Strenghts of N Groove?

N doesnt do the most damage. Im almost positive it goes S > K > N > C > P > A

that old “damage tier” chart is wrong. whichever srk staff tested it had it on infinite meter

only kgroove gets a damage bonus from supers, and it’s only 10%. it’s pretty negligible, unless it’s a one-hit super that counter hits (blanka level 3)

Don’t the S supers the 5% red-life bonus, 15% full meter bonus, or 20.7% combined bonus?

I’ll do a serious test of all the damage bonuses and defense bonuses later today.

It’s true.

Just tested (infinite meter), Joe’s Double Cyclone Super against P-groove (no defense boost):

P: 6000 (no boost)
C: 6300 (+5%)
K: 6600 (+10%)
N: 7200 (+20%)
S: 7236 (+20.75%, +5% * +15%)

S > N > K > C > P

No damage boost when not infinite meter, so Buktooth is right. S gets +5%, K +10%, that’s it.

Groove Damage Bonuses

Alright, so I did thorough testing of all the grooves in training mode today. I tested under Normal meter.

Damage Bonuses:
tested with R2 Sagat against R2-A-Blanka. S.Fierce - 1600, Fierce Fireball - 1000, Lvl1 & Lvl3 Tiger Shot - 2500 & 5200

0 Bars/Empty Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - N/A
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
1 Bar
Normal - 1616 - +1%
Special - 1010 - +1%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
2 Bars
Normal - 1632 - +2%
Special - 1020 - +2%
Lvl 1 Super - 2525 - +1%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
3 Bars/Full Meter
Normal - 1680 - +5%
Special - 1050 - +5%
Lvl 1 Super - 2525 - +2%
Lvl 3 Super - 5200 - +0%
NOTE: After looking over the supers, C-groove does gain a damage bonus to supers, based on the amount of meter left after doing the super.

0 Bars/Empty Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - N/A
1 Bar
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
2 Bars/Full Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
Custom Combo
Normal - 1152 - -28%
Special - 720 - -28%
Lvl 1 Super - 2000 - -20%
NOTE: Damage Noted in Custom Combo was always first hit of combo, thus further hits may do less damage do to damage scaling.

0 Bars/Empty Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
1 Bar/Full Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - 5200 - +0%

0 Bars/Empty Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - N/A
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
1 Bar/Full Meter
Normal - 1840 - +15%
Special - 1150 - +15%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
Red Life
Normal - 1680 - +5%
Special - 1050 - +5%
Lvl 1 Super - 2625 - +5%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
Red Life & Full Meter
Normal - 1932 - +20.7%
Special - 1207 - +20.7%
Lvl 1 Super - N/A
Lvl 3 Super - 5460 - +5%

0 Stocks/Empty Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - N/A
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
1 Stock
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
2 Stocks
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
3 Stocks/Full Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 1 Super - 2500 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
Max Mode
Normal - 1920 - +20%
Special - 1200 - +20%
Lvl 1 Super - N/A
Lvl 3 Super - 5200 - +0%

Empty Meter
Normal - 1600 - +0%
Special - 1000 - +0%
Lvl 3 Super - N/A
Raged/Full Meter
Normal - 2160 - +35%
Special - 1300 - +30%
Lvl 3 Super - 5720 - +10%

So C, S, & K gain bonuses to Supers. A & P gain no bonuses at all.

Oh, and I tested Defense bonuses too. That list is really boring. Only K-groove gains a bonus and only while Raged. So as long as you don’t test against K, it doesn’t matter what the opponent’s groove is.

K - -12.5% damage

Are you sure about that? I am pretty sure N gains some defensive bonus while in “max mode”. C and S should also gain some defensive bonus when they have meter.

Unless it is only against specials or supers, there are no defensive bonuses. Only K reduced the power of a Sagat s.fierce.