Is there a way to loop together legion supers like ammy and her elements super. I saw desk comboing out of the legion super, so I was wondering if you could manage to get in a :dp::l: somehow after a legion super and do another one.
without xfactor I dont think it’s possible. I could be wrong though.
Id imagine if you had a sentinel assist tacked on, itd buy you enough time to dash in achieve it but its skeptical.
I got a combo i like. It goes
c.M, st.H, c.H, S, sj, j.M, j.H, j.qcf L, land, st.M, st.H, qcf L, st.H, c.H, f.H, S, sj, j.m, j.m, j.H, j.S, Legion. (472k, builds about 85-90% meter w/o Legion)
I think you could throw a second jump at the end to make the legion easier to land also delaying between the st.H c.H f.H helps a bit. I also believe it could be a good setup for some assists during the st.H c.H f.H, maybe like:
… st.H, (Ryu hadoken + c.H), f.H xx Gram M … to whatever.
I think strider is pretty neat. The guy is beast with x-factor. His wall bounces become combo-able from his regular magic series which makes him awesome.
You can combo into wall bounce by magic series, gram L, orb shot, gram M, whatever.
Hmm. Ill have to try that out. Thnx. Gotta keep dem orbs out.
Midscreen you have to use gram H i believe. There’s also a video of strider in corner doing [gram L, orb shot]x5 .
Big damage for a Strider combo.
I worked out another combo with gram and orb but it needs to be close to the corner as well as a pre-summoned orb:
c.M, st.H, c.H, S, sj, j.M, j.H, j.qcf L, land, st.M, st.H, qcf L, st.H, c.H, L gram, Orb shot, S, sj, j.m, j.m, j.H, j.S, Legion. 500k
I wish i could score enough time to get a m gram but the startup is sooooooooooooo loooooooooooong.
this will probably sound stupid but is there any specific combo with ouroboros out besides mashing L all the time?
I found a little thing you can do a few times in the air:
Skip it to the middle if it’s having the graphical problems at the start, my capture card doesn’t like the first 10 or so seconds of recording and there’s nothing there anyway.
I used the youtube cut so once the changes reflect you can ignore the above. heres a video with a lot of loops and strider instant kill combos I made
finally we got some loops going. good shit man.
u think we can get some notations for some of those? sick stuff overall
I didn’t even think to self relaunch with the tiger calling into OTG slide…
impressive man keep up the videos!
whats the timing/positioning for the formation b wall cling combos?
crayton, get on aim/facebook
midscreen is the optimal position.
im on hurry up though dude im kinda fucked up right now dunno how much longer im gonna be up… Anyway it can be done basically anywhere but obviously the longer the combo the more time you need between bomb hitting because of that hit buffer thing. Note that remember the cypher slash on the wall is actaully faster then the kick so as long as the guy gets knocked up higher enough for it to hit rather than kick you can get more combos this way…
As for inputs, sorry not gonna happen. Everything is as it looks though I think. The only thing that might be hard to see cuz of qaulity of video is I do the ninja dash move downwards in some of the combos to get back to the ground faster(or at least id like to belive its faster, its certainly more stylish I think)so I can OTG them where normally not possible.
Anywho, thanks for the nice comments to everyone.
neat little xfactor loop, only tried in level 3, might work in 2, dunno.
Launch -> [H -> 236L -> land -> Jump]
Got the idea from the regular bnb, kinda cool, you can got 4 reps i believe? don’t remember that well, was messing around in training room for while.
has anybody found a combo with ouroborus or we really have to spam attacks and teleportes ?
I have a murderous orb combo but I want to see if anyone else has figured out the damaging ass loops yet
dialupsucky, great video. Very creative