Well, sorry for the lack of sound/quality, but at least now you can see… THE KILL-O-GRAM!!!
Well, sorry for the lack of sound/quality, but at least now you can see… THE KILL-O-GRAM!!!
Hey guys i need some help. I cant find no Akuma/Strider team but im trying to mix these 2. Ok SO listen to this im doing :l::h::s:, Super jump
:h::qcf:+:l:, Jump:h: :qcf:+:l: Land:s: super jump
:h::s:, :a1: (akuma Tatsumaki) :df::h:… But i cannot figure out a ender off of akuma’s tatsu he bounces 2 high. I want to Do QCF+medium for the ground bounce. But he bounces 2 high. this is done in the corner BTW. If someone can give me some ideas or make a video using a Akuma tatsu that would be the best. this combo is meant for Meter building, so im not going for Max DMG. And teleport takes me above his head isnt giving me an effective mix-up. Thanks in advance.
instead of ending with 3C, instead, Call Akuma, Summon Form B, fire Form B, and then do j623C.
~~~>Call Tatsu>214S>214>j623C>-/>214S>623A~214S>421C>236AA
This ender works with alot of different assists BTW.
Hey guys to anyone who cares im trying to finish up this video
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So im just wondering is there any combos that I did specificly with strider that you guys liked from the first few videos that you want me to mix and match wtih this or?.. i need a few more combos for him… so of course whatever people think is coolest id rather put in… Thanks
The first video was awesome and all the combos were pretty cool to watch or had something unique going on. The only things I saw it missing that people may want to see would be:
[]A few clips showing what he can do with assists to extend/improve his combos
[]Something involving Orbs
[*]Some meterless TOD combos using XF2 or XF3, since people often use him in this spot. I know these combos can be kinda boring, though.
Can someone give me one of Strider’s simplest BnBs?
I think a saw a simple one with someone doing a ground series launching me, and following with a normal or double jump, hitting with an air series, and Strider jumps again while the opponent is still in the air, combing an air magic series and zoo.
I know that’s vague…but…yeah…
C.l, c.m, c.h, 6h, s, j.m, j.m, j.h, L excaliber, land, j.m, j.h, j.s, legion.
To those that use it – I have a couple questions about the heavy gram raw tag combo – specifically into viper (and/or doom).
About how many hits should I be looking to perform before doing the heavy gram? I assume the less the better to account for the hit stun deterioration, right?
Is the heavy gram raw tag combo only able to be done in the corner or close to the corner? Does this rely on stage positioning at all?
What are some of the points you look for when performing the combo? (like what cues are you looking for in performing the heavy gram and timing the raw tag, for instance)
[FONT=Verdana][FONT=times new roman]I’ve tried this tech out in practice mode for a little bit – messing around with different timings and such – I can’t seem to get it to a consistent point quite yet (I’ve been trying tag into Viper’s L’s and M’s so far). Is anyone using this stuff consistently in matches?[/FONT][/FONT]
Strider Combo that does 590k & builds 1 bar of meter
Formation B must already be summoned
:h:, :d:.:h:, :f: :h:, :dp: + :l:, :qcb: + :s:, :qcf: + :s:, wall :l:, xx :qcf: + :l:, :s: xx neutral super jump,
xx forward double jump,
, :h:, :s:, :qcb: + :s:, :qcb: + :s:, :qcf: + :s:, wall :l:,
, :h: xx :dp: + :h:, land, :qcb: + :s:, :dp: + :l:, :qcb: + :s:, :rdp: + :h: xx :qcf: + :2p:
Tested on Magneto
I think it would be really stylish to put in some cool raw tag combos off of striders :dp::h:
Strider + Captn America shield slash assist. ( doesn’t work in corner, no need to have formation out beforehand either ) s.m, s.h, d.h, s j.m, dj, j.h, j.s, land summon formation + shield slash + release formation, summon formation, dash, l.gram, release formation, wall cling, J.H, cancel to H.gram, dash L.gram > super or thc. I think it did over 600k but I only did it once and can’t remember the exact number.
Here’s a decent combo if your back is against the corner
Here’s a couple of ranked matches with my She Hulk, Doom, Strider team.
Sorry I don’t have a capture card, but this was all I could do. Thoughts?
I think you’re playing a bit too defensive. When you throw out doom assist, you shouldn’t be backdashing, you should be wave dashing forward to combo off the beam or try to get in a low or overhead if it is blocked. You’re team should be more of the get in your face one. Dont be afraid to go for those dash cr.l’s!
btw with doom you shouldn’t be normal dashing, you should be doing his jump up airdashdown forward or backward to move around since he can’t cancel his normal dash.
Thanks for the feedback so quickly. Yeah I could play more aggressively. I just have to find a way to get over my fighting anxiety. Also, should I keep beam or change for missiles?
i’d say beam, but missiles is still very useful so go with what you like
In the corner with strider i do Launcher, Air H, Gram L, formation B x2 (once to summon it the other to otg with it) x 2 launcher bbcs (tac exchange) into marlinpies doom tac combo. with the bar at the end it gives you a 1.1m tod and ur meter positive as well
is marlinpies TAC even as useful as that other TAC that was posted a while back? doesn’t seem like it’s that good using all those j.l’s
his combo gets you 450-500k so add that with the 450k strider combo i have and im sittin at 850-900k thats not including sphere flame at the end which is 1.1k. That Tod’s all the relevent cast members (the top tier ones)
you need more wake up options with Strider for some quick over head mix ups without teleporting cuz thats what everyone is looking for with a strider player just like Dante, check out Strider tiger mixups on youtube. Its always great to know a few gimmicks for each team member and team gimmicks like doing striders wall cling while calling she hulks otg. Also try to throw out a few hawks B4 teleporting to make you opponent weary to jump and catch you with an air throw to punish the teleport.