its only like 13 points of stun with the fierce slash combo.
Turn off infinite meter.
Yeah, I test under Recovery mode, as it allows for good testing of N and C groove damage.
Do Ken’s standard lvl2 cancel (shoryureppa, command roll, fierce DP)
Before you get a chance to hit him with the fierce DP, the recovery option will fill your meter back to max. Is that good testing??? Lvl3 in C-groove gives 105%, wheras in real play outside of training mode, you will not get that 105% damage boost, but rather whatever having a lvl1 stock will give you.
If you want to test damage reliably, put the dummy on A-groove and make sure your meter is set to Normal or Max Start. Voila:party:
hmm, didn’t know it refilled that fast.
As far as dummy damage, I don’t think the groove matters. The Guard Bars are different lengths, but I don’t know of anything that causes characters to take less damage.
There are defensive bonuses to most grooves. Thats why people test on A dummys.
I’ve heard about defensive bonuses, but can’t find any hard facts on them. both the system faqs seem to say nothing on the topic. I’ll keep looking.
Hard facts???
Set the dummy on K-groove rage. Hit him with a fierce. Compare that to the dummy on a-groove. K-groove takes less damage when raged because it has a defense bonus. Try it with other grooves. A-groove gets no defense bonus for having partial, empty, or full meter, but other grooves do. If you have the game to test this out, it shouldn’t be very difficult to get results and compare.
Hard facts…come now, don’t turn into kcxj part 2 or anything like that for heaven’s sake…
P-groove doesn’t get defense bonus either right?
I haven’t been able to get to my console and training mode, but the only info I have is that K-groove does in fact get a 12.5% damage reduction when Raged. I’ll check on other stuff later.
^ Reduction?
Apparently you take 12.5% less damage while Raged. Still gotta check the other grooves, may not get to them until tomorrow.
Cool, I never knew about that.
ending the hibiki super with close roundhouse xx fierce run slash xx trip slash is like 40ish points of stun damage
Is there a guide about stun?
As far as I know, stun is always the same, regardless of whether you’re raged/powered-up/whatever.
Each character has a specific Stun Meter, you ccan check the faq(s) Buktooth’s or Chensor’s for the exact values.
just turn on attack data in training mode no need for a guide about stun
No you’re not mistaken.
N gives you a damage boost of 20% to normals, specials AND supers, while K is +35% to normals, +30% to specials and +10% to supers.
That can’t be right. K-groove lvl3s are notorious for high damage.