Super A+ Grade: Strider Combo Thread

For flashy stuff.
I was just messing around in practice mode then like came up with it. And since I don’t have anything at all to record gameplay with,I wrote down the inputs then I asked my friend Dyz69 to do the combo on video for me. :v

peeks in

Havnt’t I already posted all his best/strongest combos whatever in all my videos? Rubs chin I havnt seen anyone come to close to what I did. Im pretty sure all that stuff I did in those first couple day videos are still his best stuff. Only thing to really add is of course that legion is random and I was to lazy to always wait for the legion that you can combo after, and a couple of combos I could have added a sweep I think… but I did them pretty nanchalantly and I think the idea is there and shown shrug… I forget if I mentioned it or not but I know I did it in the videos. Note that doing a tiger knee big cpyher slash before you get to the wall is actaully more damaging(albeit slightly)then waiting till you get to the wall to do it. Of course granted this does not work in the corner but yea you get the idea shrug… anywho I guess speaking of combos etc ill try to get to that team combo thing I was talking about with him eventualy but real life stuff in the way as usual… sneaks out

I’m in need of some Zero/Doom/Strider shit.

More Strider contribution, lovin this thread. Had no idea wtf to do with the guy on d1 for damage.

**580 - 600k fullscreen hit confirm **(Legion randomness)

(Form B active :qcb::s:)

(TK Heavy Gram :uf::dp::h:, Light Gram :dp::l:, Form B Shot :qcb::s:, Heavy Ame no Murakame :qcf::h:)

dash >> (s.:h:, c.:h:,f.:h:,s.:s:) >> (sj.:m:, dj.:h:,dj.:s:) >> Legion :qcf::2p:

Notes: Dash canceling the Gram :l: makes landing it easier after the TK Gram :h: (a la Katanarama otg)
sj. series has to be done slightly late, but very fast.
Ame no Murakame :h: must be done immediately after Form B shot for link
I think combo can be extended with otg assist haven’t tried yet.

900k, full screen hit confirm (level 3 no X factor)

(Form B active :qcb::s:)

(TK Heavy Gram :uf::dp::h:, Light Gram :dp::l:, Form B Shot :qcb::s:, Heavy Ame no Murakame :qcf::h:)

dash >> (s.:h:, c.:h:, f.:h:, s.:s:) >> (sj.:m:, dj.:h:, dj.:s:) >> OTG Assist, Ragnarok :dp::2p:

  • If during OTG assist you resummon Form B, might be extendable further to 1mil (Form B shot, s.:h:, c.:h:, f.:h:, etc idk.) gonna lab it more.
  • Combo works with regular Heavy Gram to start but TK gram doesn’t seem to have recovery. Might explain why his hp and damage are so low if he can happy birthday assists and mains from full screen confirms with no retaliation.

So what is striders basic Bnb? This: c.:m:, st.:h:, c.:h:, :f:+:h:, :s: xx forward super jump, air :m: xx forward double jump, :h:, :s:, land, :qcb:+:s:, backwards dash, :qcb:+:s:, forward dash, :s: xx forward super jump, j.:m:, :m: xx double jump, :h:, :s:, land, :qcf:+:2p: looks solid(and doable) but Im not entirely sure.

well your combos are still pretty valid and I personally loved that strider video but you have to remember that this video was done, week 1-2 of umvc3. The game is honestly supposed to progress and with that progression, combo damage also moves forward. You can’t expect what you’ve posted to be the standard 5 years down the road. Some of it may be but I also think there is better technology out there that people are just sitting on and not really sharing

you got any ideas you were experimenting with for additional combos? I have a few myself I haven’t seen anyone go for yet either

if you’re in the corner which I’m assuming you are, you can hit confirm into the that L gram, satellite loop for a few reps. However that combo you posted up with some tweaks works mid screen and will basically go corner to corner pretty easily.

but yea, that combo does work its just not that much life. Maybe 5-550k

Thank you for the videos you contributed to the community. I saw your youtube channel all I can say is Im sorry bro. Keep doing what you do I wish you the best! Life isn’t fair I know from experience. Take care.

Doom can followup the Gram H Hard tag combos with s.L Hard kick.

If the hard tag keeps them in the corner using Strider assist you can get 820k for 1 meter, just under 900k for 2 meters, and 1100k for 3 meters.


s.L forward H (move is called Hard Kick) and acts as a launcher with 8 frame startup.

Ahhh, thought you were saying that his s.L is his Hard-kick, notation error…but doesn’t the s.L not have enough hit-stun for the hard-kick to connect? Guess I’ll try it out next time I go into training mode

Anyone have any easy combos? all the ones I see are kinda of difficult

Best way to make his combos easier are by using assists and making sure you have formation b when starting them

I’m having trouble getting this down. Everytime I hit them with the st.L, the opponent techs out before I can connect the Hard Kick. Is there a specific variation to the wall cling bnb you have to do before the hard tag?

So what’s point Strider ossifying into? What combos and resets do I need to know - anyone with the time would be so kind.

I was testing with the combo in flyingves video. Jumping h land m h fh gram l orb shot wall cling h gram h favour. I doubt more than that works.

To be honest, what Combo I do with Strider depends alot on what assists I have. Because he has moves that cause hard knockdown, wall bounce, and ground bounce, you can always extend any combo to a certain point. How you get there depends on your team. I can usually get about 500k meterless with Strider. I usually don’t use the super as you get much better setups off a formB ender, and I want to save the meter for Ragnarok or Uro.

Comboing with Strider is actually pretty free-form if you ask me.

I was messing around with XF3 Strider in the lab the other night, and I have to say this; I’ve never seen a character, even in XF, with such diverse combos. For once you can actually get creative instead of just sticking with a “best” combo! It’s truly amazing, and I think I should put him on a team of mine. Anyway, I made this combo without reading this thread and only having knowledge of the basic Excalibur Bnb. Again, XF3, corner only, meterless and it does well over 1 mil, but I forget exactly how much. It’s also very difficult with some really tight links, but I can pull it off fairly consistently.

XF3, Corner Only, Meterless 1 Mil.+, Tested on Ryu

St.:l:, St.:m:, St.:h:, :f:+:h: xx :dp:+:l:, [:qcb:+:s:] x2, :dp:+:l:, [:qcb:+:s:] x2, :qcf:+:h:, :dp:+:m:, :dp:+:l:, [:qcb:+:s:] x2, :dp:+:l:, [:qcb:+:s:] x2, Dash :s: xx superjump :m::m::h::s:, Land, [:qcb:+:s:] x2

That’s 14 consecutive special moves. Obviously you can tack a hyper at the end for added damage, although I couldnt get a Ievel 3 to connect.

I dub this combo… The Kill-o-gram.

Is there a “Best Strider” yet?