Street Fighter x Tekken v2013 Combo Tier Lists!

Wait. I’m dumb - I thought fMK>mp>hp knocked away, But that’s only true on a juggled opponent.

Ok sure.

So IMO you should update the first page posts with the following:

Midscreen Meterless
[445] Bob [Granchi Cannon, Special Step>Spiral Rocky, Step Forward, c.HP, Special Step>Spiral Rocky, HP Giga Jacker]

  • You need to reformat your first Bob entry in this category as shown above (missing name and c.HP)
  • You need to remove your second Bob entry in this category :stuck_out_tongue:

Counter Hit
[513] Bob [Granchi Cannon, Granchi Cannon, Special Step>Spiral Rocky, Step Forward, c.HP, Special Step>Spiral Rocky, HP Giga Jacker]

  • You need to change the second HP from a cl.HP to a c.HP as shown above
  • Damage stays at 513 though, that part is correct

2 Bar (Midscreen Only)

[605] Bob [Granchi Cannon, Special Step>Spiral Rocky, Step Forward, c.HP xx Special Step>Spiral Rocky, Super Art]

  • You need to reformat your Bob entry in this category as shown above (missing name)
  • You need to remove your second Bob entry in this category :stuck_out_tongue:

Everything else seems good.

Since there seems to be no restrictions on the start-up of the first move…

[444] Lei [Tiger stance, Double Tiger Palm, c.HP xx Comet Kick, Reverse Double Kick, Reverse Double Kick, stance cancel, c.MP xx HK Reverse Lotus>Floating Lotus]
[449] Xiaoyu [Phoenix stance, HK Flower Power, c.HP xx Phoenix stance, HP Wave Crest, s.MK, walk forward, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, c.MK xx MP Hakkesho, Storming Flower]

Post Tag
[359] Lei [c.HP xx CADC, c.MP, c.HP xx HK Reverse Lotus, Floating Lotus]
[399] Xiaoyu [c.HP xx CADC, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, c.MK xx MP Hakkesho, Storming Flower]

[444] Lei [Tiger stance, Double Tiger Palm, c.HP xx Comet Kick, Reverse Double Kick, Reverse Double Kick, stance cancel, c.MP xx HK Reverse Lotus>Floating Lotus]
[485] Xiaoyu [Phoenix stance, HK Flower Power, c.HP xx Phoenix stance, HP Wave Crest, walk forward, {cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel}*2, cl.HP xx Hakkesho, Storming Flower]
[417] Paul [cl.HP, c.MP xx Mountain Raze, cl.MP, cl.MP, cl.HP, cl.HP xx Phoenix Smasher]

Counter Hit
[469] Lei [Tiger stance, Double Tiger Palm, c.HP xx Comet Kick, Reverse Double Kick, Reverse Double Kick, stance cancel, c.MP xx HK Reverse Lotus>Floating Lotus]
[454] Xiaoyu [Phoenix stance, HK Flower Power, c.HP xx Phoenix stance, HP Wave Crest, s.MK, walk forward, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, c.MK xx MP Hakkesho, Storming Flower]

2 Bars
[524] Lei [Tiger stance, Double Tiger Palm, c.HP xx Comet Kick, stance cancel, c.MP, s.MP xx Super Art]
[536] Xiaoyu [Phoenix stance, HK Flower Power, c.HP xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, c.LP, c.MK xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, c.LP, c.MK xx Phoenix stance, HP Wave Crest, s.MK, walk forward, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, c.MK xx MP Hakkesho, Storming Flower]

[573] Lei [Tiger stance, Double Tiger Palm (ch), c.HP xx Comet Kick, stance cancel, s.MP xx EX Comet Kick, stance cancel, c.HP xx Comet Kick, stance cancel, Super Art]
[578] Xiaoyu (corner) [cl.HP (ch) xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, {c.LP, c.MK xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep}*2, c.LP, c.MK xx Phoenix stance, HP Wave Crest, walk forward, {cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel}*2, cl.HP xx Hakkesho, Storming Flower]

The maximum damage combos I could find “so far”.

Had to edit typos.

I made a typo in Xiaoyu’s post tag:
[399] Xiaoyu [c.HP xx CADC, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, c.MK xx MP Hakkesho, Storming Flower]
is the correct version

Damn street, find shorter Xiaoyu combos T___T

My Julia one was longer… :slight_smile:

But that wasn’t the max damage combo, so it doesn’t have to be included in the list. ^^
They stick out like a sore thumb >_<


It was hard…

… And it does burn a ton of time off the clock.

I’m looking forward to FlyingVe recording Xiaoyu’s Super Deluxe combo. I went through hell twice to complete it once, but goddamn it looked cool.

Maybe I can change c.LP to cl.LP just to give him a harder time :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew I was missing something in Xiaoyu’s Deluxe combo. My apologies:
[578] Xiaoyu [(corner, ch) cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, c.LP, c.MK xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, c.LP, c.MK xx Phoenix stance, EX Double Map Sweep, c.LP, c.MK xx Rain Dance, Turn of Fortune>d, HP Wave Crest, walk forward, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, cl.HP xx Phoenix stance, stance cancel, cl.HP xx Hakkesho, Storming Flower]

The one I put before would actually do 567. I’ll see tonight if I can extend this combo further for more dmg, because while I have some ideas, I cannot test them right now.

Looking at some of these… I’m having second thoughts about that idea… :frowning:

I was more thinking about putting together a practical, useful combo vid for each character.

[424]Steve[st.Hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx ducking skyscraper, m.ducking skyscraper, m.ducking skyscraper, ducking body > ducking hook, xx sonic fang]

Post tag
[374]Steve[cr.hp xx ducking skyscraper, ducking body > ducking hook, xx sonic fang]

[478]Steve[st.hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx ducking skyscraper, st.hp xx ducking fox hunt, cr.hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx sonic fang]
[327]Yoshimitsu[ xx h.Gehosen, cr.lp,, xx h.Gehosen]

Counter hit
[485]Steve[ > hp(ch), st.Hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx ducking skyscraper, m.ducking skyscraper, m.ducking skyscraper, ducking body > ducking hook, xx sonic fang]

2 Bars
[584]Steve[st.hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx ducking fox hunt xx CADC(ex.hellfire), st.hp(ch) xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr,hp xx ducking fox hunt xx ex.sonic fang, st.hp xx ducking fox hunt, xx sonic fang]

[673]Steve[ > hp(ch), st.hp xx flicker stance, stance cancel, cr.hp xx ducking fox hunt xx ex.sonic fang, cr.hp xx ducking fox hunt xx super art]

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking as well. I would very much prefer this thread to be a compilation of each character’s most practical and damaging/optimal combos for the listed situations, but maybe we can just have another thread for that

Less “Practical” more [MAXIMUM DAMAGE SUPER DELUXE!]


[621] [EX Blonde Bomb (ch), c.HP xx HK Geyser, MP Skull Splitter, c.HP xx HP Skull Splitter, Super Art]

To make practical and optimal combos, all we have to do is copy paste the “best” combo from each character’s character discussion thread and see if any1 who plays the character(s) has anything to say about em + check for damage changes since lots of them may still be in pre-2013 version.

I’ll do one tonight, and open a thread. I’m think the categories will be:

One bar
2 Bar
Post launch

And it will be the most useful combo, not always damage, so Nina stuff ending in cutter instead of blonde.

If you opened a thread for it, I think that would be too similar to the combo thread that Intuitive2011 already made ("You Are Not A Warrior, You're A Beginner." The New Street Fighter X Tekken 2013 Combo Thread

Too late to chicken out! : 3

I dare you to extend that. >_<

Yes you can, completely slipped my mind. Ups the damage to 588.

Because my mind is stuck in practicality mode… regardless, the following does more damage:

[362] Juri [CH Sekku, cr.MP xx HK Fuhajin Release, xx Fuhajin Store, Sekku, cr.MK xx LK Senpusha]

The practical version only does 346 due to using the lk release but whatever… :open_mouth:

Too bad people are too lazy/not motivated enough to contribute to that thread. It was a good idea but a questionable thread title lol.

btw Yoshimitsu sucks combo wise on his own. So showing solo Yoshi combos on video will give a bad representation of the character. He does a measly 365 on his own. But with any partner who has a decent BnB he easily lands around 500 for 1 bar and almost 700 for 2 gemless.