Super A+ Grade: Strider Combo Thread

MY fingers are bleeding a little but I got combos 1 & 2 down. You can hit a level 3 off the number 2 combo for 800k +, but I’m pretty much doing these with resets since orbs = dead character. I want that meter.

Anyone needing help for combo 2 here’s my executional tips

543, 500 damage, 27% meter loss, midscreen required:

c.:l:, :m:, st :h:, c.:h:, :f:+:h:, :s: xx forward super jump, j.:m: xx forward double jump, :h:, :s:, land :qcb:+:s:, :qcb:+:s:, :qcf:+:s:, wall :l:, :m:, :h:xx :dp:+:h:, :dp:+:l: xx :qcf:+:2p:

  1. If teleporting for an over head do j.:h:, s.:h:, c.:h:, :f::h: to negate push back.
    2.After the launcher, get a slight delay before the j.:m:. Then dj.:h: then slight delay before j.:s:
    This is imperative for being consistent you want to hit the enemy down as strider is on his way down to give more time for the orb.
  2. After you shoot the orb and wall cling do that wall cling :l: fast, then :m: at a regular pace

*Also this combo can be used similar in the corner, except after the first Orb shot you do S. :m::h:, relaunch :m::m::h::s:, orb shot into a reset grab.

  • You can also level 3 after then H Gram, by dashing and doing that instead of the dash L Gram for the level 1.

VERY EASY bs day one combo st. L, M, H -> H, S, air M, H (FB motion FWD L) land forward jump M,H,S land (FB motion fwd) ATK+ATK. 420ish damage
(FB motion bk) S, st. L, M, H -> H, S, air M, H (FB motion FWD L) land forward jump M,H,S land (FB motion bk) S XX (DP motion) ATK+ATK Damage 740ish

hello guys, im here testing with Strider, and here a kinda simple combo and tips

—> after teleport :l: or :m: a combo that always hit is air :s:,land, :m:,:h:, c.:h:, :f: + :h:, :s:

and now searching for combos with strider, i rewatched the Striders reveal trailer and found this:

BCE combo 1 : this combo in sentinel with some more stuffs deals 564.900 damage in mid screen

–> with orb already summoned (this makes your combo a lot easier) ,after teleport :l: or :m: , air :s:, land:h:, :f: + :h:, :dp: + :l:,:qcb:+:s:,:qcf: + :s:, Wall :l:,:m:,:h:, c.:h:,:f: + :h:,:s:, super jump (wait the enemy reach the maximum height) air :m: :m: :h: :s:, land Legion

theres some variations, like if you think the wall cling is complicated, you can do: 575,000 damage

BCE combo 2 : with orb already summoned (this makes your combo a lot easier) ,after teleport :l: or :m: , air :s:, land:h:, :f: + :h:, :dp: + :l:,:qcb:+:s:,
:qcf:+ :h:, dash, :h:,c.:h:, :f: + :h:,:s:, super jump air :m: :m: double jump :h: :s:, land Legion

i will come back later to post some corner combos and combos that ends with lvl 3, see ya =] meh I put up some half assed combos… I have a lot of ideas, but not the patience to try them right now… Ill try to work on some more later…

BCE combo 3 : **604,200 **damage - 1 meter- mid screen

this is basically an expansion from my previous combo:

–> with orb already summoned (this makes your combo a lot easier) ,after teleport :l: or :m: , air :s:, land:h:, :f: + :h:, :dp: + :l:,:qcb:+:s:,:qcf: + :s:, Wall :l:,:m:,:h:, air :dp: + :h: (immediately after the wall H atack do Gram H, if you wait him to land, the attack wont connect), land, dash, c.:h:,:f: + :h:, :s:, super jump ( wait the enemy reach the maximum height), air :m: :m: :h: :s:, land, Legion

Note: for some reason, it is not possible to do the M M second jump H, the enemy flip out, that is why you have to wait the enemy floats high, or else, Legion wont connect.

**BCE combo 4: 843,800 **damage - lvl 3 - mid screen

this is an expansion too, after the air Gram H, do Ragnarok, simple as that.

–> with orb already summoned (this makes your combo a lot easier) ,after teleport :l: or :m: , air :s:, land:h:, :f: + :h:, :dp: + :l:,:qcb:+:s:,:qcf: + :s:, Wall :l:,:m:,:h:, air :dp: + :h: (immediately after the wall H atack do Gram H, if you wait him to land, the attack wont connect), land, Ragnarok

^ Two questions:

Obvious might be obvious, but the combo is possible without pre-summoning a satellite, right?

Why specify a teleport and not just j.:s:? Is the teleport necessary in some way, such as the height he comes out at?

1 - yes o can
2- yes may be starting by a jump, its just it will be most common to start a combo teleporting =p

Check out my resets, bnb’s, mixups, and Ouroboros Shenanigans. (i have Video footage of that same combo here BCE except i dash L gram and Ragnorok for the extra swag)


Don’t have the game in front of me. Is that Xfactor 1,2 or 3? Corner only?

XF Lv.3, from anywhere.

can you do the formation B otg launch off of his front back air and ground throws?

I still have trouble mastering the Formation B (shot) into wall combo.

Damn my combo damgewise looks like poop compared to some of these.

[j.H, j.S xx L Excalibur, Land], H, f.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H xx L Excalibur, Jump, j.M, j.H xx L Excalibur, Land, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, Dante Assist, Formation B (Shot)

If you want you can Level 3, but I usually just for another mixup to get meter.

Yes. If you don’t have the satellite at the ready, summon and launch it ASAP.

BCE, what is the meter gains for your combos?

EU still waitin’

In the meantime: has anyone tested Strider OTG slide + assist for relaunch? Since Excalibur scales badly maybe this route works better (if possible ofc)

it works with akuma tatsu assist and doom molecular shield assist

Striders slide with weskers wallbounce assist creates some interesting options.

Slide works with Doom plasma beam. Call beam early, slide late. Free relaunch.