> when sagat falls to the ground and opponent aprroaches, he cant quick tiger uppercut unle opponents juper while sagat standing or moving silly toward ya

His DP in air, he becomme invincible when it comes to the end in the air, but some jumping move could stop her excution as it starts…like simply deep Jump D, will stop DP if it done at the right time due to sagats DP slow Frames and excution(not like in CVS.S2).

D, in anti jump due to her so long range, so yes it’s beter than DP due to its quickness and less frames

hmmmm, am i right??

Tessa is above all characters with the exception of Zero. Tessa CAN give Geese a run for his money. And don’t get me started on her VOD(verge of death) combo. I have to go now but, I’ll post it as soon as I return.

Guys do anyone know Hugo’s,Genjuro’s,Kyo’s,Geese’s and Shiki’s Maximum Infinity combos??
specially Hugo’s infinities?

Also, In a Faq guide, are any rules that i must Mention in order not to let anyone use my Faq and abuse it ?(like takin combos, parts and stuff from my faq and cliaming that he’s the one who did it?)


Guys can anyone help me with tabasa??
i tried to play with her, but i think she’s kinda da hard a bit i :lame: .
Anyways, can anyone tell me bout her tactics and stuff? specially unlockable.
Am not a tabasa player at al, i just dont like her but i wanna know how to play with her…kinda like boered from the other charecters, see ya…and thanks

Ummm…no help??

OK, anyways here’s the Upgraded stuff for Shin-Akuma

@Maximum Combos:

01|-When in close, f+SP, f,d,f/d+SP >> hcb+SP >> hcb+SP(for super cancel) >> qcfx2+SP

02|-In corner,When in close,f+SP, f,d,f/d+SP(1 hit only) >> hcbx2+SP , f,d,f/d+SP(1 hit only) >> qcfx2+SP

03|-In corner,On Earthquake or Hugo only,From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and  f/d+WK_b/d+WK,  d+WP,d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, hcbx2+SP(For super)(do not do it very quickly or else it will not connect after landing qcb+WK), f,d,f/d+SP

04|-On Earthquake or Hugo Only,In corner,From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d+WP,d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, f,d,f/d+SP(1 hit only) >> qcfx2+SP

05|-From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and f/d+WK_b/d+WK , SP, f,d,f/d+SP >> qcfx2+SP

@Normal combos:
06|-*In corner,from sweep distance, u then qcf+SP, quickly jump and then qcf+SP.......Infinity

07|-Jump in deep with SK,then excute Death super(WP,WP,f,WK,SP) (Trap)

08|-In croner,From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, f,d,f/d+SP or qcfx2+SP(For super) or hcbx2+SP(for super)

09|-From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and f/d+Wk_d/b+WK, sp, qcfx2+SP(for super) or hcbx2+SP(for super) or f,d,f/d+SP

10|-On Earthquake or Hugo Only,From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d+WP,d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcf+SP

11|-In corner,From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, hcbx2+SP(for super), f,d,f/d+SP

12|-Anywhere, From sweep distance,Jump then qcf+SP,Quickly Super Jump Toward opponent and  f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK, Wp,WP,f,WK,SP(for exceed

-SHin Akuma's Exceed is totally not escapable,the only way to escape it is by Teleportation or evade.You can use it after Sweeping opponent to the ground,but it must be correctly timed in where it must be done while opponent getting up from the ground(in order to guarenteedly connect the exceed).This tactic is usefull specially in corner,in where non evader or teleporter charecter can evade it,you could also use this tactic after Shin akuma's Infinity
Here are the charecter's the could escape Shin-Akuma's exceed:

    01-Dahalsim:     f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    02-Dimitri:      b,f+SP,WK or f,b+SP+WK
    03-M.Bison:      f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    04-Shin-Akuma:   f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    05-Akuma:        f,d,f/d+SP+WP_WK+SK or b,d,b/d+WP+SP_WK+SK
    06-Shiki:        d,d+SK_WK  or d,d+SP_WP
    07-Earthquake:   hcb+WK(Must be done as late as possible) or hcb+SK
    08-Vega:         SP+WP Only (Due to the long evade)
    09-Goenitz:      qcb+SK or WK
    10-Mars People:  hcb+SK or WK

-Exceed is homing specially when it's done in corner, the only way that you could get pass through it is by teleportation(any charecter that can teleport, like Dhalasim,Shiki,M.Bison,Akuma,Shin Akuma And voilent ken)

-Shin Akuma's super are infinit! except for the death

-Shin Akuma's Death is faster and longer in distance but weak in damage(As comparing to Akuma)

-*Shin-Akuma's infinity Must be done quickly and with short jump, and dont Jump forward or backward by mistake or else the infinity will be cancled.
-Any Combo that Involve Air hadouken then this combo could be used as a semi infinity to life combo juggle, Example;From sweep distance, jump qcf+SP, quickly jump agian into a quick qcf+SP excution....etc, until you reach 22 Hits, Super jump toward opponent and quickly f/d+WK_d/b+WK, d/b+WK,d/b+SK, qcb+WK, f,d,f/d+SP >> qcfx2+SP(for a maximum combo), or end it with qcfx2+SP for non maximum combo.

Can anyone help me out with Tabbasa please??

Hey everyone.
I’ve finally did the faq :D…it may need a little bit stuff but i was just bored doin them.
So, if any one wanna download the Faq then here’s the link

If ya need any combo explinations or anything then ask and i’ll answer all of you questions for sure.

Thanks :china:
enjoy the site and the Faq.
Thanks to everyone in here and who viewed my Thread.

I can help you ALOT with her so much that you’ll be defeating expert Geese players. She has good priority, the BEST keep-away character in the game, and her unblockable ghost glitch, which puts her WAY over the top. Now, let’s get started:

Strategy & Tactics - Whenever someone tries to cross Tessa up with a jump-in 2 in 1 combo, just simply dash forward and hit standing-RH or dash back toward your opponent as they land and do her command grab followed up by the unblockable ghost glitch, which I’ll explain in a minute. Here’s another: Whenever your opponent tries to jump in on you and not trying to cross-up then, it’s free df+RH and follow up with time bomb super(hcb,hcb+LK or RH) central or just simply hit forward+FP(upward diagnal ice pillar). If someone is trying to jump at you from full screen or even mid screen then, just jump away and while still in the air release her dove(d+RH). Also, she has an up close standing FP(dragon), which is an overhead attack. Catch someone that’s crouching and it’s big damage time. Do her up close standing FP then, cancel into command grab then, do her ghost glitch or cancel into df+RH and follow up with her time-bomb super.

Combos - I’m only gonna post her most damaging combo, the VOD(verge of death) combo: Jump in deep with RH then, standing RH, cancel into command grab, do her unblockable ghost glitch, and as soon as the ghost hits then, do standing FP or standing RH and cancel into her Exceed(hcb,hcb+LP+FP), and as soon as she’s done posing from her Exceed and while your opponent is still in the air then, immediately do her time bomb super. This combo is FEARED by all 'cause it can happen so quick that your opponent wouldn’t even know what to do and is speechless about the VOD damage.

Now, how the ghost glitch works? Do her command grab and as soon as she’s done posing then, do her Ghost(f,qcf+LK or HK). Now, while the ghost is almost to your opponent, jump in the air and throw out her dove above the Ghost’s head. If you’ve done it right then, your opponent can’t block it. Once the ghost hits then, you can do whatever you want.

I’ll post more if you or anyone else have any questions about Tessa and her matches.

Looks good, but SPELL CHECK. Not a diss, but unless I skim over most paragraphs, it stabs me in the eye every time I see a misspelled word. Good stuff man. Refine it some more and post that up on FAQ sites.

haha, thanks dude…:smiley:
non of these that i actually know! so i really enjoy them a lot :smiley:

thanks agian…:china:
If ya have anything else then please post, i’d be really honoured…see ya soon dude

lol, hey dude…
well, am so so sorry for that, i’ll sure re check the spelling…I was goin to release Version 3 so i’ll update it to version.4 with corrections.

and thanks :smiley:
see ya soon dude

so guys…Anyone else seen my Faq :smiley: ?
I’ll upgrade it soon enough,there will be more combos and little bugs.

Hey satome kaneda, how can i upload my faq through other sites?

Omnipoint Deity, dude your stuff works as a charm ^_^…do ya have any more stuff?