We are happy to announce that Mike Watson’s SUPER ARCADE will be sponsoring the ST tournament at SoCal Regionals: THE SUPER ARCADE CUP!
With all the support Watson has been giving the ST community here in SoCal with Wednesday Night Fights and more, this was a great way to bring Super Arcade and the SCR ST tournament together.
There are three ways to register:
[]We have registration link on the page where you can pay through Paypal.
[]You can register with myself or brother (DGV) or MuffinMan at WNF.
[*]You can register on-site on the day of the tournament aka late registration, which will be $25 (this includes the additional $5 for late registration). Registration closes at 12PM. We highly encourage interested participants to register early =D
For everyone who has already signed-up through the old SCR page, you’ll need to officially register through the new page.
If you’re a WNF regular, if possible, please try to register through DGV/MuffinMan in person to save on the PayPal fees on our end.
Platform: Arcade Superguns & KuroCaB!
Game: Super Turbo
Location: Irvine, CA
Date: December 17 (Saturday)
Final Signups/Registration: 9am-12pm
Tourney Start Time: 1pm
Address: University of California, Irvine - Student Center Pacific Ballrooms C&D
A311 Student Center
Irvine, CA 92697-2050
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Best 3/5 matches (Double Elimination)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Grand Finals best 4/7 matches[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Turbo 3[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]*Akuma is Banned[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]Registration Fee: $20 aka pot[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica][FONT=Helvetica]Venue Fee: $5 (If you are entering any other games in the lineup, you are NOT required to pay the $5 venue fee)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia]Payout Structure:[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia]Top 8: 50% / 15% / 9% / 7% / 6% / 5% / 4.5% / 3.5 %[/FONT][/FONT]
Details regarding the tournament will be constantly updated via this thread and via:
There will be a total of 3 stations (Station 3 will be strictly for casuals/warm-ups)
Station 1: KuroCab
Station 2: Supergun
Station 3: Supergun