Street Fighter x Tekken v2013 Combo Tier Lists!

St.HP>St.Hk, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, slide (394)
Post tag
st.MK > cr.HP, cr.MP xx HK Scratch Wheel (346)
St.HP>St.Hk, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, HK Scratch Wheel (402)
Counter hit
St.HP>St.Hk, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, slide (416)
2 Bars
MP Mallet Smash, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, Super (547)
(CH) MP Mallet Smash, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, cr.MP xx MK.Rhino Horn, Super (559)

Meterless>>st.hp, f.LP > st.MP xx HP.MGB (336)
Post tag
f.MK, f.MK, f.MK, MP/HP Jet Upper (347)
Corner>, st.HK xx LP Jet Upper, f.MK, f.MK, f.MK, MP/HP Jet Upper (400)
Counter hit
f.HK,>>st.hp, f.LP > st.MP xx HP.MGB (364)
2 Bars>>st.hp, cr.MP xx Super (473)
(corner, CH)>, st.HK xx ex MGB, st.HK xx LK SSB, cr.MP xx Super (542)

Thank you Zukuu for that frame guide or that meterless combo wouldn’t have gotten as high as it did. Dudley REALLY needs that 1 bar to do his damage

Same for Ken.

Well it’s a team based game after all.

If you want to pull that kind of thread off, you need to have a set plan and an active member that updates the firsts posts, and picks out the good combos for each character. Just posting stuff in a thread is as productive as posting it in the general discussion. For characters that have a “practical” and an “optimum” combo ala EWFG, you need to have at least 2 versions listed. If you have multiple anti airs or CH starters too. You really only should include what is needed tho. I mean, I could post the whole Paul combo thread, but that wouldn’t make sense.

Actually, you can end it with another EX Onikubigari which will actually get both hits. And might as well throw in a counter hit for extra damage to start since a jumping normal will only decrease the damage

[649] Asuka [(CH)s.HK xx EX Onikubigari, c.HP xx Onikubigari, c.HP xx EX Falling Rain, c.HP xx EX Onikubigari]

Also, since no one has put up Cammy, I’ll get it started.

[363] Cammy [cl.HK xx j. TKCS, cl. HP, s. HP xx Cannon Spike]

Law (deluxe combo)

661 damage - j.HP (counterhit) st.HP xx ex Shaolin spin kicks, j.HP, cr.HP xx junkyard kick (must be done midscreen otherwise the wall bounce from ex shaolin kicks wont be far enough for a j.hp to connect after it)

Ill try some more now :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Didnt read the counter hit OR jump in part, still, 661 instead of 691 is still better than the OG combo posted :stuck_out_tongue:


[406] [Jumping Knee Lift, Jumping Knee Lift, cl.HP xx Running Jaguar Bomb]

Post tag
[406] [Launcher, Jumping Knee Lift, cl.HP xx Running Jaguar Bomb]

[406] [Jumping Knee Lift, Jumping Knee Lift, cl.HP xx Running Jaguar Bomb]

Counter Hit
[483] [Jaguar Step > Lariat (ch), Jumping Knee Lift, Jumping Knee Lift, cl.HP xx Running Jaguar Bomb]

2 Bars
[566] [Jaguar Step > Lariat, cl.HP xx EX Konvict Kick, cl.HP xx EX Konvict Kick, Jumping Knee Lift, Jumping Knee Lift, cl.HP xx Running Jaguar Bomb] <-- Yes, lariat is NH

[649] [Jaguar Step > Lariat (ch), cl.HP xx EX Konvict Kick, Jumping Knee Lift, Jumping Knee Lift, cl.HP xx Super > Muscle Buster]

Lars (EDIT: It dawns on me that after avalanche stomp, you can link into st.hp into Rising storm, then the rest of the combo. Where or not this would increase the damage remains I’ve yet to test. Will update as soon as I can. Also pretty sure that post launch combo could be better)
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.HP xx Lightning Thrust (386)
Post tag
st.MK, cr.MP, cr.MK xx Lightning Thrust (322)
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.MP, cr.HP xx HK Lightning Screw (415)
Counter hit
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.HP xx Lightning Thrust (406)
2 Bars
Avalanche Stomp, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, cr.MP, cr.HP xx Super (523)
(corner) j.HP, cl.HP xx Rising Storm, EX Lightning Screw, cl.HP, Super (583)

Bryan (Most of these confirming or enhancing on Kwazi’s combos on page 2)
st.hp>st.lp,, cr.hp xx H Fisherman’s Slam>Atomic Throw, cr.lp xx Flying Knee (393)
Post tag
[358] f+mk>>st.lp>, Mach Breaker (358)
Same as Midscreen
Counter hit
st.hp>st.lp,, cr.hp xx H Fisherman’s Slam>Atomic Throw, cr.lp xx Flying Knee (415)
2 Bars
st.hp>st.lp, cl.hp xx H Fisherman’s Slam>Atomic Throw, cr.lp xx Super (502)
(CH,midscreen) st.hp>st.lp, cl.hp xx H Fisherman’s Slam>Atomic Throw, cr.lp xx Super (584)

Last character of mine: Vega
cl.HP, cr.MP xx MK Scarlet Terror, df+HK, HK Scarlet Terror (349)
Post tag
st.MK, cr.MK, cr.MP xx HK Scarlet Terror (322)
Same as Meteress :frowning:
Counter hit
(On Hugo) st.hp, df+HK, cr.MK, cr.MP xx HK Scarlet Terror (364)
2 Bars
cl.HP, cr.MP xx MK Scarlet Terror, df+HK, Super (470)
(CH) j.HP, cl.HP, cr.MP xx EX Terror, Super (543)

E.W.F.G. = Electric Wind Fuck God

Hugo Update!


[438] Hugo [HP Clap, c.MP xx LK Monster Lariat, s.LK xx HP Clap, s.LP>sMP, LK Backbreaker]

It’s only one additional point of damage but it shows off another combo route for Hugo.



Post Tag:

[418] Asuka [s.HK xx Onikubigari, s.MK xx Falling Rain, c.HK]

I’m amazed you got that to land, that combo has been in theory-land for me since 2013 hit… can never connect the mk >.>

the sHK needs to be timed correctly, to early and oni wiffs, to late and MK wont link.

Gotta love it, Cody bottom on all of the mid screen combos and top in the corner only. Good thing he has such good walk speed and options to keep people in the corner in this game! O wait…

Seriously though, I can get 380 damage meterless mid screen off of a counterhit close s.MP in SF4 with Cody. You’d think he’d at least be able to match that in SFxT :confused:

Keep in mind boost and tag combos exist. Many characters will get their best damage and practical combos via boost.

Take poor Abel, solo damage is lacking, but fMK>sHP>launch is one of the best boost routes in the game. Cody is similar, he can link two fiercest before launch, that will be hefty boost damage. And then other characters like ken. Dudley, or Yoshi are always gonna be setting up big tag ins.

I have a 1-bar Bryan combo midscreen if anyone cares…

[444] Bryan [Double Back Knuckle, Cl. MP, Cr. HP xx EX Snake Pit, Mid Kick to Rush, Mach Breaker]

Dudley Midscreen Meterless (to be tested)
st.MK>st.HK, st.HK xx LP Upper, f.MK, HP Upper (361)
Edit: Scratch that. Doesn’t work

Updated Gief combos

[458] Zangief [Double Lariat last hit, cl.HP, cl.HP, cl.MK xx Green Hand]

[332] Zangief [cl.HP, s.MP ~ s.HK xx launcher]

I updated everything (still correcting the notation so it’s not yet saved…)

You have overlooked “counter hit OR jump in” for all your max dmg combos. I calculated the non-ch values for them. However, for Elena it results in this:

[547] Elena [MP Mallet Smash, c.MP xx MK Rhino Horn, c.MP xx MK Rhino Horn, Super Art]
[547] Elena [j.HP, c.MP xx MK Rhino Horn, c.MP xx MK Rhino Horn, Super Art]

Is ch MP Mallet Smash then a better option?

You might wanna check if the other max dmg combos are still state of the art as well.

And please confirm the Dudley combo.^^

Can someone confirm the that the combos for Ogre that @Kwazi posted still work in v2013 and adjust the damage if necessary?

Update on steves midscreen meterless

[433]Steve[st.Hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx ducking skyscraper, m.ducking skyscraper, m.ducking skyscraper, ducking body > ducking hook, walk forward a tiny bit, cr.hp xx sonic fang]

Holy crap that was annoying to get. The ducking body > ducking hook must hit high enough and you also have to hold down back to stance cancel the target combo before walking forward.
oh well back to the lab :slight_smile:

Is it just me or do Supers deal more damage than it should when scaled?