So you don’t know then?

Even with delay set to 0 in ggpo I still feel there is delay, but its probably from the distances, I’m glad ggpo is perfect for you.

frijoles just told me about the new supercade…

very nice damdai, finally multiple rooms for chat and tabs for pm’s!

won’t have time to play until next week. i’ll try to experiment later, but for now, background is way too bright it’s hurting my eyes.

Reinstalled supercade yesterday, it’s a lot better now, less crashing and problems for me, and I like the bright background over the old one.

Agreed, and change the title of the thread to “GGPO over Supercade”


Or this:

<Wynn> you know thats not even my character plus your online as shit sharizord
<Wynn> european faggot of the year
<Wynn> see me offline
<Wynn> oh wait of course you wouldnt you would be too busy taking dick up the ass

Pest eller Kolera.

In fact, there are way more Brazilians playing ST in GGPO than Supercade. The ones that are Supercade-only refuse to challenge or accept a challenge from anyone who has an idea of how to play the game. It is a couple of players, or perhaps the same person with multiple accounts. I suppose now that the rooms have been created, they are at the KoF and Alpha ones, mostly.

fei long wins!

damdizzy Imhaving a great timerunning through the MetalSlug series with a buddy. So far we smashed on 1and 2. Gonna play Aliens vs Predator now ! Good shit on your efforts dammdizzlydiddlydipz

The first two Metal Slugs are great, and not very hard. The third one might be good, but it is way too hard for me, and I could beat the first one with one coin and the second one with two. It is really a token sink. Anyway, to play them with one or two players is quite different. with a partner, players gotta control their movement, weapons and vehicles, so it is important that both are not greedy. I’m OK playing the first two as 1P only, but there is much to learn if I want to complete both with one credit with another player.

I had to be good in Metal Slug 1 and X, as for years and years, that was the only descent game at the arcade saloon at the beach I would go to during summer. I played them daily.

you can one credit beast? I died 14 timeslol


I didnt really like AvP to much. Didn’tlike the way the weapons were used and lost. That was the first timeI everplayed that.

There’s another great beat’em all game on Supercade : “The punisher”. It is my all time favourite, as you can smash up the ennemies with pretty much everything you find on your way.

So when ya’ll playing? Redownloaded, down to ST mornings usually (Mon - Sun).

Unfortunately, most people are playing strictly on GGPO now. When I have a router plugged and can not play there, I have to ask friends to log on to Supercade to play (you can play with ports closed if the other player has open ones). The exception is when GGPO is acting up, but this seems less common now.

I noticed, :confused: . I just got GGPO to work, I see the alure of the comp but I still like Supercade better. Well anyways, if anyone is down to play on Supercade, I am down mornings :slight_smile:

Does anyone actually use Supercade at all anymore ?

Most i’ve ever seen on are 5 people in the room including japs and brazilians.

I use supercade, it is smoother for me than GGPO for me and there aren’t a ton of douchebags on there. Possibly it is smoother because it has lower requirements, I have a crap PC and my bandwidth is not the best.

I just don’t like how T2 is the default and supercade players prefer that.

To be the best, it is not enough to just wish to be the best. The ones at the top are there cos they have the talent and the dedication to reach and remain there.

And this is how I got to be the best in Supercade:

Uploaded with



i tried supercade again after several months away from it, looks freakin sweet now!.. and i have to add that st on supercade (single/mutlplayer) inputs and speed feels way better than ggpo, at least in my case.

Too bad ST room is almost empty most of the time. :frowning: i prefer supercade.