Raw Super: 150(100%)+50(100%)+50(100%)+100(100%)
Super after cancelling from one normal hit: 150(100%)+50(100%)+50(100%)+101(100%) <- 101?
Super after 3 normals: 109(69%)+38(70%)+38(70%)+76(69%)
It’s not just 1% difference, so I think there’s something weird going on. Looks like there ARE reasons that combos ending with Supers deal max damage when my calculator says otherwise lol
2 Meter
[538] Nina [EX Blonde Bomb, c.HP xx HK Geyser, EX Skull Splitter, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, Ivory Cutter/HP Blonde Bomb/Launcher]
We noticed the super scaling way back before the game was even released. We never came to a conclusion tho. Rounding seems to be the most likely answer.
There would have to be some serious rounding errors going on. Hwoarang’s Super Deluxe combo has the super art doing 50+33+82 damage at “40%” scaling, whereas it does 100+60+150 normally. It’s not even close to what it should be.
Lets see, MP Mallet Smash is 100 damage. What’s the CH increase? 15%? Just add 15 onto there. Sorry for the estimation, I don’t have the game in front of me right now
[Meterless Punish]
[438] Asuka [Heron Dance xx Double Lift Kick, j.HK, cr.HP xx Falling Rain, cr.HK]
[Post Tag]
[418] Asuka [s.HK xx Onikubigari, s.MK xx Falling Rain, c.HK]
[444] Asuka [Heron Dance xx Double Lift Kick, j.HK, s.HK xx Falling Rain, cr.HK]
[622 dmg] Asuka [s.HP, cr.HP xx EX Onikubigari, cr.HP xx Onikubigari, cr.HP xx EX Falling Rain, cr.HP xx EX Onikubigari]
[2 bars]
[582] Asuka [s.hk xx EX Onikubigari, cr.HP xx Onikubigari, cr.HP xx EX Falling Rain, cr.HP xx Double Lift Kick]
[Max Damage]
[627] Asuka [s.HK xx EX Onikubigari, cr.HP xx Onikubigari, cr.HP xx EX Falling Rain, cr.HP xx EX Onikubigari]
Little update on the previous Asuka combo posted here for meterless punish, counter-hit and max damage.
EDIT : Forget about the counter hit one, didn’t know it was without meter.
Max damage
[681]Steve[(corner) (ch) s.HK>HP, s.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.HP xx Ducking > Fox Hunt xx EX Hellfire, st.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.HP xx Ducking > Fox Hunt xx Super Art]
counter hit
[492]Steve[s.HK>HP, s.HP xx Flicker stance, stance cancel, c.HP xx Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking>Skyscraper, Ducking Body>Ducking Hook, walk forward, c.HP xx Sonic Fang]