You get 589. The most damage I got from a counterhit when testing earlier was 594, which was Double Back Knuckle, cl.HP xx EX Snake Pit, cr.HP xx Face Crusher.
I tried pretty much everything Bryan had with counterhits, but the main problem is Bryan doesn’t get anything off of a counterhit except with his overhead, so you’re better off starting with a jump in for max damage with the first two unscaled hits. Less is more in Bryan’s case to get the most damage with his Super.
To quote an old german proverb: “In der Kürze liegt die Würze.” (literally: “In shortness lies the spice”) meaning, “Keep it simple with your combos ffs!” xD I bet that will increase the overall damage, since it scales less. then again, Xiayou’s super doesn’t deal exactly much damage.
However, Xiaoyu’s Super deals low damage (270), and has low juggle potential (4 juggle potential for 1st and 2nd hit, but the first hit increases juggle point by 1). I’ll try it, but I doubt it’ll make the damage higher.
All right. Just sometimes when character has relatively high damage supers, less hits with a CH start results in larger damage, but not in this cas eI see.
The rule ch or jump in is exactly for that purpose.
With a jump in you get a free cl.hp or whatever on top. a mere ch cl.hp would only increase the damage by 23. However, some characters have special properties on CH, making it a viable damage increase in comparison to a jump in. A ch jump in would void that catch up tho and would in 99% of the cases be the best option. this just ensures more diversity.
Mostly impractical (doesn’t matter in this thread) higher damage (matters in this thread) combos for Yoshi.
[327] Yoshimitsu [Flea, Flea to Sling Headbutt (maximum range), HK Poison Breath, s.MK xx HP Gehosen, st.LK, st.MK xx HP Gehosen]
[343] Yoshimitsu [Flea, Flea to Sling Headbutt (maximum range), HK Poison Breath, s.MK xx HP Gehosen, cr.MK, cr.LP, cr.MK xx HP Gehosen]
Counter Hit
[342] Yoshimitsu [Flea, Flea to Sling Headbutt (maximum range), HK Poison Breath, s.MK xx HP Gehosen, st.LK, st.MK xx HP Gehosen]
2 Bars
[400] Yoshimitsu [Flea, Flea to Sling Headbutt (maximum range), HK Poison Breath, s.MK xx Super Art]
[546] Yoshimitsu [(corner) j.HP, EX Poison Breath, c.MK xx HP Gehosen, LP Gehosen, Super]
I don’t know what to say about Corner tho. The opponent IS in the corner, but to do max range headbutt Yoshi has to stay away a good distance from the corner.
I updated meterless, the rest was already there or better (your max dmg does 627 - currently we have 649 for asuka)
[649] Asuka [(ch) s.HK xx EX Onikubigari, c.HP xx Onikubigari, c.HP xx EX Falling Rain, c.HP xx EX Onikubigari]
[530] Abel [Finish Low, EX Shoulder Tackle, j.HP, EX Shoulder Tackle, j.HP, HP Falling Sky]
Y u no ch?
Vega s.HP, df.HK
that comboes on ch? Oo
I’m glad that you changed df.HK to Cosmic Heel so I can rename it to df.HK again xD
@Enygmatic Gentlemen
Those are some sick Steve combos. Damn, he is scary.
HOLY CRAP I found it! Thank you weird Super scaling.
Max Damage
[584] Xiaoyu [(corner, ch) Phoenix stance, HP Flower Power, cr.HP xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, cr.LP xx Phoenix stance, HP Wave Crest, LP Hakkesho, Super Art]