Summoning the power - Psycho Stream set up thread

Because it seems that everyone is a bit too star struck with how easy it is to land Ultra 2. Ultra 1 however also seems to be a good option for Decapre, hence I’m making this thread so people can explore and share their setups for it.

knock down, hk scramble can be pretty ambiguous ( you can cross up early or fake it ), but i played against my ez mode friends to i have no idea if its safe.

The divekick follow ups are often unsafe and the stomps are always unsafe.

You can setup U1 safely after back throw - allowing you time for high-low.
Additionally, you can set it up well after the Target Combo airthrow. This provides more distance between Decapre and her opponent and the longer knockdown allows you to incorporate both left/right and high/low into your mixup.
LK Scramble > LP/MP = Non-Crossup
LK Scramble > HP = Crossup
3MK = Overhead
cr.LK or cr.HK = Low (If Sweep hits early on in the ultra’s duration, they will stand back up, allowing you to land a 2nd mixup.)

You really want to do u1 with at least a couple of bars. Ex Scramble mk or hk, mp ender does have minimal recovery so is a legit low mix up pretty much like demon flip palm from akuma. Ex scramble dive kick for cross up or fake and ex ground pound being the trickiest

I really don’t get how to use that Ultra.

after scramble > sweep ender she is way too close and there arent enough knockdown frames to make the fireball hit crossup anyway.

after TC airthrow or DP fadc airthrow she cant do the ultra immediately upon landing. She has to wait a couple of frames and at that point it’s already too late to make the ultra ambiguous again (left right)

sweep is meh, same as above and we can’t combo into it anyway as far as I’ve tested it

after backthrow I never got to hit that thing crossup too. backthrow > U1 > MK scramble doesn’t work as a left right mixup. If you go straight into overhead after activation it does like 180 dmg (single u1) at best and juggling with airthrow seems really odd.

I can see it working off LP daggers if they opponent doesn’t quickrise but thats it. Any more ideas ?


after scramble > sweep she actually gets a safe high low that leads into okish damage i guess. scramble sweep > u1 > immediate overhead > airthrow does like 312 if the Ultra is fully charged.

and it actually works as a crossup off LP daggers but its weirdly hard to time and it only works if the opponent doesn’t quickrise.

i have been thinking in some ideas and we may have something interesting to work with.

god i hate to be working right now

At least you have a copy of Ultra. I need to rent out consoles since my PS3 is borked and PC gets it August.

well as i said you can give me ideas to test, so we can find stuff faster. Dont remember if you already asked for something tho lol

You can set up ultra after,cr.lp, into uppercut then lk. scramble and either cross up with hp or stay in front with mp. Can air throw or uppercut after if the ultra connects but timing of the ultras a bit difficult cause if not timed correctly they can just stand block and walk out of it. nvm doesnt work i forgot about quick rise.

Well, I think we have to be systematic about this.

First things first we need to list down her hard knockdowns (aside from backthrow). And then we work from there.

scramble> Razor edge (same for EX)
Air throw (or just throws lol)
u2, super(u1 depends on the ender)


rapid dagger
scramble > break (same for Ex)
Air spiral
TC w/o throw

Next step, which ones can we buffer stalking flare out off. IIRC air throw doesn’t give you as much time to pull it out as back throw.

the only one i do like is razor´s edge

I think back throw is decent for the high low mix. I don’t like it off air throw at all as she seems to need some extra charge after landing from it.

I don’t recommend it but I’ve landed lvl3 focus after ultra 1block stun. It looks like block stun wears of about half a second before focus will come out

thats the only stuff that I could come up with after a while. The high low after airthrow is not really good. She only gets like 1 hit off the fireball and it also depends on how late you throw your opponent.

If LP daggers was a hard knockdown the ultra would become a lot more viable though. I would try to react to the technical sign that would show up right after they touch the ground though. If it’s not there then just u1.

Also if the opponent is in blockstun due to the fireball then Focus LVL3 will also get blocked. There is no unblockable/guardcrushing setup with U1 + Focus LVL3

yay the last two were the ones i was working on, but sadly they are quite weak damage wise :confused:

ITOH from that same set up you can do u1 so it doesnt hit the opponent waking up so you can actually use it as a shitty aegis sort of… still WIP

Hits after u1 is finished is the opponent doesn’t react quick enough they get hit by the focus, not really practical though

Saw this on the main USFIV thread.

Now to figure out how to set it up.