I’ll try that when I get home, but it seems worth it to go for the Cl. MP, Cr. HP link. By the way, why don’t we have 1 meter combos? I just realized there’s no category for that.
Someone just test this kuma combo and see how much it does
J.hp, st.hp xx hunting, f+hp [hunting, f+hpx5] (I believe its x5 may be x4 or times 6 and somewhere in there you should be able to do a super)
Midscreen meterless: far st.HK, close st.HP xx lk tatsu, close st.HP xx MP goshoryuken (367)
Post tag: close st.MP, far st. HK, far st.HK, HP goshoryuken or cr.MP, far st.HK, close st.HP xx HP goshoryuken (337 though only 2 of the 3 hits of srk connected :/)
Corner: far st.HK, close st.HP xx LK tatsu, cr.MP, close st.HP xx HP goshoryuken (381) (I really hope he has a better corner combo because this is kinda poor IMO)
Counter hit: Same as above (393) (dunno how to add damage without meter lol, im prettttty damn sure there are better ones)
2 bar: Ummm… Yeah I couldnt really find a good one outside corner unfortunately, Ill leave this up to someone else
Deluxe special (in corner) (CH) st.HP xx EX tatsu, cr.HP xx EX Shakunetsu, cr.HP xx EX shakunetsu, st.HP xx HP shakunetsu (625 damage)
EDIT: Didnt see previous akuma combos so yeah, scratch the first few, I was pretty sure there are better ones. How the hell can you pull those off though? I tried them (corner one in particular) and i just couldnt get it to work no matter how much i tried. I could do the post launcher one just now though
Actually scratch that I did the corner combo too, its just really really hard to pull off lol
meterless, mid screen
[385] Akuma [st.hk, cl.HP xx LK Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, cr.lp, st.hk, st.hk, cl.hp xx HP Goshoryuken]
post launch, mid screen, meterless
[364] Akuma [cl.mp, st.hk, st.hk, cl.hp xx HP Goshoryuken]
post launch, corner, meterless (extra swag)
[402] Akuma [cl.hk(1st hit) xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cr.lp, cl.hk(1st hit) xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cr.lp, cl.hk(1st hit) xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cl.hp xx HP Goshoryuken]
meterless, corner
[415] Akuma [st.hk, cl.HP xx LK Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, cr.mp, cl.mp, cl.hp xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cl.hp xx HP Goshoryuken]
[391] Akuma [st.hk, cl.HP xx LK Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, cl.lk, cl.hk(1st hit) xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cr.lp, cl.hk(1st hit) xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cl.hp xx HP Goshoryuken] (extra swag)
CH, meterless, mid screen
[417] Akuma [Hyakkishu > Hyakki Gojin (ch), st.hk, cl.hp(or cr.hp) xx LK Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, cr.lp, st.hk, st.hk, cl.hp xx HP Goshoryuken]
2 bars, mid screen
[474] Akuma [EX Shakunetsu Hadoken, st.hk, st.hk, cl.hp xx EX Goshoryuken]
Max dmg, corner
[622] Akuma [j. hp, EX Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, st.hp xx EX Shakunetsu Hadoken, st.hk, cl.hp xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken, cl.hp xx EX Goshoryuken]
meterless midscreen
[409] Law [cl.hk, cr.hp, LP Fury Fist Rush, cr.hp cadc, cr.hp xx HK Somersault xx Backflipper]
CH meterless midscreen
[463] Law [st.hp (ch) cadc, cl.hk, cr.hp, LP Fury Fist Rush, cr.hp cadc, cr.hp xx HK Somersault xx Backflipper]
Max dmg mid screen
[669] Law [j.hp, cl.hp xx EX Shaolin Spin Kicks, j.hp, cl.hk, cr.hp xx Super Art]
Edit: thank you for deleting the reposts.
max dmg corner 3 meters (updated)
[643] Akuma [st.hp (ch), EX Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, st.hp xx EX Shakunetsu Hadoken, st.hp xx EX Shakunetsu Hadoken, st.hk, cl.hp xx HP Shakunetsu Hadoken]
Updated all my max damage combos for each character.
Still pretty sure Lars post launch combo could be better, but I don’t really have the execution to prove it.
Updated all my max damage combos for each character.Still pretty sure Lars post launch combo could be better, but I don’t really have the execution to prove it.
Read the 1st post please.
Make a new post. ^^
Ogre and Bryan update.
[455] cl.hk xx LK Owl’s Hunt, cl.hk xx CADC, cl.hk xx CADC, cl.hk xx LK Owl’s Hunt, LP Indigo Punch
Max Damage:
[611] (corner only, against a jumping opponent) CH LP Fisherman, LP Fisherman, cl.mp, cl.hp xx Super
[417] (against a jumping opponent) LP Fisherman, LP Fisherman, cl.hp xx Flying Knee
I had to test this with a jumping Dhalsim for better consistency but with the buffs to LP Fisherman’s active frames this should be easier/doable on all characters.
Right. sorry.
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.HP xx Lightning Thrust (386)
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.MP, cr.HP xx HK Lightning Screw (415)
Counter hit
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.HP xx Lightning Thrust (406)
2 Bars
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.HP xx Super (523)
(corner) j.HP, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, EX Lightning Screw, cl.HP, Super (583)
(CH) j.HP, cl.HP, cr.MP xx EX Terror, Super (543)
(CH,midscreen) st.hp>st.lp, cl.hp xx H Fisherman’s Slam>Atomic Throw, cr.lp xx Super (584)
(CH) MP Mallet Smash, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, Super (559)
(corner, CH) st.mk>st.hk, st.HK xx ex MGB, st.HK xx LK SSB, cr.MP xx Super (542)
Ogre and Bryan update.
[455] cl.hk xx LK Owl’s Hunt, cl.hk xx CADC, cl.hk xx CADC, cl.hk xx LK Owl’s Hunt, LP Indigo PunchBryan:
Max Damage:
[611] (corner only, against a jumping opponent) CH LP Fisherman, LP Fisherman, cl.mp, cl.hp xx SuperCorner:
[417] (against a jumping opponent) LP Fisherman, LP Fisherman, cl.hp xx Flying Knee
I had to test this with a jumping Dhalsim for better consistency but with the buffs to LP Fisherman’s active frames this should be easier/doable on all characters.
mhhh, standing opponent only. (will add that rule to the op)
I can’t allure to change your combos to my notation system until tomorrow can’t I? : 3 [look at the listed combos]
Takes me a lot of time to do that every time…
Also, jumping OR ch - so vega’s combo would do less damage (no ch).
Sorry, the numbers are right without CH, I just labeled wrong.
Something higher for Vega.
[393] Vega [cl.HP (1st hit) xx HP Rolling Crystal Flash, c.MP xx MK Scarlet Terror, Cosmic Heel, HK Scarlet Terror]
Post Tag
[352] Vega [Cosmic Heel, cr.MK, cr.MP xx HK Scarlet Terror]
[402] Vega [HP Rolling Crystal Flash, c.MP xx LK Scarlet Terror, cr.MK, cr.MK, cr.MK xx HK Scarlet Terror]
Counter Hit
[412] Vega [s.hp, Cosmic Heel (later active frame), Cosmic Heel, c.MK, c.MP xx HK Scarlet Terror]
2 Bars
[510] Vega [HP Rolling Crystal Flash, c.MP xx MK Scarlet Terror, Cosmic Heel, Super Art]
[563] Vega [j.HP, cl.HP, c.MK xx MK Scarlet Terror, EX Scarlet Terror, Super Art]
EDIT: Changed all df.HK to move name: Cosmic Heel
Does that rule count for the max damage combo as well? If not the EX Snake Bite combo deals 603 damage.
Keep in mind boost and tag combos exist. Many characters will get their best damage and practical combos via boost.
Take poor Abel, solo damage is lacking, but fMK>sHP>launch is one of the best boost routes in the game. Cody is similar, he can link two fiercest before launch, that will be hefty boost damage. And then other characters like ken. Dudley, or Yoshi are always gonna be setting up big tag ins.
While that may be true to some extent it doesn’t change the fact that Cody gets shit damage mid screen PERIOD. Cody’s post launch combos are weaker than most and pre-launch are weaker than most. And in SF4 he had some of the highest damage output in the game. I really think that they didn’t take into consideration just how much losing both focus attack for an approach and FADC to make up for his long recovery on most specials would end up hurting his damage output. Not only that they took away a bunch of his BnBs (f.MP - s.MP - c.HP/ c.LP - s.MP - c.HP / CH f.MP - s.HP - c.MP / c.HP - c.LK / f.HK - EX Criminal Upper / f.MP max range - c.HP / c.LP - c.LP - throw / CH s.HP - EX Badstone - c.HP (only works in the corner in SFxT) )
FADC loss really hurt some of Abels combos but they at least gave him the shoulder tackle with wall bounce to help.
I do think you make a fair point that I hadn’t fully considered though.
Damn steves damage can get ridiculous.
Super deluxe ultra max damage
[691]Steve[(corner) st.hk>hp(ch), c.hp xx ducking > fox hunt xx ex.hellfire, c.hp xx ducking > fox hunt xx ex.hellfire, c.hp xx ducking > fox hunt xx ex.hellfire, cl.hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, c.hp xx ducking > skyscraper, cl.hp xx ducking > fox hunt, c.hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, c.hp xx sonic fang]
wonder if i can get past 700…
EDIT: Yes i could O_o
[711]Steve[(corner) st.HK>HP(ch), ducking > fox hunt xx ex.hellfire, c.HP xx ducking > fox hunt xx ex.hellfire, c.HP xx ducking > fox hunt xx ex.hellfire, cl.HP xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cl.HP xx flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx ducking > skyscraper, cl.HP xx ducking > fox hunt, c.HP xx flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx sonic fang]
minor changes to previous combos.
[456] Steve [cl.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, walk forward, cl.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel c.HP xx Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking Body>Ducking Hook, walk forward, c.HP xx Sonic Fang]
[497]Steve[cl.HP xx flicker stance, stance cancel, walk forward, cl.HP xx flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx ducking > skyscraper, cl.HP xx ducking > fox hunt, c.HP xx flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx sonic fang]
Post tag
[389] Steve [c.HP xx Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking Body>Ducking Hook, walk forward, c.HP xx Sonic Fang]
[394] Steve [cl.HP xx Ducking > foxhunt, c.MK xx sonic fang] (only managed to get this by using vegas launcher, so I’m not sure if this counts)
I’ll improve on some of the Bryan combos so far.
Post Tag:
[386]Bryan [cl.mp, walk forward, cl.mp, cr.hp xx MK Flying Knee
Super Deluxe:
[597]Bryan [j.HK, f.st.HP~st.LP, cl.HP xx EX Snake Pit, walk forward, cr.hp xx Face Crusher
Boom, managed to break 600 with Bryan.
[603]Bryan [j.HK, cl.HP xx EX Snake Pit, Double Back Knuckle xx Face Crusher]
I’m pretty sure yours is the more damaging, but I’m curious to know what the damage is on CH cl.HP instead of j.HK. That is, if you have the time to test it.
Wouldn’t the corner Elena combo listed in the OP do more damage if it were like this? (Don’t have the game in front of me)
[???] Elena [St. HP xx St. HK, Cr. MP xx MK Rhino Horn, St. MK xx Cr. HP, Cr. MP, HK Scratch Wheel]
Edit: The Bryan combo I posted earlier can be optimized. The damage I had posted was wrong anyway, should have been 435.
[448] Bryan [Double Back Knuckle, Cl. HP xx EX Snake Pit, Mid Kick to Rush, Mach Breaker] (1 bar)