ArcLive is Shit.

i concur about arclive… less than 70 ping and it’s all over the place frame-wise. i’d cry tears of joy if i could get less than 70 ping on xbl.

Not only to mention that nobody plays ST on it and the few that do are all Chinese (230+ms). Arc Live is pretty useless.

My experience with supercade has been much better than GGPO. Losing specs is a bad and good thing.

@ damdai.

I am super rusty, haven’t played ST much since HDR/SSF4. I love ST and make no qualms about it. Anyway, I loaded supercade and logged on last night for the first time, A+ man. Thanks! It was easy I hoped right on.

@ Everybody Else.

(1) It is super nice to have support behind the software/architecture.
(2) It works. GGPO has very little or no support. Sometime you just can’t log in and have no idea what is up.
(3) If you need to watch matches, you do have the opportunity to watch the replays.

Anyway, I am sure someone will argue for GGPO. Either way it really doesn?t matter, I just think Damdai has done a great job with Supercade.


Does GGPO even work anymore??? I have tried to log on the last two days to compare to Supercade have have not been able to.

GGPO was under attack a month ago by the korean but ponder ip ban them so it’s back to normal and there are plenty of people playing.

Today is Thursday. Which is the best day to play ST on ggpo.

You might have forgotten your password. ggpo doesn’t give you error message if your username/password is incorrect.

Register an alt account with hotmail.

The login button won’t let me log in. No error message, and I’ve never had to change the password.

Mine does, so for whatever reason, my copy of GGPO has simply stopped working.

Supercade works better on Windows seven than ggpo does, it feels smooth, less dropped inputs, i love it, we need more people playing ST on Supercade.

Forsome reason my old account would not let me log on to GGPO. I followed papsi’a recomendation and created a new account. Now I can log in, go figure… Anyway, I still support my orignal opion, supercade seems to have a much more soild infrastructure. Go Damdai & Crew…

i have the 27886 port opened for the TCP and UDP protocols on my router(and also my windows firewall), but… why in the blue hell i can’t host a game? and i still have the message reminding me that the damned port is not opened.

The port checking tool on is really helpful, try that. I swore up and down I opened mine but as soon as tried the tool ( no homo ) it told me they were closed so I went back and tried opening them a dif. way and checked with the port checker and low and behold I got rid of the yellow triangle.

I still have closed ports. An ISP employee has told me they have them closed, but they are so incompetent that they simply can’t be trusted. GGPO works somehow, so there are more open ports than what they report. Anyway, would you mind telling which was the way it failed and the way it worked, when opening the port? Thanks in advance!

What I was doing was creating a sort of port opening instruction with the port numbers and protocol. What I didn’t know ( new modem ) was that after you create it you had to go back and then find that “instructuction” and ADD that to the list of accepted ports to be opened.

Which was all the contrary of my old modem. All I had to do was create it and it was opened. So long story short, I had to try the the tool ( maybe homo ) to find this out.


here is the tool

Yeah, on my router, I have to create a “port opening plan” so to speak, and then enable it, for it actually work.

For anyone who had an issue with the port on supercade and happens to have ATT Uverse, what I did was access the Uverse Router via IP, click on firewall, selected the pc (you can also select via your IP), click on add apps, put in the port number and selected UDP, save. Then i repeated the step with TCP and saved. After that it was all good =)

Hope this helps anyone who had the same issue.

update: well guys i was doing the right thing on my router, the problem was the fucking router itself!, now i have a new router and everything is fine with supercade! :smiley: yay!

hey damdai,
i know you’re busy, but i need to reset my password for supercade because i don’t remember what it was. my handle is/was krimsonknight…

edit: nevermind. if anyone needs to ever reset their supercade password, go to the supercade forums online and the option to reset your password is in the top right corner.

Am i the only one that gets random constant crashing ingame ?

Happened multiple times yesterday against various people.

Only happens to the FBA client though the Supercade client itself is fine.