Super Turbo revival in Southern California at Super Arcade

MatrixMat challenged me yesterday when and where can we play our match so i can erase him off the board?

also since its one challenge per week per person rule i would like to challenge eltrouble to a match next week.

Iā€™d like to Challenge #10 if possible so that I can get on that board and try to work my way up.

Iā€™m sure Matt will be there Wednesday, but whenever you see him again should be fine.

Digital: Since you challenged after Temjinā€™s post, youā€™ll have to wait for that match to take place. Coincidentally, if Matt loses, you are actually next in line to go on the board.

synco: VOLTECHā€™s challenge has been standing since we put up the board, so this will be your last week to play him before you automatically forfeit.

Are we streaming this Sunday? If so, Iā€™ll play commando then.

matches from the super arcade tournament on the 24th are up on youtube now

played my match against MatrixMat tonight i won 5-0 Guile vs Chun

GGā€™s Last night to Armondo, DGV, Matrix Matt and random Ryu player but where was everyone else???

Looks like Digital Infamy is on the board!

Iā€™m looking forward to seeing the Legends qualifying tournament footage =D

Are you guys going to also be meeting up on sundays? Iā€™ll more than likely only be able to make it down to Super Arcade once a week. Would like to know when the majority of you guys are going to be down there playingā€¦

Iā€™ll be there this Sunday. Iā€™m going to be in the area for Easter Sunday, might as well drop by and get some ST in.

Sunday Iā€™m in.

Sunday Iā€™ll try to come out.

Oh and I installed the other Sanwa Stick last night so enjoy

Iā€™ll try to make it out this Sunday, but my ride situation is very inconsistent right now :(.

Sorry Matt, but you have been replaced on the board by Digital Infamy. Also, youā€™ll have to wait tillā€™ next week before you can make another challenge.

Well done, Armando!

Armando. Youā€™re handling streams for SC5 right? If so, Iā€™ll play you this upcoming Sunday. FT3 or FT5? American or Japanese cabs?

hopefully i can get some games in sunday

What the hell am I doing up?

If Synco isnā€™t there tomorrow Iā€™m wanna challenge who ever is above him.

If DGV is there, Iā€™d like to play him for number 2. how the fuck are you guys going to make it to super arcade later if youā€™re all still up right now?

being a music-head that i am, im used to parties lasting several days and being awake on very little sleep hehe

You spelled ā€œcrackā€ wrong, but its cool. lolz.

naw you got me; i get mine straight from brazil as a matter of fact

I wonā€™t be there today as iā€™m gonna be with the fam for easterā€¦ See you guys next time around. Have a good one guys.