GGs to philcito, Chweezy and PAPERCUT from yesterday and a couple of days ago. BTW anybody know how to pause during replays? Or rewind? You can fast forward with F1 F2 F3, but no idea how to pause/rewind.
Pause is the pause button on windows keyboard, near or same as scroll lock, i forget. Can’t rewind.
Any plans for displaying inputs? Input watcher does not work with the version that comes with Supercade.
Just to be sure, I wanted inputs for replays, only. I consider it cheating to just check on screen which buttons are being help by your opponent. At the very least, you had to use peripheral vision back in the day, or just stop checking the screen itself.
ggs blitz i always wanted a full session with you, with the proper pheriperal(stupid 360 controller), sorry for leaving like this the other day, my wife was not in the mood, can we play this saturday?.. i’m back to SC in order to play with people that usually can’t play on ggpo and brazilians(yes oldschool, we have to play soon).
you can add a wiki in the future, something like thus, every knowledge about supercade in general can be shared from user to users.
That’s a good idea actually.
I kind of wish SC was free select though, T2 is just too fast and some of the regulars prefer to play on that speed.
Sent from my Samasung Epic via Tapatalk
i have both starcade for 3rd strike cause ggpo doesn’t quite cut it on that. ggpo for most everything else though.
Love the new layout damdai. Feels more like an IRC client now. Also love the replay tab.
Am I the only one who can’t log in into SUPERARCADE “or” GGPO ?
This is so annoying… I absolutley don’t know why
check the FAQ’s for each program. They list common errors with using either program, and I would start there. Most likely the correct ports on your router aren’t opened up yet. If nothing works, check their forums, it’s a pretty high chance that someone else has the same problem as you.
That’s the point. I forewarded many ports of both programs for months. It seems like I’m absolutely not alone with the log in error. In both boards there a couple of people who never seen something else than the log in screen. But the developer don’t and I have no clue since I searched several months before for a solution
The only way for me is to play via MAME but there are just a few people who play 3S or something like that.
And often the PING is so different
Some ISPs around here block certain ports and just refuse to open them. It is stupid. When I traveled abroad to meet some relatives, their ISP not only blocked almost every port, but also blocked any MAC addresses that were not registered. In the end, some ISPs add so many “security measures” - such as firewalls you have no control of - which hinder your full internet access so that it may be troublesome to get some of those programs running.
Some routers and modems come with HW firewall, and you may have to read through their manuals in order to disable them.
Besides Brasil, who still plays Supercade? honestly its not that bad, but it gets a 7, Arclive is a 8, n GGPO is a solid 9
In theory offline is 10 but no one plays ST offline HA!
btw, anyone knows what emulator Arclive use? ST is very smooth in it
I have seen a few Europeans - usually French - and a couple of players from USA.
I find it nice that I do not need to have open ports for it, which allows me to play when behind a router. However, since no-one uses it, I am forced to wait till everyone turns off the machines so I can plug the modem directly in my computer.
but u must agree u cant compare the smooth of GGPO against it, cuz its ppl not know how to set up GGPO the main reason why they think supercade is better
The issue is the first thing I do is to actually “disable” GGPO by setting the smoothing parameter to 0 delay. Both seem to work the same way, with GGPO set that way. The only noticeable difference is that GGPO will make some noises when the connection or the like fails and you miss inputs. In Supercade, there is no telling your inputs are getting eaten.
Problem with GGPO is it uses Final Burn Alpha which has a input delay of 1 frame even offline. Supercade uses it was well…shame he didn’t use MAME, but MAME’s savestates are silly.
FINALLY Supercade (Only) works for me… I didn’t changed anything of port settings etc. I just has started to work.
Glad to get some competition.
How can I be in one room ONLY? I dont wanna be in every single room.
If you’re talking about chat rooms, on the left side, right click on the game you want like ST and choose “Join Chat”.
If you’re talking about all games being visible, right click on any game and choose “Hide Missing Games”.
Probably more related to you being available in every room you have a rom for.
I just got rid of all roms except ST since getting random challenges for breakers gets annoying after a while when you’ve only played it once on a whim.