Supercade counts the score ?
GGPO is like a chat room with the option to play a game with someone. I prefer Supercade because it’s less about the social experience and more about getting a match going. I also can’t compete with some of the savants on GGPO so Supercade is more my speed.
No, but it can see the match results by polling the emu’s memory.
score counter would be nice like in a little pop up window on the side of the emu window. I also like rooms. Dont like mixing with the other game heads. 3s and ST heads don’t mix well.
You can chat to only the selected game room using ;
but nobody does that, that’s why the “default” behavior is important
Ya, I agree. Default should be to the game, should have an option for the lobby. Would cut down on all the foreign spam we see.
Global not being default is a problem for new users seeking help. Any suggestions?
Supercade just suddenly stopped working again.
People tend to not like change. I feel like chatting is a great experience with ggpo learning talking providing input theories and drama. The only real complaints is people aren’t really talking about anything important or anything to create drama it’s basically become one big lets all bash each other for no reason fest. I also notice the level of respect given to top players isn’t worth having people bashing top players such as you afro is pretty sad it’s a wonder none of these pro players get on anymore just not fun people randomly calling you things.
I suppose that’s what ignore is for but you would be ignoring 50% of the players in the room.
Some Suggestions: Ranks again. I have a huge gripe with ranks but i can’t doubt it was fun trying to get up there even though you had people abusing it like that one 18 guy he was a jap can’t remember his entire name but it was still a bit fun none the less.
A tournament lobby would be great for small net tournaments and each match is counted and host can only invite players in and host talks in red so everyone can see whats going on and maybe have it function with or something similar to that. Whatever works, Because if it could work with a system like that and make each individual match a player is scheduled for play one at a time automatically started and host it starts for so they can spectate and stream it would make streaming online tournaments more functional for streaming but i don’t have any clue if it is possible for you to do or if you have the time to implement something but a tournament lobby atleast would still be good.
EDIT: Seem’s like supercade is working again but i keep having to uninstalling and reinstalling .net4
Only solution I see so far would be : game chat by default as an option you can check (website profile or client ?). Then newcomers automatically would ask everyone “how do I xxxx”, whereas users that had chosen so would just chat to their roomates.
Quick fix. Let’s all head back to ggpo.
Lets all not and say we did.
nah… it’s time for a change, as i said before, supercade is an awesome platform, more robust and updated, damdai is doing a great job for us(even him) and the community itself, ggpo is an old man waiting for his final day.
Another thing, simplier than what I suggested before, would be an “HELP” button in the client leading to the FAQ.
So I think i have the perfect playing situation for GGPO
I have Windows7, Transparency turned off.
Average video card, and 4 GBs of RAM.
Connection rate is very high. I’d say about 95% for me.
Games are clear…speed is nice.
I dont see the problem people have with GGPO.
2 things annoy me with ggpo…
The morons that spam challenges, and the fact that ggpo has trouble connecting randomly. Netcode on ggpo is best.
You can also crash anyone you want to apparently by just spamming challenges w/ a macro (which can be done on ‘afk’ players as well). I’ve had it done to me before a couple times.
What kind of computer u got?
What are the specs?
All by it self after every round. Never disconected from the match though.
edit: oh yea I clicked 2 and all of them went away

Alright, so I saw arclive mentioned a few times in here, so I did a quick search • View topic - How to set up Arclive & Interface tutorial (NO PORT FWD REQ)
Seems most of those posts are months old…
Anyone use arclive recently? How’s their experience? I’m considering trying it out when I get home…