Can I just tell you that me, and most likely Pete, are in and give you money when we show up?
Yep, that’s cool Johnny. We’ll lookout for you guys on the freeway again lol
Okay, I talked it over with DGV and technically there’s no discount but we want to encourage everyone to register early and save five bucks because on-site registration will be $25 + venue fee (if applicable).
Thanks for the response. Saving $5 is good enough for me, i’ll be sure to fork over the cash next time I see DG or Muffin.
I want to go so bad. SO FUCKING BAD. But I will likely be scheduled to work that weekend. I might have someone cover. Or I might just quit. We’ll see. Maybe you guys can help me come up with an excuse to not get scheduled to work that weekend.
You guys don’t know how bad I want to go to this sdkfgjbndsjkbndfgdf
Damn that player list is looking pretty stacked there.
DG or Kuroppi - I’m having some trouble registering via the site. I enter my tag and hit the Buy Now button which takes me to Paypal, I log in, but I don’t see a ready transaction to approve. It’s just the Paypal homepage, do I manually send one of you a payment?
Apparently, there’s a problem with the Paypal link and we’re trying to get it fixed. If we cannot get this resolved today, we may have to do what you suggested (manually send a payment through Paypal) or we might have to do away with the online registration and make the on-site registration $20.
DGV and Kuro, I have a question guys
how close is all three Supergun / Kurocab Speed 2/3 settings to the Speed 2/3 settings at Super Arcade?
I am not well versed at all the different versions of ST across the world, but one thing I noticed is that when I played last Sat on the Supergun setup, that shit was retardedly slow compared to Watson’s arcade setup. I would really like to know because the speed variance really makes a difference in my opinion.
PS how tall is the Kuro cab compared to a US ST showcase cab? Might need to bring buttock reinforcements to sit on while playing
Nomrah, I think the Paypal link on the page should be working now. Apologies for it not working earlier. If it still doesn’t work for you (or anyone else), please let me know.
Mtsac, hmm, the speed question is probably a question that DGV or Papasi may be able to answer better. As for Kurocab, I can get the exact height for you tomorrow but I’ll be bringing chairs that are pretty much the perfect height for the cabinet.
Calipower has announced that Mad Catz will be the official arcade stick for SCR 2011 and they will be providing prizes for ALL tournaments including Super Turbo!
Big thank you to Alex Valle and Madcatz for their generosity!
Aw man, I really feel like I’m missing out now. But that’s awesome, ST prizes keep getting better!
Mtsac: All the stations will be running the Japanese ST board on Speed 3. Speed 3 JPN is equivalent to Speed 2 on the US board. The reason for the slow feel and most notably the input delay, was the LCDs we used during the Saturday gathering. For the final gathering/training session before SCR, we’ll be going the CRT route. The primary tournament stations will be all run on CRTs.
Alex gets my admiration not only as great Ryu player, but as a scene sponsor and tournament organizer. Respect where it is due: great stuff.
:tup: it worked, can’t wait to get in some ST with the West Coast!
got some time off here
ATL’s finest is rollin thru
The tournament is only days away people! We’ll be setting up on Friday evening so feel free to drop by for some casuals.
Just curious, does anyone have any recording equipment? We currently have station 1 (Kurocab) covered; just looking for a solution for the 2nd station. Station 2 has the JROK encoder which outputs component, svideo and composite.
I tried to record off the JROK last time around, but didn’t succeed, and the VGA recording set-up produced lag. I’ll see if I can get a good splitter.
i have a vga splitter amp that i bought a long time ago for denjin ranbats. sadly i never got to try it out, so i’m not sure how well it’ll perform. i’ll bring it as a plan b.
What time are you guys thinking of doing casuals? And which room will you guys be in?
This should be fun gotta try and get some games in this week see if I can still play ST