If you want only in for example… only be available in 3rd Strike chat Room… you have to make a folder where is only 3rd Strike and choose this folder voa preference in SUPERCADE.

So, now you receive only challenges from the SF3 competitors.

make a new folder (Supercade SSFT2) n put in there the zip files needed to run ST, I have in it 3 zip files, make it ur default folder, click scan n now u just must only appear in the ST room

u can put the rest of games in another folder (SupercadeLeftovers) n switch them when u want to play other games

Oh I thought you could just enable the games you want to be available for. Bah Ill just move the ST rom then.

no, its not, its a great option besides GGPO, but u know what is actually shit? to whine about this:

Lets FT10 if u dare evil face

Not sure where this article goes, but meh, whatever, time to necro this bitch.

Anybody have a subscription to Game Dev? Maybe Kuroppi? I’m curious as to what makes GGPO tick and why it’s considered to be one of the premiere netcodes for playing fighting games online.

are vs games on supercade? id play it if it had mvc1 (or 2…)

mvc2 is made in Sega NAOMI, which neither GGPO or SuperCade support, only mvc1 is available in both plataforms

probably for the best, imagine all the macro/programmable pad Fagnetos there would be…

anyone has recently used supercade? its been ages since the last time I used it, btw, ppl should ask to damdai to use MAME as the main emulator n not FBA

what’s the diff apart from the game list ?

I thought FBA had +1 frame input delay, is that why?

Only real differance between GGPO and Supercade is the netcode really, usually depends on who you ask which has it better. They use the same emulator, so there isn’t any gameplay differances, plus GGPO can run any game FBA supports but you just gotta cheat a little. Personally, Supercade is worse than GGPO, the netcode is a little finicky + there are not as much players as on GGPO. Definetly still worse than 2df was, why did you do it, Damdai?

It is the same code as 2df, just a different name

disabling sound gives u -2 franes of delay, it has to do with fba being unable to properly emulate Q sound

I played a couple games on Supercade recently. I’m getting much better reactions on it over GGPO, on GGPO it feels like people get to jump in on me for free, pretty frustrating.

BTW, Bastard, I know it was posted 7 months ago but for the record, I have asked Damdai about switching to MAME but he said that netcode isn’t officially supported so he’d have to choose a fork and doesn’t know which is best and then doesn’t know if Supercade could easily be built into it. If you could find a fork with networking support with good documentation that wasn’t forked a billion other times, he is willing to look into it.

There’s Mame Plus! Plus Kaillera, which is a fork of a fork (Mame Plus!). And then there’s Houba Plus! Plus Kaillera, which is a fork of that, but I believe it has better documentation. If I’m not mistaken, those are the most well known, closest forks and are both currently up-to-date with MAME.

How are those versions for input lag? Are they as good as shmupsmame? If only shmupsmame was netplay enabled.

There’s no added input lag for either of them. At least according to my test. They performed the same as MAME.

I posted this in the HDR forum but probably should have posted it here instead. Anyway, I just tried ShmupMAME ( and the difference coming from Final Burn Alpha used on GGPO is like night and day. There’s basically no input delay with ShmupMAME, compared to horrible input lag (which we’ve known about for years) with FBA. The thing with ShmupMAME is it’s been designed to remove as much input delay as possible, focusing especially on shmups, but they’ve also apparently made fixes to CPS2 drivers which allow games like ST to run very smoothly and feel extremely responsive.

I know moving to some version of MAME for GGPO is not happening ever, but it’s pretty disheartening when you switch between ShmupMAME and GGPO-FBA and feel the huge difference. I’m not sure if the latest versions of FBA have incorporated any input delay fixes for CPS2/ST, but I doubt it. We might be stuck using this outdated emulator forever.

Thanks for the info. I’ll try that right now

edit: Now I can definitely feel the difference. I ran Grand Master Challenge and just smooth gameplay.
Would you say its the closest thing to the actual arcade version?