Super Arcade Cup ST Tournament at Socal Regionals Dec 17, 2011 1pm

We are happy to announce that Mike Watson’s SUPER ARCADE will be sponsoring the ST tournament at SoCal Regionals: THE SUPER ARCADE CUP!

With all the support Watson has been giving the ST community here in SoCal with Wednesday Night Fights and more, this was a great way to bring Super Arcade and the SCR ST tournament together.

There are three ways to register:
[]We have registration link on the page where you can pay through Paypal.
]You can register with myself or brother (DGV) or MuffinMan at WNF.
[*]You can register on-site on the day of the tournament aka late registration, which will be $25 (this includes the additional $5 for late registration). Registration closes at 12PM. We highly encourage interested participants to register early =D
For everyone who has already signed-up through the old SCR page, you’ll need to officially register through the new page.

If you’re a WNF regular, if possible, please try to register through DGV/MuffinMan in person to save on the PayPal fees on our end. :slight_smile:


Platform: Arcade Superguns & KuroCaB!
Game: Super Turbo
Location: Irvine, CA
Date: December 17 (Saturday)
Final Signups/Registration: 9am-12pm
Tourney Start Time: 1pm
Address: University of California, Irvine - Student Center Pacific Ballrooms C&D
A311 Student Center
Irvine, CA 92697-2050

[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Best 3/5 matches (Double Elimination)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Grand Finals best 4/7 matches[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Turbo 3[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Akuma is Banned[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]Registration Fee: $20 aka pot[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]Venue Fee: $5 (If you are entering any other games in the lineup, you are NOT required to pay the $5 venue fee)[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia]Payout Structure:[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia]Top 8: 50% / 15% / 9% / 7% / 6% / 5% / 4.5% / 3.5 %[/FONT][/FONT]

Details regarding the tournament will be constantly updated via this thread and via:

There will be a total of 3 stations (Station 3 will be strictly for casuals/warm-ups)

Station 1: KuroCab
Station 2: Supergun
Station 3: Supergun

Ghaleon and I are trying to make it out. Can’t wait to play some ST with the WC!

Nice. I hope this is a success. We can suppose Alex will enter, unless it is absolutely impossible for him, right? What about Afro?

Both AfroLegends and AfroCole have expressed interest in attending. Afrotime!

I’m entering for sure…see you guys there!


I’ve updated the SCR page on my site with DGV’s latest info.

Also, there’s an “unofficial” sign-up form added. Please fill out the form if you’re planning on attending.

What’s a KuroCab?

CigarBob’s old cabinet. Cat not included. :slight_smile:

Players can choose between Japanese and American sticks, if they wish.


let me know if you want me to show up earlier kuroppi to help you take HDR out of that cab and put ST back in it for the tourny.

Damn! I’m busted…

im in

Sign up for this if you already haven’t! I’ll put up the list of players already signed up on the website soon.

Sign me up as “Brown Chicken, Brown Cow.”

I’ll follow behind shortly as “chica chica chica bow wow”

I’m moving out to LA that week, so I’ll try to come to this!

We are happy to announce that Mike Watson’s SUPER ARCADE will be sponsoring the ST tournament at SoCal Regionals: THE SUPER ARCADE CUP!

With all the support Watson has been giving the ST community here in SoCal with Wednesday Night Fights and more, this was a great way to bring Super Arcade and the SCR ST tournament together.

There are three ways to register:
[]We have registration link on the page where you can pay through Paypal.
]You can register with DGV or MuffinMan at WNF.
[*]You can register on-site the day of the tournament. (Registration closes at 12PM).
For everyone who has already signed-up through the old SCR page, you’ll need to officially register through the new page.

If you’re a WNF regular, if possible, please try to register through DGV/MuffinMan in person to save on the PayPal fees on our end. :slight_smile:

Do we get a discount on registration if we register and pay before socal regionals?

That is a good question. Let me check with DGV on that.