Sunday April 26 Fudruckers Revenge SF4/MVC2/TVC/SF3S/HDR/CVS2 Concord Console Tourney

Thanks again to all the organizers of this tourney, shit was hype! GGs to all I played and thanks to the kind people who lent me their stick. It’s a shame about Sean W.'s stick getting taken/stolen, you would think that wouldn’t happen with the tight community vibe that was present, but some people still gotta be assholes.

Still, lookin forward to the next one!

wow someone stole a stick? talk about fucked up. Tourney looked fun wish I knew about it earlier oh well I’ll attending the next one if there is.

Junio. GGs to you!

GGs to everyone I played against. I think it was Peter, Edg3, Jose? (Blanka player), Nima, James, Cameron, and Cracksoogood.

This is the only thing I hate about console tournies. A wallet, stick, adapter or sometimes even food must go missing. It’s a shame. :shake:


Minimum waaaaaaaage!!!1

gg to every1 and thanx to those that set this up hopfully i can make the next 1 cuz this 1 was one hell of a time and thanx to don son (i think das the name) for lettin me borrow the Ps3 TE Stick and givin me the beat down with vega in HD! RIGHT ON! also hope sean finds a way to get his stick back cuz das just wrong. hate when people like that just ruin the scene for others

GG’s to everybody i played last nite in sfiv and HDR. last nite waz crazzzzzzzzy long. went into double over time hahaha. HDR finals took like 20 mins ( i swear…) with 128 entrees for sfiv, ran by much faster den everybody thought it would all thankx to Anthony, Nima, Ramin, and Vitto for holding it down. just wanted to say…

-jack : i did not see ne of ur matches except for when u played againt rival O.o. once again, “so close” ><

-Sean “Poopa Coopa”: dat match against viper waz killer. needs more LOLriats. xD

  • Allen: how’d u lose to dat garbage gief ? =/

-random ken player??? : sorry for attempting to do da ultra taunt combo w/ ken. blame it on jack for condoning it :sweat:

and to everybody else, esp. the SJ crew and those who come by the sessions everyweek. mad props to u guys, we’re all proud of u. as they all say, back to da drawing board.

Check it out guys, some info on the vid if you guys already didn’t know =]

Just been going through some of the footage… I was shooting some short pre tournament interviews with Haunts, crowd reactions, and general hypeness. Actual match footage was done by other people. There’s still a lot more, but here is a taste. (I will update this post with more videos as I work on them).

[media=youtube]BOQRx8HJ50E&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eyoutube%2Ecom%2Fmy%5Fvideos%5Fedit2&feature=player_embedded"]NorCal Fudds SFIV Tournament [FINAL ROUND HYPE[/media]

Yeah there was literally only 3 TE sticks for ps3 lol good thing we brought 3 sticks for 360 and 1 ps3 lol and I would like to say thanks to Crackfiend and the announcer for fixing that lil mistake and letting me play my match and settin up an awesome tourny

By the way was there really 128 players? wasn’t it 129 players since my name was not on the list but you guys added me in cause my name somehow got skipped?

sick quality eph

OK!! I took monday to sleep now i can post fo’ realz. ONCE AGAIN thank you to everyone who came out, and who helped, THRUST!!! yer RDM hat was the shizz, Aaron TY Again for running shit, Nima Ramin thanks for being the headmasters to my hogwarts Dom n co, thanks for having shots with me on the sneak away, special shout out to anthony crackfiend for keepin me upright, my girl Keiva for pics< which will be posted soon> everyone who brought a TV/console.

Sean dub… we are gunna make this right for you, we already workin on it, THFS… you suck.

Super awesomeness all around. Nima sez we just threw the second largest tourney of the year? Who knew. Next time itll be MORE hype, More peeps, MORE Sf4 setups MORE organized, MORE fans, fuck it got hot... LESS red-bull for me, i couldnt sleep that night, woke up every 20 minutes twitching from dreams of 128 man brackets and noone answering my calls...

Found out that the PA didnt work in the SF 4 room… getting a megaphone and nerf dartgun for the next one… i promise ill be MORE betta and More cooler, also, since faces were pretty new to me ill also be better equipped to rememebr yall.

Can anyone say 256 man brackets? thats a 900$ first prize. Id say thats worth a plane ticket eh East Coast?

Vito extra shout out to you dude! That’s a lot of pressure to be under, and you handled it like a champ.

I don’t know a better person to announce the matches.

SF4 only next time.

I was thinkin’ the same thing… Probably the only way it would work given time and space constraints.

So Vittorio was the guy running the brackets all day? GOOD SHIT man.

16 setups all sf4

Hells yes!

oh almost forgot Jay akuma001 is the mutha effin man!!! Sold me his spot for five bucks. Thank you Jay

BTW Jay is the dual mod master, if anyone says they know how to mod sticks its because they asked Jay!

we will still be having other games, because we are trying to make this a nor cal major tourney. as far for street fighter 4 and the time constraints, Me,Nima,Vitto, and Anthony are going to be getting together real soon and planning to fix this. so dont start counting other games out yet. until then see ya guys next month. peace.