Super A+ Grade: Strider Combo Thread

Its 3 to 5 depending on character… But like I showed in my videos you can get around this by doing a hard, and then a duck hard to another loop in vs other characters. Anyway I dont have the will to finish this so im just uploading what I have left… [media=youtube]uI5gfEzDMrM[/media] Some more combos with strider, note most these were suppose to be bigger, and dont need orb to start , but I just dont feel like redoing em’.

Oh and I guess if it matters, yes throws combo on block too.

damn ive got to learn the timing on that gram/satellite loop

has anyone worked on a list of assist that allow you to combo after strider’s throw.
I can connect Mag’s EMD after throw into :m::h::s: ^ but I have yet to connect it even once online.
And my Super Skrull’s Orbital Grudge, def doesnt work out side the corner.

doom beam, and vergil rapid slash work. i believe sent drones works but only in corner.

Strider can combo after legion w/ sent drones :slight_smile:

Anyone know if it works with Web Swing or Quick Work


hey guys, just wanted to share a xf3 loop i found, i’m sure most of you have tried it but i was wondering how practical it would be compared to his other xf3 tools.

in the corner, after launching the enemy, you can loop j.M, j.H, light excalibur, sj. for a pretty good amount of reps and very good damage. I’m not consistent enough with my execution but i can get 4-5 reps easily.

@dialupsucky you think you can make the gram / formation b loops in corner with the game imput data? I can’t get the timming right for the moves :frowning:

So I didn’t see this listed anywhere, but this is my Strider Solo BnB, does 620k (or less depending on your starter)

(Formation B active) jC,jS,5B,5C,6C,623,214S,236S,w.A,w.C,j623C,-/214S,623A,214S,421C,236AA (620k)

You might be able to stick a w.B in there too, for some reason I didn’t try.

did you have a video? or why did you link page 2 of the combo section?

I fix’d it, I had something on my clipboard I didn’t remember, check again… Sorry about that…

How do you do striders corner loop with gram and formation b?

I have a quick question. I can get combo 1 to work 80% of the time but I dont actually get it. Like do I have to delay the jMMH to get all three hits of :qcf:+:l: or…?

Also, while doing the first combo, I never see the dbl jump actually come out and Legion will connect 90% of the time as long as I tried (input :u: before :h::s:) to do the double jump. Am I supposed to see a jump or does inputting jump just do something else that helps the combo?

You are inputting the double jump correctly then. You just cancel the animation into j.H before you can really see it.

The first :qcf:+ :l: can be delayed a bit. It makes the combo easier for me for some reason. No you dont really see the jump his is so slight its there to make strider fall quicker I believe so it is needed.

few matchs between me and a friend, there is strider footage


Should have posted those in the video thread but nvm :slight_smile:
pretty nice matches. I’m not sure if I like the Ryu/Strider synergy since Ryu doesn’t have an OTG besides his hyper but you made really good use of Vajra and the ending was awesome. What are your BnBs with and w/o XF3?

So Im playing Strider on point and I’ve only used him a few times but my question is, what type of combos does he have against an airborne opponent? Like if I air throw someone and use Dante’s Weasel Shot + Slide, I only know of doing a TAC or LMHS sj MM dj HS land Legion. I think it does somewhere near 330k but I just wanted to know if there was anything better to do off a air juggle.

off air throw you’re better off doing formation b summon, formation b, dash st.h or st.m, S, j.m x2. jump cancel, S, otg legion. that will net you around 450-500k.