Street Fighter x Tekken v2013 Combo Tier Lists!

Double post!


2 Bars
[558] Nina [EX Blonde Bomb, EX Blonde Bomb, c.HP xx HK Geyser, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, Ivory Cutter/HP Blonde Bomb/Launcher]

Max Damage
[628] Nina [(ch) EX Blonde Bomb, EX Blonde Bomb, EX Blonde Bomb, c.HP xx HK Geyser, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, Ivory Cutter/HP Blonde Bomb/Launcher]

Ok I’m updating all Lars combos.


[396] Lars [Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, st.HP xx Lightning Screw HK]

Post tag:
[100+267] Lars [st.HP xx silent entry LK, st.HP xx Lightning Screw HK]

[434] Lars [Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.Hp, cl.Hp xx Lightning Screw HK]

Counter Hit:
[440] Lars [(ch) j.HP, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, st.HP xx Lightning Screw HK]

2 Bar:
[524] Lars [Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cl.HP xx Super Art]
Lol better by 1 damage!!!

Super Deluxe:
[609] Lars [(ch) j.HP, cl.HP xx EX Lightning Screw, cl.HP, Silent Entry LK, cl.HP xx Super Art]

Now that is some Mishima worthy damage!

Can I submit a combo that does the same damage as a previous one, if it’s for the sake of making someone go through hell trying to make a video of it?

I hate you.

@Donal Duck
Balrog’s TAP is included in the “super / ex charge attack”. :stuck_out_tongue:
Nice idea tho x)

[311] Poison [Meaty HP Aeolus Edge, dash cl.MP c.LP c.HP xx HK Kissed by a Goddess]
[2 Bars]
[419] Poison [Meaty HP Aeolus Edge, dash cl.HP xx Super]

Is that a “wake up meaty” or “spaced meaty?”

Can you write your Ryu combos down along with their damage?

Also, good work!

[401] Ken [(ch), Thunder Kick, Target Combo , CADC xx hp shoryuken]
How does that combo even work? Thunder Kick only yields a ground bounce on crouching ch. With a before it shouldn’t does a ground bounce. Also, why CADC the target combo instead of just canceling it?

[609] Lars [(ch) j.HP, cl.HP xx EX Lightning Screw, cl.HP, Silent Entry LK, cl.HP xx Super Art]
ch OR jump in, so it does [584] damage, which does 1 damage more then the previous combo x) will update

[440] Lars [(ch) j.HP, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, st.HP xx Lightning Screw HK]
No jump in for CH category, so I can’t use that combo

Why does your combo 1 damage more? it’s the same combo.
[396] Lars [Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, st.HP xx Lightning Screw HK]
[395] Lars [Avalanche stomp, cl.HP xx Silent Entry>Rising Storm, cl.HP xx HK Lightning Screw]

had no idea hp xx silent entry hp worked after ex lighting screw. Thats pretty awesome.

I like that this project seems to spawn discussion, exchange and the thrive to find new combos. I think many of us learned some new stuff about their characters.

You do know it also bounds airborne foes, right?

When the foes crumples down to their knees is when you throw that shit out, if done right, the opponent will bound, it’s pretty easy to do once you get used to the timing.

Why CADC? Because not all hits will connect if I buffer straight into it normally.

Totally slipped my mind that crumples.

EDIT: too late

[351] Dudley [ f.MK s.HK xx LP Jet Upper f.LP>MP xx LK Duck > c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow]
[356] Dudley [ s.MK>s.HK, LP Jet Upper f.LP>MP xx LK Duck > c.MP xx MK Short Swing Blow

Update Added Ryu Meterless
[338] Ryu [ f.HP, c.HP xx HP Shoryuken]

Poison corner redux (lmao more damage)

[341] Poison [Near Max Range HK Love me Tender, cl.HK xx HP Aeolus Edge, c.LP c.HP xx HK Kissed by a Goddess]

2 bars
[399] Poison [HK Love Me Tender, cl.HP xx Super]

edit Added Ryu 2 bar

[514] Ryu [f.HP, c.HP xx EX Step Kick, jt.Hk, c.HP xx EX Shoryuken]

Read my post above. I asked you a question there about poison.

First concern:
Sorry didn’t know I couldn’t do both

[584] Lars [j.HP, cl.HP xx EX Lightning Screw, cl.HP, Silent Entry LK, cl.HP xx Super Art]

Second concern:
[415] Lars [(ch) Avalance Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cl.HP xx Lightning Screw HK]

Third concern:
My tv isn’t HD… I guess that’s a 5 not a 6 sry.

All right good deal someone updated the Jin super deluxe while I was gone!!!
Good job whoever it was!

My work here is done!

[quote=“zUkUu, post:213, topic:159010”]

Both were wake up meaties.

Just tested the 2 bar one and you can do it with spacing

2 bar
[419] Poison [Max range HP Aeolus Edge, dash c.HP xx Super]

SRK screwed up quotes.

Both were wake up meaties.

Just tested the 2 bar one and you can do it with spacing

2 bar
[419] Poison [Max range HP Aeolus Edge, dash c.HP xx Super]

I posted a better corner combo than the meaty one above for Poison.

Ryu Max Damage ------------
[627] Ryu [j.HK, f.HP, c.HP xx EX Step Kick, jt.HK, c.HP xx Super]

I think if u get them to the corner u can do more Dmg.

Cr.hp, ex donkey,, cr.hp,
H donkey, cr.hp, L tatsu, cr.hp, super…

Something like that.

You can pretty much replace, entirely with cr.hp is what I meant. I’ll post them up after work though.

Yea I’ll write them up for sure after work. I’ve got one for him that does 628 I believe.