yeah I know that one, but it requires an XFC and 2 bars. not exactly practical. I would rather go straight into XF2/3 + Ouroboros. the 500k combo I mentioned is probably his most practical one with a lvl 1 super ender.
It’s one bar, and you gain 30% meter back. You would rather spend three bars and XF3 to kill a character, rather than one bar and XFC to kill one?
I was looking at the wrong combo lol. yeah it’s one bar but you still spend XF. I would rather play for Ouroboros and the resets, not see how much damage I can tack on to a combo for minimal meter gain. 32% meter gain is negligible compared to the damage and meter you would get from another reset into a meterless combo. that way, I wouldn’t need to spend XF and meter considering how good Strider is at opening people up with mixups. basically playing him like I did with Vanilla Wesker but with tracking teleports and a dive kick.
and besides, we know that if you play your cards right, XF2/3 + Ouroboros is bound to take a character and likely the incoming one as well because a ton of shit is basically flying at you and you have no choice but to sit there and hope to the mahvel gods that you block the right way. that’s the kind of direction I want to take my Strider play.
Unlike doing stuff similar to Vanilla Wesker, you should take advantage of the possible blockstrings that Strider has to offer that Wesker doesn’t. I think his pressure game and mix-up game is PROBABLY alot better than Wesker too, It’s just gonna be alot harder. It’s too bad his damage and meter gain pales in comparison to Wesker’s.
Yeah, resets will definitely be the way to go when he has no meter, but having the option to do almost a million damage and still gain meter is awesome for Strider. Say I have 3 meter and XF3. I kill the point character by popping XF and spending a bar I gain back anyway. The next guy comes in and I have 3 bars and XF. He dies to Ouro and If I’m particularly on point I can kill/significantly weaken the last character before it runs out.
Strider with 3 bars and XF could potentially kill a team. DARK HIRYU RISES.
Wesker/Vergil/Strider: take your freaking pick for XF3. LOL.
btw, you want me to get the rest of the combos from the bible up for you? not too busy at the moment, I can copy the notations in a few minutes if you want.
That’d be fricken God-like. I’d totally owe you. I’m way to grab lunch and start work so I can head out tonight, so that’d help me a lot.
here ya go.
damage: 488,500, 24% meter loss
(against airborne enemy) forward jump, j., j.
, j.:h: xx Excalibur L [:qcf:+:l:], land, st.
, :s:, j.
~ double jump forward, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, Formation B [:qcb:+:s: x2], wall cling [:qcf:+:s:], wall :l:,
, :h: xx Gram H [:dp:+:h:], Gram L [:dp:+:l:] xx Legion [:qcf:+:atk::atk:]
damage: 411,500, 57% meter loss
front or back throw, Formation B [:qcb:+:s: x2], wall cling [:qcf:+:s:], wall :l:,, :h: xx Gram H [:dp:+:h:], Gram L [:dp:+:l:] xx Legion [:qcf:+:atk::atk:]
damage: 372,200, 67% meter loss
front or back throw, Formation B [:qcb:+:s: x2], forward dash, :s:, j.~ forward double jump, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, Legion [:qcf:+:atk::atk:]
damage: 716,900, requirements: 2 bars, X-Factor, midscreen, 120% meter loss
c.:l:, c., st.:h:, c.:h: ~ :f:+:h:, :s:, j.
~ forward double jump, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, Formation B [:qcb:+:s: x2], wall cling [:qcf:+:s:], wall :l:,
, :h: xx Gram H [:dp:+:h:], Gram L [:dp:+:l:] xx Legion [:qcf:+:atk::atk:], XFC, Legion [:qcf:+:atk::atk:]
damage: 771,500~941,600, 5~32% meter gain
c., st.:h: ~ :f:+:h:, XFC, st.:h: ~ :f:+:h: xx Gram M [:dp:+:m:], Ame-no-murakamo H [:qcf:+:h:], :s:, j.
, j.
~ forward double jump, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, Formation B [:qcb:+:s: x2], forward dash, :s:, j.
, j.
~ forward double jump, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, Legion [:qcf:+:atk::atk:]
I’ll test it out, I think Strider will come in handy for my Iron Fist
Sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman.
I am here! No game yet though. Mitsu, I am proud of you, my son.
Many proud.
From almost full screen you can Orb shot, TK Gram H, call orbs, run forward launch.
Seems like Strider won’t focus mainly on damage though. He has those crazy mix-ups.
I think I’ll use strider for meterless resets on point, only spending meter if it will kill. I think ragnorok will actually be a decent use of meter to finish off characters and Legion should only be used for DHC, and finishing off that last bit of health otherwise Strider is coming off as a level 3 only character (Only spending 3 meters at a time).
I can’t wait, this is gonna turn a lot of people off from this guy and I like using someone that people aren’t sure how to deal with.
I’ll probably be doing some variation of the wall-cling combo then jabbing after the ground bounce for an attempt at a grab reset, then slide kick and call ironfist/RR for the reset starter and then go probably H gram into another combo. We might also have to invest in an assist with a strong move that won’t scale our combos much similiar to how a bunch of Zeros used taskmasters arrows to extend his ground strings.
Your ‘Ghost Strider’ av is fucking awesome!
Someone posted it a while back when they were first revealed, I just made it my avatar.
He’s definitely gonna be based on mixups and resets, which sounds just awesome.
they sound awesome but mix ups and resets are things that can be beat, and if characters like wesker ( who now have an 700k+ meterless ) guess right then strider is basically dead. he really leaves no room for error. well, i suppose he never did anyway. we’ll just need to be prepared to work hard.
Indeed, and work hard we shall. I have a feeling he’ll be a secret top tier, only accessible to a few, because of his glasscannon-ness. I’m perfectly fine with having no room for error, it’s the best way to push your skills to the max in one respect. I feel assists will also play heavily into the equation, and you could always fall back on keep away game and make them guess on Formation C or Vajra from a distance. Things like that!
XF Lv. 3 j.qcf:l: loop
(XF Lv.3) j.:s:>cr.:l:>cr.>cr.:h:>6:h:>:s:>SJ Forward>j.:h: xx j.qcf:l:>[NJ Forward>j.
>j.:h: xx j.qcf:l:] x3 > :s:>j.
Damage: 1036.000 Meter: 1 6/10
Works on XF Lv.2 but you might have to adjust it.
Also for Ouroboros XF Lv.3, I find best to mash all :l: :h: buttons and hold forward. This is the most consistent way that I’ve found for the Ouroboros to keep comboing from anywhere (maximum I’ve gotten is aroun 600k). The above loop should also work with Ouroboros I think but haven’t tested it.
I will try to come up with a video tomorrow because it’s kind of hard to understand with only letters.