You sir are a beast.
You mean like the combos in this?
Dumb intro I know but aside from that,I taught myself the loop in the corner and stuff. I wanted to share so I asked the uploader of this vid to do the combos I wrote down for me. He now hates Strider after I showed this to him but he had a lot of fun doing the vid at least. I might make some more.This made it on the front page, hard to believe. :v
So what’s the optimized solo corner BnB (practical) ? Midscreen looks like the walljump combo, but it seems Strider gets less corner dmg due to inability to utilize wallbounce.
no not any of those because my combo allows for at least 5 reps in the corner and does great damage for simplicity
So I’ve been working with Strider alot, and decided to do a video on a technique with him. I think alot of you already know about it, but I tried to explore it fully. It dramatically raises his damage output on some teams and it does it in a very easy way.
Where is this supposed Oro technology i heard someone talk about? I need some use for this thing. I dont keep strider as a pseudophoenix XFLVL3DER character
this is some goodshit right here. let me just express my thank’s for you taking time out of your schedule to explore this. so, thank you.
Strider, Nova, and the Coon are my top projects right now. So expect more, though they might not all be equally exciting. I want to go over more fundamental things eventually, as they are more important then some of my flashier tech.
I wish I could abuse that
Well, I’ve discovered you can link 8 frame moves, but only against certain characters.
I think I’m just gonna drop Dante for Viper and make life easier lol
That depends on your definition of easier.
I actually like playing with Viper better than Dante, I just was using him because of Hammer and Jam Session assist. I spent a lot of hours with Viper in training mode in vanilla, so adjusting to Ultimate shouldn’t be too hard (I hope).
Nope, you should be good then, Viper’s pretty much the same but with some buffs. I was actually the same way with Dante, I played him because he was the glue that help my Viper team together. My Dante looks like a huge fraud now that Hammer isn’t broken anymore.
On an unrelated note, SRK no showing any love for Strider, my vid didn’t make the roundup…
I gotta be honest… I glad people ain’t looking at it. Strider is a bullshit character, and your video might drive people to actually develop some real tech with the character instead of just playing with him in the back with no idea how to use him. As a Trish player, the last thing I need is GOOD Strider’s running around lmao.
My Dante is so fraudulent, if I’m not doing a combo I look like I’ve never played the game before.
Rogueyoshi’s Strange videos aren’t on there either, I don’t get it lol
Weren’t his up on the last one? I actually want to see some strange tech. I’ve been saying he looks pretty meh, but he’s got the tools, I want to see people prove me wrong.
I’ll personally submit my vid… I need to fuel my ego, it’s what gives me motivation in life! (shout outs to MMX4)
Not sure there’s so much stuff on the front page now.
Have you tried PMing any of the people that post on the front page? Seems like the best way to get your stuff on there.
Hmm… Maybe. I really don’t like doing that though. I’ve done it before, but I prefer others to judge if it’s worthy, but I suppose they can figure that out themselves.
i hit 610k on an orbs combo no xfactor on standing sentinel… anyone else getting these kinds of numbers? I can get around 400-500k on normal size characters.