thanks to remind, i will post in the video thread, my BnBs are the same that i posted in the page 1 =P
I made a vid of some easy XF 3 combos. I made it to prove a point and I’m sure they aren’t optimal combos. But I figured I would share anyways, especially if you guys know better ones.
I can’t seem to grasp how to land the jumping medium after the first excalibur in combo 1 from the first post. Any tips on that? Excalibur L is hitting the 3 times, but still can’t seem to do it. The dummy is either blocking or has completely recovered and isn’t blocking anymore.
Honestly, I just do LMHS and then cancel the sS into jM instead of doing sS sj then jM. Lastly, I omit the M after the first Excalibur. So my inputs look like this:
:l::h::s: :uf:+:m:
:h::qcf:+:l: land :uf: :h::qcf:+:l: land :s:
So, somone just sent me this on youtube. My combos are bad, this guy gets 1.1 million on NO METER. Much better than mine.
Freaking amazing. Good find, my good man, good find.
It backs up how I’ve been suggesting people play anchor Strider:
1)Hit one > Combo > Ragnarok > Kill -or- Activate Uro > Hit one> Kill
2)XF3 > Hit two > Combo > Kill (builds lots o’ meter)
3)Hit one > Combo > Ragnarok > Kill -or- Activate Uro > Hit one> Kill
It why I think Strider is such a god anchor, he can stay in control for so long.
Yeah, right?
But like it’s kinda really hard controlling Strider in level 3 xf. I actually tried making my own combos using it but I always fail.:c
I hate when the stuff here and the vids make these combos look so easy.
Most just stick to ouroboros then level 3 xf lol.
Pardon me if I missed something somewhere, I think I read through everything in this board but it’s late as I write this, but I have a question about the combos involving 236L > s.H. It seems unpossible to make that connect. I can get s.L and c.L of course but not the hard, is there a trick I am missing or is the timing just ultra strict/char specific?
Anyone have any flashy Zero/Strider combos?
what is the start of the combo you are trying? are you talking about the exclalibur(236) l midair? or starting the combo on the ground with it?
My team right now is Hawkeye or Doom / Strider / Wesker and the focus of most of my combos is maximizing meterless damage while putting myself in a good reset situation along with having Formation B active at the end of the combo. Wesker’s gunshot combos into Strider’s wall series, so you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as it ends with a double jump S and go into his Wall series xx Air Gram > Gram ender. So here’s a couple of my combos so far focusing on the Strider/Wesker pairing:
With Formation B active (midscreen):
5LMH 6H 623L xx 214S, 236S, Wall LM xx j,236L, land 5MS, sj.M dj.HS, Call Wesker OTG, 214S, <Wesker hits> 236S Wall LMH xx 623H, land, 623L.
Builds a full meter, and depending on the starter, can go about 450K meterless on average. You end with the opponent on a hard Gram knockdown and Formation B active, so you can either shoot the Formation B into H Vajra (Haven’t tried it yet, so not sure if it works but the scaling usually slams the Hyper hard) or do a far Formation A to have a meaty animal hit them around the time they wake up.
In case of corner…
With Formation B active (OH NO, YOU RUN INTO THE CORNER):
5LMH 6H 623L xx 214S, j.MH xx j,236L, 5(M)S, sj.M dj.HS, Call Wesker OTG, 214S, <Wesker hits> 236S Wall LMH xx 623H, land, 623L.
If you want to do damage, usually you can just go with higher damage solo combos, but the problem with those combos is that you wind up with a ton of meter loss. All these combos build a full meter and can add a Team Aerial Exchange before the Wesker ender.
Now, without B active, does anyone have an optimum combo that ends with a double jump S? It leads to that Wesker-Wall Gram ender but need to not use any ground bounces or wall slams mid combo… I would do the wall combo, but it’s too inconsistent if you launch with too many hits before hand, which is why I’m looking for an optimum ground combo… >_<
Using Strider/Sent(drones) you can do this sort of combo in the corner:
cr.LMHS j.m dbljump j.h j.s land call drones 214s st.m st.h wall cling(drones hit) mh(or h depending on height) 623h land 623l xx legion
This is a decent corner combo if you dont have formb active, does around 400k no meter, 500-525k with legion. the damage depends on the size of the character, smaller does less, larger does more.
L,M,H,6H,236L, H, S… etc
Seems to be popularly used in the “scrubby” Strider combo videos posted.
Sort of impractical combo I made for the snoooootch combo challenge. I have been toying around with ways to set it up, most of them happen to be on incoming characters with silly little mixups. Ending the combo with my doom assist open leads to a free teleport mix-up after the tech from the formation b. Or you can do a run up air grab or a ton of silly things.
i believe that combo is character specific… have you tried other characters?
The higher in the air someone is the easier it is to followup with H. Ground hit you can’t, off an air excalibur its pretty easy.
Been messing around with strider/spencer/sent. Getting some pretty beefy damage off 2 meters. I have only used simple Strider combos because longer combos make it alot harder to land the vertical grapple combos with spencer which do the real damage. Also I have only just picked up spencer so I don’t know if I could be doing more damage.
^^ lol nice, I do the same thing with strider\dante on my team except I go into devil trigger instead.
we should play the combo game on here, it works for developing the best combos possible
- max strider combo solo, no bar, no xf, no assist
- max strider combo with 1 bar, no xf, no assist
- max strider combo with 1 bar, no xf, any assists
- max strider combo 2 bar, no xf, any assist and must DHC
- max stider combo in xf2\xf3 no bar, no assist
anyone down?
I haven’t seen anyone go for this combo yet but I can get like 10+ H\S in one combo quite easily no XF.
satellite activated, lmh, c.h, fwd+h, satellite, dash h, c.h, fwd+h, s, sj, DJ cancel; sj.h, sj.s, land, dash fwd+assist, dwnfwd+h, launch, hs
you could probably eek it out with a bit more extensions but I like it. pretty good damage, builds some nice chunks of bar in the process too.
with the combo game, you should also break down combos with form b active, or inactive at the start of the combo. maybe a combo section to load form b in the middle to use during the combo.