Honestly no. Competition is a lot weaker on supercade. Besides Damdai and Marsgattai and Roybisel…it’s pretty much non-existent and even then those guys are hard to catch online. GGPO is still booming with great competition from Japan and the USA.

Sadly, as I thought, ggpo is under attack right now

Some koreans want to force their peers to play on their “supercade” instead of ggpo (like arclive for chinese), and they dos attack ggpo so people cannot play on there

Apparently it worked as a lot of us are now on supercade for the last few days for the same reason…

The sad thing about this is that they even created a program so script kiddies can download it and attack ggpo with a click of a button.

A short term solution is to ip block these bastards, but it’ll require manual labor.
Long term solution is to patch the udp flood loophole…

Too bad ggpo isn’t a top priority of ponder anymore

That sucks. We can’t let ggpo die. We need to vote with our wallet and incentivise the ggpo guy to fix this. Why should he do it for free anyway.

or at least place the programme in the hands of someone willing and able to maintain it.

Alternative programmes are a really bad idea at a time when the sf2 community is so fractured. Remix was the best hope of keeping sf2 alive but since that isn’t to be, We need to keep all the players in the same place.

Right now ggpo is known worldwide and with the right support can rise again. The fact people want to launch attacks on it shows it’s dominance.

Ggpo is still the original and the best when it works properly and I hope it continues to be the software of choice going foward.

If it isn’t going to be properly maintained then maybe it should be closed down and people signposted to supercade.

GGPO’s creator let it die, so why bother. I don’t understand that fanaticism some people have for GGPO. It could have been great if it continued to evolve but now it’s just a rusty old ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

The hacking of GGPO actually has a good side effect, in that it got more people to try supercade. And most of them are pleasantly surprised. In a few months of playing supercade I’ve had less technical problems than just one playing session on GGPO could bring.

And yes, we need a brazil auto ignore function. I ignore like 10 of them every time I log on, and they keep coming. I can’t play with them because of the lag and they keep flooding the channel, so they are nothing but a nuisance for me (and other non-brazilian people as it seems).

People still cling to GGPO because the netcode is still superior to supercade, which is still using kaillera (which is pretty shitty to begin with) and has a lot more input lag and seems to be unstable with stutters constantly. At least that’s how its been with mostly everyone I’ve played. People like DJfrijoles and Ultracombo, who I have no trouble playing on ggpo, both under 80MS to me, become stutter fests when I play them on supercade.

This must be especially true for the 3rd Strike crowd, where supercade has significantly more input delay than GGPO.

People need to stop talking like their experience is universal. Do you think all the people who say supercade is better are delusional? Something is affecting your experience that doesn’t affect others. Did you try disabling replays? That has been known to cause stutters on some peoples machines.

Ok, well I wasn’t being universal, I explicitly said myself and two others who experienced the same thing. And yes, I tried turning replays off because Yangze, who has a similar experience said it might help. It doesn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I like what you’ve done, I’m just saying as far as the netcode goes, it isn’t as good but I’m not complaining about a free service, I’m just being honest. I and several others still prefer ggpo’s shitty interface and match making because the actual online play is still better, despite all of it’s shitty drawbacks, which is exactly what he was asking.

Do I think all the people saying Supercade are delusional? No, of course not. Are you saying the people who say it isn’t better are delusional? Probably not…so not sure where you’re going with that. But you can’t be ignorant to the fact that supercade doesn’t seem to handle connections the same way and it has stuttering problems. Even when I was playing you, it would stutter, I never had stuttering when I played you those two times on GGPO.

Maybe the people who don’t have problems on Supercade, are closer to each other. Maybe they can’t even recognize lag to begin with. Who knows, all I can say is there are several people who share my exact experience. I’m not trying to downplay your work.

When I play people from other countries, both have issues. GGPO sometimes plays smoothly, sometimes does not. I guess it depends on the average latency, frequency and magnitude of lag spikes, machine capabilities (both players) and the smoothing parameter (which I set to 0). As for Supercade, I have just played someone from US, being from Brazil, and input dropping was noticeable. I could not check the exact latency, though: it is usually around 150-220 for the East Coast and 200-300 (i.e. unplayable) for West Coast and mid.

I believe it is hard to compare both without fixing those many variables.

If that’s from the KoF community, I will not be surprised.

I have a suggestion.
Instead of

; broadcast to your country => [country] blah blah blah
’ broadcast to current game => [ST] blah blah blah
broadcast to everyone => blah blah blah

can we change it to

; broadcast to your country => [country] blah blah blah
broadcast to current game => blah blah blah
’ broadcast to everyone => [all] blah blah blah


btw, damdai, dotnet 4 is not preinstalled in windows 7.
could you post a link to the download page on installation page?

a lot of people will give up when they see the error message “you need dotnet 4 …”

This may do a lot for feeling in a lobby, just like ggpo ; great idea.

SuperCade is superior to GGPO in so many ways I don’t have enough time or space to type all this shit out. To the untrained eye, it seems like SuperCade is worse than GGPO. But I firmly believe that’s only because these same folks got so used to playing on GGPO that playing on anything else feels different, foreign, or ‘worse’. I’ll repeat some of the same points that Damdai has already mentioned earlier in the thread as to why SuperCade is a better choice right now.

#1 Reason without a doubt is — Connectivity. I’ve played Professor Jones from France, Gibs from France, Prietest from Trinidad, Damdai from NY, Murderbydeath from Ohio, Marsgattai from PA, dbostick from CA, mikeidge from NJ, just to name a few players from all over the country/world. Now having said that, not one single time did I have to a) rechallenge, b)get a black screen of death, c) experience any other bad connection. GGPO is famous for its connectivity problems which still remain unexplained to this day. It’s extremely hard to run a tournament, or hell, even play a casual match on an emulator/client in which you have to worry about the problems mentioned above. It’s hard to care about playing after trying to challenge someone 45x in a row, relogging, quintuple challenge, leaving the lobby, and doing backflips just to get the connection to work.

#2 – Speed, frameskips and dropped inputs. Being a player that plays mainly on arcade…I speak for the players that need a platform in which they can play good competition in an emulation that is as close as possible to the arcade. It is MUCH easier playing on SuperCade and then translating what you’ve practiced on an arcade board than it is to do the same thing from GGPO to arcade board.

—The speed on SuperCade Turbo 2 is much closer to the actual arcade speed than Turbo 2 is on GGPO. Even Turbo 1 on GGPO is bad, and Turbo 3 is just pure insanity. Most old school players prefer to play on the fastest speed possible as this was the tournament and casual standard back in the day. However, if you try to match that on GGPO, the frameskip, dropped inputs and speed are so far off…that if you tried to immediately play on the arcade version it takes a much longer adjustment period than it should. The main objective when creating emulations is to EMULATE the arcade verson as closely as possible, and in ST’s case since it is still a tournament game, it needs to be as arcade perfect as possible. GGPO does not provide this experience for ST.

#3 Spectator join/leave lag – Even though I like being able to spectate a match while it’s actually happening and see the players talking shit in the lobby in between rounds (it simulates real life hype)…it does the game no favors when there’s constantly people joining and leaving causing pauses at critical times during a match.

I could go on and on but I think I’ve made my point. If folks want ST to live on, we need the best possible platform to play it on as online fighting games is giving players the best chance to play competition from all over the world at any given time. GGPO is not the best platform to be playing ST on at this moment. Give SuperCade a chance and play more than 2 matches and you will see the difference.

However, if you’re just the average, casual player…then GGPO is probably the best client for you to play on. You don’t need to worry about translating your skills to an arcade board. You’ll never have to adjust to the game speed change. I get that. But, ask around to those players who started playing ST on GGPO and then played for the first time on arcade board. Listen to their response. Every single person will say ‘It’s A LOT slower and smoother’ ‘A LOT more time to react to things’ ‘Can’t get away with the same stuff’ ‘Very enjoyable’. You will get a better, arcade-feeling experience playing on SuperCade.

its not recording matches

In order for replays to be recorded, player 1 must have the “record matches” option enabled.

do haz

wait must be the brre

There are a bunch of replays of you from today dj. Looks like it’s working.

Before i read past page one:

I just wanna say that having no spectators in Supercade is kind of an Elitist feature.

I remember when i first started ST, i hated how the people at the top seemed so standoffish.
I don’t like excluding people. I want to be friends with everyone.
…I want to be able to see anyone play.
All that other stuff is just to…secretive.
I understand the lag thing but damn. Its kinda not fair.

Besides, I get hype with the more specs i get.

GGPO has drama, drama creates hype matches, hype matches get spectators and get blown up even more becomes something really fun both players get excited when they go oh 20 players are interested in how well we are doing. something supercade just won’t ever have. Not including i just can’t play ST on supercade unless the player is close to me with record on or off. I do love it for HF however even with the lag cause i can play without desynchs and id rather play HF’ then super turbo atm anyways

Ive tried like hell to make supercade ST run great for me no avail. Supercade was working for me for HF for a while then suddenly just stopped recently i clicked the icon nothing comes up so i got to ‘‘install’’ again and nothing comes up.

I think no-one will argue that spectating is nice. The issue is the current GGPO implementation, which despite Ponder’s claims, can eventually cause lag, and indeed causes annoying locks when players join. Unfortunately, I could never replicate the lag problem, but every time it has happened, it seemed to be related to a single player. When such player stopped spectating, things got back to normal.

Right now, I feel some maturity problem with the current Supercade population. Ragequits and such were sort of rare on GGPO. But that not something the developer can fix. Or maybe he can (bots???).

main problems of ggpo:

  • server overload => cannot connect on 1st try (this is not a fault of ggpo as a free service, supercade needs to be tested with 500+ concurrent users)

  • outdated fba client works poorly on vista/windows 7 out of the box.

main problems of supercade:

  • lack of comp

  • no spectate

netcode/lag etc seems to vary from one person to another on both platforms.

all the other problems mentioned in this thread are minor issues.

BTW, I wonder why the chinese kof98 players don’t all migrate to arclive already? The server is local and it has chinese interface and all… if they all move then ggpo would not be over populated…

I was fairly certain the Chinese players weren’t actually playing KoF but rather exploiting the software to play other games not on the list.

Or has that been fixed ?