Street Fighter Unlimited - discussion of the ongoing series

Well, she’s not going anywhere, she’ll definitely be around for the rest of the current arc. I can’t tell you her role specifically, but I can tell you that she will be the first person to meet and fight a certain character that will have a huge impact on our SF universe.

In something we have talked about before, no official plans yet though.

Vega’s not the leader of the Geki Clan in our universe. (in fact in the games I believe Geki is only a single character as far as we know) However, that doesn’t meant he has NO history connected to them…

I thin it the games it’s hinted that he is their uncle. We’ve tried to keep it vague int eh comics, but have said Lee definitely had some involvement in raising them before he died. Since Gen took the boys in afterward, I think it’s a safe bet he and Lee were friends.

We did not directly work on Street Fighter V, though we have be told by Ono-san the UDON comics have been influential on how some characters are portrayed in Street Fighter IV and V. In what way in SFV, we’ll have to wait until the new story mode is released I guess.

We’re definitely weaving in characters and story elements from Street Fighter V here and there.

The comics are a separate universe from the games, and it would be pretty tough to keep them int eh same continuity. For one, our comics started in Stret Fighter’s 'dead period" where no games were being produced. In fact we published 5 years of comics before Street Fighter V came along. A few characters even died (Rose, Gen) in our comics. But Capcom has been okay with that and even encouraged us to forge our own storylines.

The important thing to us is not that the continuities line up perfectly, but that the characters stay true to their game origins. As long as we can do that, it’s still Street Fighter at it’s core. Once in a while Capcom will ask us to make some changes, but not that often. They are usually pretty great at letting us do our own thing.

Sounds great and makes me dream. The fight between Joe and Mike B (= Balrog the Boxer), Adon and Sagat, Eagle and Birdie…

I think, although Vega (Claw) is fairly represented in the comic, he is an almost unexplored character. Behind his narzisism there is an amazing fighter. You should make a miniseries on him, how he studied ninjitsu under Geki, Geki’s connection to the SF1 tournament, establishing the Geki ninja clan, history of the Ibuki ninja clan and those colourful clan members, connection to Guy and his master, maybe even Mukuro from Warzard as an ancient, mythical anchestor - a whole ninja miniseries - Street Figther Legends: Vega!
And please show Vega’s qi snake win pose - it would be epic!
You could show us Vega entering Shadaloo, scheming with SIN/Illuminati and his competition with Fang for beeing number two.

Show us this in a SF1 miniseries

Do you already know the story mode and all the characters interconnections?

How often do you communicate with Ono-san?

Does someone of your crew speak japanese and acts as a middle person between Capcom and Udon?

When you’ll reach the third tournament, will we see the 7 judges and Effie?

And this guy, too?

Do you know a forum, where - like here between the fans and the Udon crew - the fans can communicate with the creators of the videogame at Capcom?

Looking forward to the series continuing and the steady growing of Gill as a threat. (hope for some Q cameos though hah) Also, glad Blanka’s back. I know he’s not a major character with regards to the overall plot, but it’s always nice to see him, so finally having him make a sizable appearance and interaction with the cast is nice.

Matt, any plans to put Q in the book in some capacity? (Still enjoy the old back up story from back in the early run) It’d be fun to see him like a “Where’s Waldo” for SF. I’ve got several theories about Q (like in my sig hah), but given that Capcom gives you guys freedom to do your own takes on the canon, have they ever given an outline on what you can and can’t do with Q or they’ve given you all complete free reign? I don’t expect details, but I’m just curious if any discussion has been held on him since the book is rapidly approaching the SF3 era.


He gets to approve all the story outlines and final comics, so we hear from him often enough. Actually he suggested a new project for UDON just last week…mysterious!

We do have Japanese translators when needed, for when we talk to guys like Akiman or Bengus. Though most of the people we deal with at Capcom speak English, or have company translators.

We’d likw to use the Jugdement Gals at some point, thought there’s not much to go on besides their looks and names. Effie however is definitely playing a part int eh current story line. She’s already shown up, and you’ll see more of her!

That’s Doctor Kure… maybe!

The forum’s on are Capcom USA’s official place, but I don’t know how often actual game creators show up there.

Well, artists love to sneak Q into the background of anything so he’ll be around in some capacity. He’s on two upcoming covers at least. He’s also in the new bonus story for the Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki hardcover in stores in a couple weeks.

Also PS: We just did a bit of a sneak announcements of our upcoming mini-series - STREET FIGHTER LEGENDS: CAMMY! Coming in July 2016 from Jim Zub & Omar Dogan (the tem from SF Legends: Ibuki). More details forthcoming, but for now here is some preview art. :wink:

Nice covers! Really diggin’ the one with Yanyu and Enero. So is this the Street Fighter Legends series which’ll follow the new Juri-Viper story in Unlimited?

Love Udon’s work with the Street Fighter comics.

Here are some stories I’d like to see:

A sequel to Origins: Akuma that concludes with the death of Gouken. While he started to give into the dark hadou in the Orgins book, it would be great to see him learn or develop the Shun Go Satsu and then implement it when fighting Gouken again. Also showing his interaction with Ryu and Ken when they were young and training.

Another Origins book but this one based on M.Bison. His past with Rose and the village he’s from and introduction to Soul Power which he somehow corrupts into Psycho Power would be great to see. Also how he goes from being born to eventually becoming the dictator of Shadaloo and it’s formation.

A Street Fighter 1 tournament story would be great. We’ve seen the end with Ryu defeating Sagat. If I recall correctly, the lore is that Sagat was the reigning champ for 10 years until this unknown fighter, Ryu, shows up and defeats him. Using the first tournament as Ryu and Ken’s first public outing/display of the skills, etc, would be very cool. Perhaps some cameos of Vega doing something with Geki…who knows. And if Shadaloo ran the second tournament, were they running all the previous ones? Looking for strong fighters?

Eventually, if popularity demands, Oro would be another character to explore in this fashion.

Well, that’s my $0.02. Love the series, love Udon’s work on it!

We do have another SF Origins in development. Like Akuma, it’ll explore the younger version of another dark character.

Plenty of Oro coming up in SF Unlimited!

Super excited Matt. Another Origins book is great news! Has it been asked if the Unlimited series will eventually be collected in hardcover books? My shelves are just begging to keep that going and I’m crossing my fingers since HCs for Sakura and Ibuki are happening. And the connected covers with every Street Fighter ever…can I assume a poster will be available once they’ve all be published? I’m sure you can’t reveal all things or say “yes” as there’s marketing involved in everything, but here’s hoping! :slight_smile:

My guess is that since the next issue comes out sometime next week (am i right?), we should expect a preview sometime soon?

I agree the Gouken spirit was a good bridge to Ryu seeking out Oro. If that idea came from Ono…then Ono got that idea from The Empire Strikes Back. Not that it’s a problem. Obviously in the Street Fighter universe there are Force like powers from harnessing ones chi energy into fireballs to Gill’s ability to fly and more. Bison’s power seems to be sci-fi. I think Rose explained that he corrupted Soul power into Psycho power. But at the end of the tournament, his Psycho power is lost when a machine generating it is damaged.

It felt more menacing if Bison’s power was innate or inherent. Does Bison have the ability to tap into Psycho power without any machinery? Was the machinery just boosting the power?

On a side note, we once saw Balrog (boxer) getting out of jail and it was shown his heavy bag was filled with bricks. Then, when fighting Dudley, he’s hit in the head with a metal serving plate and it hurts. From someone who’s made a career from headbutting people, I find that depiction a bit gratuitous. Though I appreciate how it establishes Dudley’s style compared to Balrog’s as a gentleman and in more control of himself.

Nope nothing on April 6.

New Covers for Street Fighter Unlimited #7. I gotta say, I LOVE the movie one. And another prediction: This issue is going to be more than a 24 page comic. If they are going to pack all of these characters in this issue, then they have to be expanding the story. Probably won’t be able to do it within a 24 page comic. Maybe we’ll see more.

About the story: “This issue is filled to the brim with some many World Warriors, we can’t possibly name them all… but we’ll try! Ryu, Ken, Chun-li, and Guile! Ibuki, Makoto, and Elena! Sakura and Karin! Alex! Rainbow Mika! Necro! The Mad Gear gang! The Secret Society! And tons more! Don’t miss the most jam-packed Street Fighter comic EVER!”

Awesome. Love that Street Fighter Movie cover. Makes me wish for what could have been.

Does anyone know if we’re getting a poster with all the cover B’s put together? Like this but complete:

If they wanna take my money they will. :slight_smile:

Here’s a preview of the upcoming issue. On their facebook page, Udon mentioned they will post a teaser every weekday until wednesday when the comic is released. Here is the one from esterday. i’m expecting another one (or more) today and the following Monday and Tuesday.

Next comic preview. Expecting another pic sometime today.

Any predictions of what’s happening here? And notice how this art style looks different compared to the first 4. What are your opinions aout it? One more preview coming up later today.

Comic came out today. (and sorry for the quadruple post). Here are my thoughts.

[details=Spoiler]I was surprised with the pacing of this one. Unlike the previous issues, this one felt slower. Not to say that it’s a bad thing. The issue for the most part was about Gill’s rise to power in the world as his godly figure begins to expand. He’s been gaining influence from the people and from politics. But of course, our heroes ain’t buying Gill’s message.
That’s one side of the story. The other deals with Ryu trying to find Oro, with him fighting him at the end. Surprsingly, the only fight in the entire issue came at the end. It was mostly a build up of plot and a little bit of character. Gill really does shine in this issue. All of the sudden, he’s not some villain that the good guys feel obligated to take down. now, there is some conflict. Guile, Cammy, Chun-Li, Alex are skeptical, but they can’t deny the profound impact that Gill has made throughout the world. Even Chun-Li wonders if they are fighting on the wrong side of history. That moment stood out to me the most.

Really can’t wait to see where the Gill arc is going to lead. Especially with the upcoming tournament. Any one have any speculations or theories? That mural at the end foreshadows something dark about to come.

And Oro fighting with two hands as a cliff hanger. This is gonna be interesting.[/details]

Yep definitely, Street Fighter Unlimited Vol.1 HC is targeting a July release, Vol.2 in the fall.

That is the plan, but not until 2017. We’ve got to release all the 12 parts as comic covers first :wink: