Super A+ Grade: Strider Combo Thread

You’re just confusing me now. Both of your vids did, in fact, make it into a roundup. The holiday one, in fact. Is that newer? Because I seem to be thinking that I saw it a while ago.

What are the strongest combos off of air throws without xfactor?

you can either do summon formation b, shoot sat, dash. st.m, s, j.mx2, jump cancel, j.h, j.s, otg legion.

or summon formation b, shoot sat, wall cling, l m h xx heavy gram, land, L gram xx legion. or you can dash after h gram and do L gram xx lv 3 ( ragnarok )

as far as i know, these are the best off air throw.

high fives

Form B shot can combo to Ame no Murakame:m: up close for extended damage. You will lose the wall cling ground bounce. Explanation is to help new players not restate what’s known.

[j.:h:, :h:, :d: +:h:,:f: +:h:, Form B shot, Ame no Murakame:m:, :h:, :d: +:h:,:f: +:h:, :s: } >>
[sj.:m:, xx :u:, sj.:h:, sj.:s:] >>

  • The sj. series has to be done slightly late, but very fast to finish it.
  • The sj. series uses the double jump cancel to make Strider fall faster.
  • With OTG followup the Formation B and assist must be called at the same time, then Gram:h: after.
  • With OTG followup the Gram:l: has to be done after they wall bounce over you from the Gram:h:.

Bet others can find better followups. Used [OTG Assist, Formation B, Gram:h:, Gram:l:, Form B Shot xx Legion] 525,000 damage. (Deadpool’s Katana-rama)

Sick videos in this thread. Been browsing SRK more often, seems the quality of information on these boards nowadays is much better than it used to be @___@

Also Chungri, would you be so kind to reveal the source of the picture in your avatar pls? m(_ _)m


I have to ask… Where did you find that avi? Or what is it from rather?

Lol where I find my pictures is a secret but for a fellow Strider fan, anything.

As to where it’s from,its from Its a Japanese fanart website. Have really good stuff there, and some bad. Not much of some characters, and a lot of most. If you want to look for good fan art of your favorite characters, I suggest translating your searches to Japanese, you get more and much better art that way. c:

do strider have any ouroboros loops on characters besides big dudes like sentinel i been trying and cant find nothing unless i x factor and mash a little bit

Lol. I had forgotten about hat site. That’s where I used to go for BB related art… I figured MvC3 wasn’t Japanese-y enough…

On topic. Usually, I don’t want to activate Uroburos unless Strider is my last guy left, otherwise I’ll raw tag into Viper for just under 1 mil (as I showed in my video, but with a better combo). So in that situation, I tend to have Xfactor on, but even if I didn’t, I still get alot more damage from just constant reset, you get alot more milage out of Striders double and triple overhead game with orbs as the opponent has to respect it. High/low is the way to go when your locking them down as any time you try a left/right you have to give them a slight window to do something as you gotta let them out of guardstun for the mixup to work.

Nice tech and it’s a brilliant move in the right direction. Comments:
[S]- A little contrary to the idea of Strider being an anchor, though not everyone uses him in that way. Furthermore, character orders sometimes get botched during heated matches anyway.[/S]
[S]- I don’t see the damage potential of this tech being high (unless meter or XFC is involved). The damage and hitstun scaling from Strider (oh lord especially Gram), simply gets transferred over to the character. In order to actually finish, the incoming character is still going to need mixup. Way I see it, this is simply another way to safely tag out rather than deal damage.[/S]
[S]-In light of the above, I’m thinking of a way to reset after this tech. Doing something crazy like that would definitely end any character.[/S]
[S]- Doing a double DHC back into Strider is a nice touch; makes the tech more his own rather than just a way to tag out.[/S]

Tried it out. Screw it, I don’t know anything about fighting game theory. Gonna find a nice reset to do after this.

Wow, excellent work. I will have to work on some of those.

we’re still working on the fact that Strange has virtually no true blockstrings and/or lows, not to mention how we’re going to get those Grace mixups going. :frowning: he makes Vergil look like he has +100 frame advantage on block with his moves. XF ToDs off any throw or whiff punish with SoV is really nice though, been using that a lot in casuals.

anyways, now that my Ultimate Doom is slightly less fraudulent I’m probably gonna start working on Strider stuff soon. for those who run him on anchor, what combos are you doing with XF3?

Uroburos + Buttons, you don’t need combo’s.

Seriously though. I just do a pretty normal combo if I get a hit, but you can reset someone 12 times before they know whats going on with Orbs and XF3, and that does a ton of damage. I just wish the orbs lasted longer… :frowning:

For basic midscreen BNBs, I noticed in the Brady guide, like every combo involves double jumping. Is that avoidable, or basically a necessary evil? I’ll do what I gotta do, but always hated double jump combos. lol

yes, you use the double jump so strider falls faster to the ground making the followup formation b/hyper/whatever possible.

Ok so I really like this combo that Diet posted, because I wanted more ways to get into Wall Dive xx H Gram.

I tested it with my team and was happy to find that it worked with the following:
Skrull Orbital Grudge (corner & midscreen!)
Magneto EMD (corner & midscreen!)

So I think its probably worth testing with your Strider team too.

Here is the combo I was able to work out:
:l::m::s: ^ j:m::h: xx :qcf::l: _ ( :m:+Assist):h::f::h: xx :qcf::s: (pause; varies per assist) :h: xx :dp::h: Combo Ender (dash L Gram xx Legion, dash LvL3) or Reset with :l: after either ground bounce

As stated the pause after Wall Cling before you Dive kick will vary based on the Assist your using.
In some midscreen scenerios I found it easier to omit :f::h: and cancel to Wall Cling from :h:.
Also for faster assist such as EMD its possible to combine the assit command with :h: instead of :m:
And obviously you can use different normals leading into :s:, but I found that since :d::h: is problematic because it makes your opp airborne and sends them much higher after :s:


cl0ck’s avatar is from Namco X Capcom’s intro video.

You can also use down + H after your medium to help bring them lower to the ground before the forward + H. The combo is very versatile and can be used by a lot of assists like doom beam/sent drones(with little tweaking). I’m still working on finding a higher damage bnb starting from the l> m> h> s> j.h> l.Exc.

Is that L-gram, formation b loop in the corner character specific? i can only get three loops before hit stun deterioration kicks in.or is it just my timing.