moar satire plz…
read op.
moar satire plz…
read op.
Alright here’s my attempt… hoping you guys have a similar sense of humor
Edit: Oops, the image was larger than I thought =/
:u: I laughed a lil bit to myself.
Very good.
That was rather amusing. :bgrin:
poor av.joe.:tup:
My work money!!
That one was two thumbs up man!
^ That smile is creeeeeepy :lol: Love the details on his face, though.
you should have seen it before i put the eyes in. looked like a friggin gargoyle!
someone else should try negatives, where its painted black and you spray with white
quite intresting to say the least…
why not a quick daft go at a goukens daughter idea.
WIP, trying colors again with tighter pallete this time (inspired by ExMachina’s work).
I still don’t know how to fit Rufus in it though, I should’ve sketched it on paper first.
:lol: @ the Sagat and Viper pics.
Can’t wait to see the final product, Sheng. Your work continues to impress!
i had an idea like that before for ryu when he reached his full potential. he does a shin shoryuken, but going up, he switches hands again does another uppercut with the other arm, and the last part he does a two handed hadouken in their face at the peak of the move. its similar to your idea. i think gifing new move ideas is a cool idea in itself