Super Skrull Question & Answer Thread

i play with people with great defense so i have two main questions:

  1. what is your safe strings if they are blocking? so far i’ve only been doing string xx electric slam, or string xx fatal buster (followup maybe), but they are pretty risky.

  2. how do you open people up?? against good players, going high/low seems impossible as his overhead is super slow. i’ve only been getting in with meteor smash + sent for left/right mixups.

Ending a blockstring with St. :h: makes you positive. Remember that.

Funny is that I don’t use crossup + assists with Skrull since he’s my anchor, so whenever I use him I just somehow able to dash and get the St. :l: in since it’s a low. People are scared of his command grab so they are constantly jumping around trying to avoid the grab and punish.

Skrull is an amazing anchor. He has damage output, he has mixup potential, he has resets, he has full screen hit-confirms, he has mobility, he has self-screen control, he has a command grab, he has it all and more for only 19.95, no CODs batteries not included. I would still recommend you run Skrull second and keep Akuma last just because Tatsu is an amazing assist and can help Skrull a lot.


-If you have the right assists, you can try left-right mixups such as Web Swing, Air Dash, Stone Dunk.
-Try R.Hook shenanigans; it can be canceled into all of his specials and s.:s:. This means you can full-screen command grab; works especially great if you have a full/half-screen assist to scare them into guarding.
-Play footsies or inch your way closer using a combination of dashing, wavedashing, and air dash > Stone Dunk.
-Use delayed c.:l:'s or s.:l:'s, preferably the latter because it hits low, in order to bait them from dropping they’re guard. If they insist on guarding, use :l: E.Slam.
-If you get push-blocked during a block string, throw out an occasional :m: E.Slam.
-Finally, if it’s crunch time and you’ve got to get in or lie down, intentionally use Meteor Smash (whiff) xx XFC, :l:/:m: E.Slam. The idea is for the XFC to scare them into guarding. Don’t be obvious or use it too often; it’s really an ace in the hole.

That’s about all I can think of.

hmm yeah gotta try to stay close with more s.H. damage output from a s.H is actually a lot higher than i thought even with losing a groundbounce.

s.H, c.h, s.s, j.mmhs, hold H, rolling hook (midscreen) / super does good 700+K.

i use skrull as point so i get punished harder with whiffed command grab… :slight_smile: one of the perks of using him as anchor is that your matches are often 1:1 where skrull can really shine… maybe i’ll try that one of these days

tell me how anchoring skrull goes. i also use him on point but i’m thinking of changing my team a bit and moving him either second or last. i think i just need to break the habit meteor smashing. assist+meteor smash makes it safe for the most part, but ehh…

I noticed that with Skrull/Ammy I can’t command grab my oppenent when they are blocking Ammy’s cold star assist. Is this something I have thought I could do but can’t?

you can’t grab/throw someone who is in blockstun

You can learn the timing to do a meaty command grab as they get out of blockstun, but it’s pretty unsafe if you whiff.

Thanks for the information, I’ll work on the timing as they get out of blockstun.

Anchor skrull is a godly anchor most of his combos are TOD. His opening mix up(by this i mean when a character comes out from spawn) is insanely good as well and if they guess wrong they are usually dead so you can wipe out a whole team b4 they even get the chance to touch skrull. Also when people see a character with XF3 they usually play defensive skrull was made to blow up a defensive play style with his grab and meteor smash. Speaking of meteor smash I just recently found out that you can launch off any meteor smash you land in XF3 thats crazy good!

Ive noticed recently that I really dont use orbital grudge at all. It seems that there are always better tools to use besides grudge. What are some ways to incorporate grudge into my game and is it truly worth using?

Anchor Skrull loses some options when people come in since he can’t XFC to save him. His options are to Ambiguous Cross-up St. H, Elastic Punch Slant then command grab, or Orbital Grudge then Fatal Buster if blocked, but if any one of these setups connect, they’re dead. Yeah in Vanilla you were able to relaunch twice in one combo with XF3, but hitstun doesn’t allow that in ultimate now.

Okay Orbital Grudge is a move I highly recommend because of it faster armor startup and Fatal Buster pushes Skrull far away to avoid punish. It’s a good tool against Magneto, Wolverine, Hulk, or any other rushdown character. Especially one with a dive kick aka Foot dive.

Wow never thought of that I usually have problems with wolvie dive kick spam gotta try this.So is it safe b/c of the push back or can still be punished?

It can only be punished if you’re in the corner, since you can’t get pushed any further, or of course if they XFC.

when you’re getting rushed the F down, orbital grudge is a good option for a crossover counter. it’s got invincibility and a good way to get opponents off you.

i also like to frame trap with orbital grudge because it has armor. i end my blockstring with s.H, which leaves me at a +2. i dunno if that’s still the same in ultimate, but thats how it was in vanilla.

St. H is still positive, and I think M. Orbital is still safe too.

yes, M Orbital is safe. or at least, i haven’t been punished doing it yet. on a sidenote, i seriously need to cut down my nasty habit of meteor smashing and i think OG should start becoming more of my go-to.

I find myself more and more interested in learning Skrull, he looks to be oozing with the cheap. :slight_smile: Could anyone point me to any kind of “here are some key things to know with Skrull” type thing? I see an embedded vid above that may be good, I’m just at work so can’t check it out yet. I don’t yet have a specific team in mind, though I very much hope it could include Hawkeye, and assume arrows can’t be bad for Skrull. From Pain’s games I’ve seen drones appear pretty good for Skrull. Any other specific assists or assist types I should keep in mind when dreaming up a Skrull team? I had a theory that Vajra could be strong by encouraging them to stay grounded and therefore suceptible to eleastic slam, but maybe I’m off base. Any input would be appreciated, or even just pointed to a good reference so I’m not asking anyone to repeat work. Thanks!

Edit: Typed the above, clicked the link in Hi_Im_Nasty’s sig, and looky here! Though still would like to inquire about the sort of things a Skrull team wants, if hawkeye arrows are helpful, and if my theory about Vajra is at all accurate. Thanks again!

The problem with throwing out elastic slams is the very long recovery. I would avoid using Vajra to force them to the ground and stick to using it to punish them/make you safe if it whiffs, it’s already a 50/50 essentially. Other than that, the teambuilding thread has lots of ideas for skrull’s partners.

Nice to see another skrull joining the ranks! Some quick things that I wish I knew when I started playing skrull:

-Meotor Smash is NOT safe
-Delay your air series for stone smite to hit
-Always use an assist to cover elastic slam
-Try to end block strings with st.H(its positive)
-You can kara? his st.h and rolling hook into specials( that includes e.slam!)

If you really want to in indepth you can check out Nasty’s skrull guide. Also checking the teambuilding thread is your best best about your strider question I seen a post there already mentioning how strider can be used to extend skrulls combos