Man, you got James Chen, Jebailey, AND ShinBlanka in your AE pool. Hahahaha. Mike got Ryan Hunter and Arturo Sanchez, too.
hey drew don’t get jebaited.
Hey I’m here now, room 1241. We thought the TV would have hookups, but it has some crazy box blocker. Did anybody that came bring extra monitors? If so, can we roll through for some practice? Hit me up on my cell and we can meet up and chill - 850-363-1716.
gl with the rest of the tourney even though the first match on stream didnt go so well.
one day ron will beast on someone not named us.
That was the second match on stream! The first one was Ron beasting on some randoms! I will redeem myself today though no worries.
Frick man they were onto my plan and saw my pool was too weak! They threw pr rog and yipes and a couple others in the mix! Welp guess I gotta do this.
I wish i could find the BB matches from last night; spooky seems to only do the big games I guess :-/ BB/GG get NO love
I think we are all out of marvel. I lost to pr rog and js master from Canada. I hate losing but they were good players. We lost in teams to tokido/phoenix. Made a good run though. Not sure on placement or whatever though. We were like 5-2 in teams and I went like 5-2 in singles.
Crackfamous 2… can’t put it down. I’m actually surprised it’s just as addicting as the first one. As soon as I’m in a territory without any electricity, I can never get to the substation on time because I see all those blue dots on my radar screen and I’m like “just one more blast shard…” Have you switched up your powers yet, Adonis? If you picked Ice powers, enjoy getting around the city even faster than before. Shit’s so nice.
Still need to wrap up AssCreed Brotherhood before I2 though.
EDIT: Good shit, Logan. Do they officially know your name now at major tournaments?
Is that in a pool or a double elim bracket?
um infamous is really good starting my evil run through a few hours ago and i already have like over a hundred shards. one more shard indeed.
Yeah that ice hop is the best travel upgrade in the game. Cut the time it took me to beat the game down to nothing. If it wasnt for the grenade it would be the best power hands down well if you count the glide hop as a combo.
5 and 2 is real solid nice showing no shame in losing to phoenix that bitch is dumb. She makes scrubs into champs lol.
I did alright, basically 2-2 in everything. Lost Marvel to NerdJosh and some scrub mashing with Dark Phoenix level 3. Uggggh.
Lost SSFIV to some legit players though, no hard feelings there.
So I remember a conversation a little while back where Andy and I were like “Phoenix is gonna be stupid good, you’re gonna need strats just to kill her teams, people are going to cry hellas”, and everyone was like “oh just snap her in and it’ll be str8”
Damn, didn’t know you picked it up, Jay. Between this and Arkham City, my superhero fix is pretty much met. I still got a few more powers left to get, but I hope they let me regain energy again through the induction grind.
No one ever listens to me…
Just watched King of Chinatown… pretty interesting stuff. Also they make Gootecks look like a baller. Haha
omg Johnny, your avatar was my Jam in high school
Either way, Tokido won so losing to him is understandable.