Strenghts of N Groove?

does the counter movement has always the same duration of the character’s roll?

the duration looks the same to me

PS- Ngroove has the level 4 supers.:smokin:
(kim, terry, Hibiki,)off the top of my head

I used to say that due to the power boost from max + the lvl 3 + a lvl 1
Those 3 are good examples, don’t forget Kyosuke.
Sagat and Yun, but theirs suck.

Yeah, but don’t forget that the +20% damage from Max doesn’t apply to supers, unlike Rage.

it doesn’t lemme test it

EDIT: You’re right it doesn’t.

I was gonna say…it doesn’t seem to practical to waste the lvl 1 after a lvl 3 unless it’s a guaranteed kill…

EXCEPT when you’re Campbell Tran, then it’s okay.

I think in the case of doing a level one after, for example, Hibiki’s rave super the damage scaling means that the level one actually does a significantly higher amount of damage.

That’s why I said except when you’re Campbell…'cause who else uses N-Hibiki on a tournament level?

Oh, and my point was that leaving yourself with absolutely no meter is usually not worth the extra damage because you lose a lot of options without meter. From a strategic standpoint, I think it’s almost always a better option to save that last stock for the rest of the match unless the extra damage is guaranteed to kill the character and the slash won’t. What is the damage difference between finishing with lvl 1 dash super and fierce slash anyway?

lol, true. Don’t really see many N-Hibikis.

As far as the actual amount of damage, I think it’s something like 1-1.5k extra. I’m not really sure off the top of my head, though. Let me check the Hibiki forum.

Edit: According to the man himself,

I guess that answers it for us both. :wink:

Well that’s pretty gay. Just like Campbell.

That makes sense then…so it’s worth it damage wise if they have a multi-hit lvl 3 to burn a lvl 1 after, but probably not much difference if they have like a one-hit lvl 3 'cause the damage scaling isn’t as bad after fewer hits.

I still think strategically it’s better to save it…but then again, Hibiki doesn’t absolutely need meter to be effective. Depends on character and match situation, I guess.

Another thing you have to consider is stun. Finishing the level 3 with the fierce slash combo afterwards does quite a bit of stun. If you had landed a few hits prior to hitting the super they’ll likely be dizzied. Just a factor to think on.

I almost never use a Level 1 after a Level 3 when using Hibiki. The only time I do is when I’m pretty sure the extra damage will be enough to finish off the match, because with how I play N-Groove I feel having stocks is more important than getting in that little bit more of damage. More importantly, you’re only a stock away from getting another Lv3 opportunity. Hibiki can fill meter at a better-than-most rate, so that happens faster than you’d think.

And actually, Hibiki is a pretty good character in N because she is very dangerous when powered up. Not only because of the Lv3 supers, but also because she can wear down guard crush bars very easily when powered-up. Any regular attack string can be finished off with a distance slash. It only takes three or four of them to break guard, or at least get the other guy really worried. That’s why I prefer to save my stock instead of burn it. It gives me more options post-super.

Yeah, I never said she’s bad in N, just that not many people play her in that groove. I guess not many people play N in general, though.

Wait, you’re saying in K they get the damage bonus on their super also? 35% is it?

Um, after looking over the system faq, here’s the K groove breakdown:
Normal attacks : 135
Special attacks : 130%
Super attacks : 110%

AFAIK, K groove is the only groove that gains bonus damage to supers.

Yup, most damaging level 3 supers in the game.

I thought S had the most damaging supers, because they’re so impractical since you’re near death anyway…

yeah, but there are some good gimmicky S characters. Like my friend Jaguarandine’s S-Todo. Lvl 1 counter supers and constant xx fireball supers.

S-Bison, anyone?

I remember testing supers and though N had the most damaging supers. I must have been mistaken.