Super Turbo revival in Southern California at Super Arcade

I’m gonna be there early and probably spend the day maybe even the night if Watts lets me :wink: lol

Oh hell yeah! OG critiques and training sessions FTW!!! Jeff I know you’re lurking out there so come on down we’d love to hear your insight.
Super Arcade = Super ST Dojo

So, I want to promote your guys’ stream in my signature, but that is against the rules apparently. Anyway you can make that happen watts?

Sick! Help from you and Valle would be immensely appreciated!

Good job Papercut. Unfortunately, this means you drop down a rank :(.

Shirts: We typically hang out until around 12am.

3pm to 3am, that’s a good ST session =D Sadly I was soldering and testing sticks most of the day but it was for a good cause. I updated the cab to except the JLF harness so swapping in new stick will be much easier now.

So here’s what I did. I swapped out the old Seimitsu sticks on the Head to head cab ( I had new gates in them but they had already worn out) with new Sanwa Sticks and new Seimiitsu buttons =D But while testing we found a problem with one of the Sanwa PCB’s =( so I ended up swapping back in a Seimitsu on the P2 side. If I can get a working PCB I can swap it back so both sides are the same stick but they actually feel about the same even with this setup.

I know it’s not regulation standard but while I was testing I installed a round gate on the P2 JLF and got reminded what it was like to win a few matches lol
If only I could use it all the time, I’d be a happy Chun player =P

I think we should start 5$ FT5’s that was too hype! Oh and 50 cent matches, players both input 1 token into the machine and one goes up on the panel. Winner takes all, the loser gets back in line.

Anyway GG’s to everyone there last night, we had some Hype matches! Money was lost respect was won OG’s held their ground and new bloods leveled up. All in all it was a good day :wink:

Awesome games last night! Despite the stick troubles initially, it all turned out to be pretty awesome later in the night. Thanks so much for putting in the work and parts for this, Voltech! The 1P stick is an improvement over the pink one, in my opinion, and it feels much more better to move between both sides than it did before. Please post up your thoughts on this BEFORE Saturday in case we need to make any adjustments!

Here are the matches that went down last night:

TemjinAlpha challenged Blockbuster Juan (Temjin wins)
MatrixMatt challenged Blockbuster Juan (Matt wins 5-4)

Remaining matches:

Voltech challenged Synco

Current Rankings:

  1. Watson
  2. DGV
  4. moocus
  5. TheMuffinMan
  6. synco
  8. eltrouble
  9. TemjinAlpha
  10. MatrixMatt

Also, I’d like to introduce a new rule to our ranking system! The player in the 10th position can be challenged by anyone that is NOT on the board without the challenger having a top 8 placement. Let me know what you guys think of this!

Awesome night last night, mainly due to having two challenges on the same day.

So what exactly are the rule for challenges? Is it that you can only challenge or BE challenged, on the same day? Or does it primarily depend on the players? Just curious, because it would be sort of unfair if the guy in 10th place got challenged by like 5 random players, as well as having to fight 9th place if he had challenged him previously.

And if you’re in 10th, and you challenge 9th, and you lose, does that mean you’re off the board? Or does that mean that you just stay in 10th place?

Oh, and let’s say 9th challenges 8th, but 8th also challenges 7th. Who goes first?

Losing in 10th place knocks you off of the board and replaces you with the person that would’ve been on the board based on the ranking tournament results (Digital Infamy in this case). In addition, any single player cannot accept more than three challenges per meetup and cannot challenge more than three times per meetup (as long as they are winning), and losing any challenge removes your ability to issue challenges for that meetup.

This seems a little silly. Not that I’m likely to be on the board, but I think I’d like these rules better:

  1. No demotion for challenging and failing.
  2. Challenges go from the bottom of the board up. (I.e. nobody can challenge for 4th after there’s been a challenge for 3rd.)
  3. Players who want to challenge for 10th play single elim.
  1. But then there’s no mechanic to stop people from just constantly challenging each other. It’d be a logistical mess. There needs to be a reward/punishment for these challenges. I think the whole point is for people to train up their skills, practice their matchups, and really get bloodthirsty for someone’s spot. If the guy you’re challenging has something to lose, then so should the challenger.

  2. That’s a pretty good idea actually, to keep things in order. So what you’re saying is that challenges start off with those highest ranked, before handling the challenges done by the lower ranked players?

  3. Not sure what you mean by single elim. You mean they just play one match?

I’m not sure how I feel about people challenging each other based on their own rules. Do you guys think we should standardize this? Make all challenge matches or a FT5 or FT3?

I like 4. and 5. Muffin! So does that mean…I can randomly show up and just challenge 6th thru 10th if they are present? Oh man the potential salt with this rule lol

Well, you’d have to place top 8 in a tournament to do that, but you are more than welcome to challenge #10 and move your way up rank by rank. :smiley: Glad to see you back in action btw!

ok guys so heres how it went back in the day

you can only challenge the person directly above you. if you lose, you are dropped 1 spot, which is pretty mandatory imo. if you think about it, if you are #2 and challenging #1 and fail, #2 now becomes #3 and can challenge again to regain #2 if requested. one challenge per week per person rule so it doesnt get out of control and if you get challenged you have 1 week to reply or you forfeit. i think these are good standards to follow and they worked in the past so if it aint broke… you know whats up.

as far as not being on the board, you can challenged 10th place but i think that person needs to donate to the scene or something to earn the right to be on the board. if you dont make the effort to come to our tourneys, dont be on the board, plain and simple. not to shit on anyone but cmon, this is a once a week thing, and if you care enough to be on the board, you should care enough to be here…

also i think ft5 is good since the game has alot of counter match ups and what not. and the longer the set, the more chance the better player will come out ahead.

till we meet again guys! pz.

The Grand Master has spoken!

Sounds like we have our rules



ggs everyone! fun shit

GGs to everyone that showed up last night! Seriously fun! Make sure you show up between 11:30am and 12:30pm so you don’t miss the sign-ups! The 1st qualifier will be starting promptly at 1pm (no execptions!). Feel free to show up earlier if you want to get some casual matches in!

been here since 11am after closing up at 330am lol. literally closed shop, slept, showered, dont even remember driving here cause im so tired, and back at it again! lets hope today is sick! see you all here soon!

Yesterday was sick! more later I’m still tired…

dgv, is it true you i have been challenged again… ? :slight_smile: you guys putting my name up there just to troll me and force me to play huh? i c what u did there!!! ok bro, theres no event this friday or saturday so lets do it bro! i think race to 5 is pretty standard but if time permits race to 7 or even 10 would cool if both parties agree.

thanks for coming out and repping hard. lots of close matches yesterday and great job to mondo and the community. lots of hard work is done by many people and trust me, it doesnt go unnoticed. everyone plays their roll and street fighter super turbo will live on forever!