Super A+ Grade: Strider Combo Thread

dont hold out on us shoult!

h xx teleport kick, repeat is the best i’ve found

you can add in l and m before the h into it.

i’m sure he can reloop with l ragnorak after launch

was directed here.

I’m having problems connecting Legion after the basic AC string (sj.m, sj.m, sj.h, sj.s) on a consistent basis. One mentioned doing a double jump bet. the 2nd sj.m and sj.h; other tips? Or is the double jump trick the best route?


so i checked it again, you can get 3 loops then you have to relaunch to start it again.

that is it, do launcher, air M, air M, double jump, air H, air S, strider will land way more faster, but sometime with the lenght of the combo, the enemy flip out during the second jump, you will have to wait the enemy reach the max height from launcher and do air M M H S, and legion as soon as possible

So, anyone have visual cues or something as to when to link the wall cling A after formation B shot consistently? I only land it like half the time I try it in his wall cling combos.

I land form b shots from a pretty far distance, thats the most reliable way i see it.

To get far enough for form b to hit is during your launcher dont hold any direction, jump straight up. and when you knock them down with s ( time your hits midair so you have enough time to call form b) you should be far enough for the wall cling to work.

Fullscreen damage with strider… when I catch assists its gg’s tbh

goodshit smexy!

Didn’t really see anything on TK Gram H, so thought I’d post my video using it. Last combo was for fun.


From the description:

*Demonstrating TK Gram H with Strider, as well as a combo off of j.H, aided by Dante’s Jam Session. These build a decent amount of meter (about one bar), and will be used to set up resets. Ragnarok is shown here to demonstrate raw damage potential. *

Notice that because TK’ing Gram H makes it have no recovery, it can be followed up from fullscreen with dash, j.M, j.H, etc.

Edit: kairu asked for inputs in the comments, so I added them to the description -

Combo 1 - 6239H, dash forward, j.M, j.H, j.S, land, 5M, 5H, 236L, 5H, 5S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, call Dante, 3H, 623+ATK+ATK

Combo 2- j.H, j.S, land, 5M, 5H, 6H, 5S, j.M, j.H, j.236L, land, 5H, 236L, 5H, 5S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, call Dante, 3H, 623+ATK+ATK

Just like my previous testing with Firebrand Strider is able to combo into dry tags in order to go to someone who does more damage if he gets a hit, any confirm into option B shot, wall cling xx dive kick xx heavy gram lets you land then hold partner to dry tag and combo, depending on what you did before that you can normally do what you’d be able to hit on a second relaunch, but with characters like Viper that have silly scaling and ridiculously high damage supers it means you get to hit high damage from Strider, he seriously didn’t need any damage but… Ugh.

I’m using j.l > qcf+l for my IOH combo starter. Is there a better choice than this?

Also, I’m having trouble getting the most out of my combos( i think). I’m normally doing something like this:
L, M, H, F+H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, qcf+L, land, Call Vergil(rapid slash), j.M, j.H, qcf+L, Wall Cling , Vergil Hits, Wall cling M>H, H Gram, Dash L gram, Legion.

My Strider team is Strider-Y/ Vergil-Y/Doom-A. I know we aren’t very far into strider yet. But is there somewhere I can add in some damage? Should I be doing something else?

cr.:m: :h: :s: sj.:m: :m: :h: qcf+L (land) j. :m: :h: qcf+H (max hits) xx XFC xx :s: (land) …

yall finish the combo. my fingers hurt and I cant think of anything else

EDIT: I found some instances where you can combo off the upwards Excalibur into an S while in X-factor for a hard knockdown, but its so damn inconstant.

Hey I play the same team and I love it. Set ups are awesome and all three characters synergize and are viable. I start dante than strider. As far as your combo goes, the hitstun scale as you know is high by the time u land from the qcf+L so I’m amazed u are able to consistently do the combo, and by looking at it their isn’t really anything u can do to add damage.

Also tip: After a knock down, time the tech roll, Call Doom than do strider teleport IN FRONT OF THE CHARACTER qcf+L too cross the character up and easy peezy set up combo. I abuse this one a lot.

so im still trying to find. there is any combo with ouroborus ? just spam attacks and teleports to reset is not very good

Strider corner loop using gram and satellie and xfactor 3

it goes launcher, sj H, L gram, formation bx2 repeat

this right now is only doable in the corner and i used xfactor 3 since he’s usually at the anchor spot it does work in all 3 xfactor levels

in the corner w/XF3 Strider you can just loop j.H xx qcf+L over and over again. if you get the height down right I bet its an infinite, but if you ever drop too low you can seemingly 100% of the time do s.M s.H xx floor bounce, wall bounce, hard knockdown xx Legion to kill everybody. or you can just jump and do j.H j.S to get your hard knockdown into Legion or drone OTG reset.

you can also relaunch about 4-5 times in the corner with drone OTG.

yea you can do it without the extra H but it seems SO much easier if you add it and it helps with the timing

950k damage meterless so far is what I got before they flip out, which is better than the last lvl xf loop

you should have at least 1 meter by the time the flip out which could end with legion and should kill most charecters you would have to fight