Its 3 to 5 depending on character… But like I showed in my videos you can get around this by doing a hard, and then a duck hard to another loop in vs other characters. Anyway I dont have the will to finish this so im just uploading what I have left… [media=youtube]uI5gfEzDMrM[/media] Some more combos with strider, note most these were suppose to be bigger, and dont need orb to start , but I just dont feel like redoing em’.
Oh and I guess if it matters, yes throws combo on block too.
has anyone worked on a list of assist that allow you to combo after strider’s throw.
I can connect Mag’s EMD after throw into :h::s: ^ but I have yet to connect it even once online.
And my Super Skrull’s Orbital Grudge, def doesnt work out side the corner.
hey guys, just wanted to share a xf3 loop i found, i’m sure most of you have tried it but i was wondering how practical it would be compared to his other xf3 tools.
in the corner, after launching the enemy, you can loop j.M, j.H, light excalibur, sj. for a pretty good amount of reps and very good damage. I’m not consistent enough with my execution but i can get 4-5 reps easily.
So I didn’t see this listed anywhere, but this is my Strider Solo BnB, does 620k (or less depending on your starter)
(Formation B active) jC,jS,5B,5C,6C,623,214S,236S,w.A,w.C,j623C,-/214S,623A,214S,421C,236AA (620k)
You might be able to stick a w.B in there too, for some reason I didn’t try.
I have a quick question. I can get combo 1 to work 80% of the time but I dont actually get it. Like do I have to delay the jMMH to get all three hits of :qcf:+:l: or…?
Also, while doing the first combo, I never see the dbl jump actually come out and Legion will connect 90% of the time as long as I tried (input :u: before :h::s:) to do the double jump. Am I supposed to see a jump or does inputting jump just do something else that helps the combo?
The first :qcf:+ :l: can be delayed a bit. It makes the combo easier for me for some reason. No you dont really see the jump his is so slight its there to make strider fall quicker I believe so it is needed.
Should have posted those in the video thread but nvm
pretty nice matches. I’m not sure if I like the Ryu/Strider synergy since Ryu doesn’t have an OTG besides his hyper but you made really good use of Vajra and the ending was awesome. What are your BnBs with and w/o XF3?
So Im playing Strider on point and I’ve only used him a few times but my question is, what type of combos does he have against an airborne opponent? Like if I air throw someone and use Dante’s Weasel Shot + Slide, I only know of doing a TAC or LMHS sj MM dj HS land Legion. I think it does somewhere near 330k but I just wanted to know if there was anything better to do off a air juggle.
off air throw you’re better off doing formation b summon, formation b, dash st.h or st.m, S, j.m x2. jump cancel, S, otg legion. that will net you around 450-500k.