Sunday April 26 Fudruckers Revenge SF4/MVC2/TVC/SF3S/HDR/CVS2 Concord Console Tourney

Dear Nima,

plz let me know the next date so I can request the whole weekend off. thanks in advance!

korngo you lie. you say this every month.

my ride needed to get his breaks fixied first. so we couldint make it. starkilled could vouch for this. so instead, i’ma just request sat+sun off and make it so i dont work early mon morning, but in the afthernoon. then i can just take the amtrak out there, and roll out there with crizzle. yadididid?


What ramin said. We had a bigger turnout than the previous on the other games, and a significant number of people who showed played either 3rdX, mvc or snk exclusively. Still, things to think about. 7 setups from start, who knows, shortening matches in losers bracket, something. i know fuddruckers loved the $$$ but we dont want to piss off our free venue, still almost double the people and it took the same amount of time. More setups, better bracket time estimates, im thinkin of stuffz, we shall see how much smoother the next one is. Maybe run winners brackets solely till semi’s <when the last free life ticks zero then switch to losers until the end> . who knows, any and all feedback would be welcome by all of us. Brb, reading EVO rules

YES. PLEASE. hahah on a side note. winners bracket should be double elimination. losers should be single elimination. and finals/grand finals should be how its always been. the end:wgrin:

only sf4 plz

never! we need the crack!

Pics added!!

Props to the guys that ran this and to everyone that came, was a lot of fun.

I’m for SF4 only!

If its not possible why not have the other games start early like at 11:00

SF4 only? never. marvel is life and dat original crack

You gotta keep HDR… I think I’m better at that game :smiley:

next tournament there will be a donation box for the sean W. TE stick fund. You can bet that it will happen.

Ahh that’s super cool of you guys.

Luckily I got some parts coming in, and I’m hoping I can get some help from Thrust to help make me a custom box and everything.

Hopefully by next month, I can get a new stick built and ready to play.