Street Fighter x Tekken v2013 Combo Tier Lists!

They should work.

Thanks. BTW, you put my Meterless Yoshimitsu combo in Post Tag section.
Vulcan Hades wrote
[316] Yoshimitsu [ xx CADC,, xx HP Gehosen]
in the first page, and it should still be max dmg Post Tag.


I wish I could share the rights to edit the posts. It’s a bigger workload than I have expected.

how can you charge fast enough after to get with one enough charge time? also did you try xx super art after

ah nvm, found out. not a cancel but a link!


Yea, it’s a link :slight_smile:

df.HK, c.MP, cl.HP xx Super does lower damage because the last hit of Super whiffs.

Guile has one of the worst supers. I never use it. Low juggle potential, needs to charge, low damage - it’s useless. At least most of the other supers (even low damaging ones) have cinematics so they go into full damage if they hit.

I also tried to do full screen LP boom => dash dash dash jump… combos, but it yields less damage since boom does no damage at all.

Alright then…here is my contribution. Granted, outside of Jin(he has some others that I need to try again), the other characters can probably get more damage so folks can just use those as footstools. Anyway:


[363] Cammy [, Jump cancel, hk Cannon Strike, cl.hp, s.hp xx hk Cannon Spike]
[313] Sakura [cl.hp xx lk Shunpuyaku, cl.hp xx lk Shunpuyaku, xx hp Shouoken ]
[326] Ken [>cl.hp xx lp Shoryuken, xx hp shoryuken]


[352] Cammy [cl.hp, CADC, cl.hp xx hk Cannon Spike]
[359] Sakura [cl.hp xx HK Sakura Otoshi (1 hit), cl.hp xx lp shouoken, hp shouoken]
[352] Ken [, CADC, xx hp shoryuken]


[435] Cammy [hp Spin Knuckle, c.hp, c.hp, c.hp, hk Cannon Spike]
[379] Sakura [cl.hp xx lk Shunpuyaku, cl.hp xx LP Shouoken, cl.hp xx hk Sakura Otoshi (1 hit), s.hp xx lp Shouoken, hp shouoken ]
[424] Dudley [>, xx lp Jet Upper, xx lk Short Swing Blow, xx mp Jet Upper]
[389] Ken [>cl.hp xx lp Shoryuken,,,, c.hp xx hp shoryuken]

-Also a quick note on Jin’s corner BnB: The combo is right, but the damage value is actually 394 and not 383.


[385] Cammy [(ch), jump cancel, hk Cannon Strike, cl.hp, s.hp xx hk Cannon Spike]
[350] Sakura [(ch), s.hp, CADC, c.hp xx hp Shouoken]
[394] Ken [(ch),>cl.hp xx lp shoryuken, xx hp shoryuken]

2 bar

[480] Cammy [, jump cancel, hk Cannon Spike, cl.hp, s.hp xx Super]
[455] Sakura [cl.hp xx LK shunpuyaku, cl.hp lk shunpuyaku, xx Super]
[519] Ken [>cl.hp xx EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, cl.hp xx EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, cl.hp xx lp Shoryuken,,,, c.hp xx hp Shoryuken] <-Corner carries from mid-screen.
[514] Jin [c.hp xx EX Power Stance xx Mental Alertness>Swaying Willow,>lp xx EX Power Stance xx Mental Alertness>Swaying Willow, xx Special Step> Thrusting Uppercut, walk forward, c.hp xx Power Stance xx hp Median Line Destruction]

Max Damage

[557] Cammy [,, jump cancel, EX Cannon Strike, cl.hp, s.hp xx Super]
[575] Sakura [, c.hp xx EX Shunpuyaku,, cl.hp xx hk Sakura Otoshi (1 hit), cl.hp xx Super]
[623] Ken [(corner), xx EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, cl.hp xx lp Shoryuken, c.hp xx Super]
[615] Jin [(corner,ch) xx EX Power Stance xx Mental Alertness>Swaying Willow, xx Special Step>Thrusting Uppercut, c.hp,, c.hp xx Super]

Has anyone find success in linking Solar Plexus Strike to According to Zukuu’s frame data it’s a 1-frame link and it’s impossible to do in 1.06 (Didn’t notice that Ryu received a buff on his Plexus Strike’s frame advantage on hit from +3 increased to +5). What’s the damage of these combos?

Ryu (corner) Solar Plexus Strike,, xx lk.Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, hp.Shoryuken

1 bar
Ryu (corner) Solar Plexus Strike,, xx EX Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, xx hp.Shoryuken

2 bars
Ryu (corner) Solar Plexus Strike,, xx lk.Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, cr.hp xx Shinkuu Hadouken

3 bars
Ryu (corner) Solar Plexus Strike,, xx EX Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, cr.hp xx Shinkuu Hadouken

I’ve found a better counter-hit combo for Ken.

[396] Ken [(ch), Thunder Kick, Forward Step Kick xx hp shoryuken]

Can be pulled off at max range, you’ll need to delay the Thunder Kick a bit so that it bounds. My best one so far.

EDIT: [401] Ken [(ch), Thunder Kick, Target Combo , CADC xx hp shoryuken]

  1. 373

  2. 414

  3. 519

  4. 522- Couldn’t land a cr.hp after the EX tatsu so I subbed in a I’m thinking it’s either the distance, or because I haven’t slept. One or the other.

But you can also land a cr.hp and improve the damage

  1. 425

  2. 449

  3. 536

  4. 560

At which part of the combo should the extra cr.hp be landed to get the improved damage? Maybe you could list down the improved version of the combo for Zukuu to add in the list? So far there are still no Ryu combos listed. :smiley:

I think the #4 combo is indeed impossible as I tried it by doing the combo from onwards in post-Plexus distance and it’s completely out-of-reach. I think I typo’ed that one. -_-

Here are a few more combos I could add for Ryu:

1 bar
[348] Ryu, cr.hp xx EX Joudan Sokutou Geri, j.hp, hp.Shoryuken

3 bars
[524] Ryu, cr.hp xx EX Joudan Sokutou Geri, j.hp, xx Shinkuu Hadouken

Are Meaty attacks allowed? Tut

[371] Dudley [ Meaty f.HP s.HK xx LP Jet Upper f.LP>MP xx LK Duck > c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow]

[Post Tag]
[356] Dudley [f.MK s.HK xx LK Duck c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow]

[430] Dudley [s.MK&gt;HK, s.HK xx LP Jet Upper, s.HK xx LK Short Swing Blow, c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow]

[Counter Hit]
[375] Dudley [s.HK xx LK Duck s.HK LP Jet Upper, f.LP&gt;MP xx LK Duck &gt; c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow]
[393] Dudley [Meaty f.HP s.HK xx LP Jet Upper f.LP>MP xx LK Duck > c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow]

[578] Dudley [j.HP s.HK xx EX Machine Gun Blow, s.HK xx HK Short Swing Blow, c.MP xx Super]

[588] Dudley [CH Duck Straight, c.MP xx EX Machine Gun Blow, s.HK xx HK Short Swing Blow, c.MP xx Super]

Edit 1 minute later

[613] Dudley [CH LK Short Swing Blow , c.MP xx EX Machine Gun Blow, s.HK xx HK Short Swing Blow, c.MP xx Super]
(opponent must be near corner for CH LK SSB to be linkable)

[291] Poison [HK Love Me Tender, cl.MP, c.LP, c.HP xx HK Kissed by a Goddess]

[Post Tag]
[329] Poison [cl.MP xx CADC, c.LP, c.HP xx HK Kissed by a Goddess]

[311] Poison [Meaty HP Aeolus Edge, dash cl.MP c.LP c.HP xx HK Kissed by a Goddess]

[Counter Hit]
[333] Poison [cl.HP xx LK Love Me Tender, c.LP c.HP xx HK Kissed by a Goddess]

[2 Bars]
[419] Poison [Meaty HP Aeolus Edge, dash cl.HP xx Super]

[546] Poison [j.HP, cl.HP xx EX Aeolus Edge, cl.HP xx Super]

Are meaty attacks that set up jump ins allowed?

Like the classic Guile LP Sonic boom > jump in combo

What about Counter hit meaty attacks, like a counter hit fireball into jump in?

What about Fireball > Teleport Jump in attack? The fireball comes first so it’s not really a jump in.

It doesn’t really change much aside from fireball character damage potential… possibly.

Added Blanka

[Post Tag]
[358] Blanka [cl.HP xx Forward Hop, c.MK, c.MK xx HK Vertical Ball]

[306] Blanka [cl.HK, c.MK, s.HP xx HP Horizontal Ball]

Added Balrog

2 bar
[500] Balrog [ Final Turn Around Punch]

Counter Hit
max damage
[625] Balrog [Final Turn Around Punch]

2 Bars
[510] Hwoarang [FLA MK>LK>f, FLA MP>MP>f, FLA HK xx CADC, c.MP xx Heel Explosion Combo]

I don’t think meaty attacks are allowed.

Yep, no meaties, unless it’s due to spacing. So no knockdown before or anything. I’d also rule out fireball shenanigans.

[395] Lars [Avalanche stomp, cl.HP xx Silent Entry > Rising Storm, cl.HP xx HK Lightning Screw]

Post tag
[367] Lars [cl.HP xx LK silent entry, cl.HP xx HK Lightning Screw]

[425] Lars [Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Silent Entry > Rising Storm, c.MP, c.MP, cl.HP xx HK Lightning Screw]

Counter hit
[415] Lars [Avalanche stomp(ch), cl.HP xx Silent Entry > Rising Storm, cl.HP xx HK Lightning Screw]
[491] Steve [s.HK&gt;HP, s.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx Ducking&gt;Skyscraper, Ducking&gt;Skyscraper, Ducking&gt;Skyscraper, Ducking Body&gt;Ducking Hook, walk forward, c.HP xx Sonic Fang]

2 bars
[594] Steve [Ducking>Fox Hunt xx EX CADC, s.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, s.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx Ducking>Fox Hunt xx EX Sonic Fang, s.HP xx Ducking>Fox Hunt, c.MK xx Sonic Fang]

Btw. Steve is listed twice in the corner category.

For MAX DAMAGE Xiaoyu, I accidentally put HP Flower Power when it should be HK Flower Power. My bad.

But… My Hugo max damage combo won’t count then…

… And it’s actually a really practical meaty too… That will happen in a real match…
