:u: Haha, good shit myleftshoe.
And that Chun Li driving joke.
Gah dayum…I lol’ed.
:u: Haha, good shit myleftshoe.
And that Chun Li driving joke.
Gah dayum…I lol’ed.
ha ha… nice work myleftshoe.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to Chun Li’s stage.
Ken and Ryu walk into a bar, Blanka ducks.
What’s Balrog’s favorite drink?
Gigaton Punch
What’s the newest law enforcement device used to stop a mentally ill attacker?
How does Bison relieve his constipation:
He sits on the Shadowloo while watching the Psycho Channel.
What’s Guile’s hairstyle called?
Sonic Broom
True Story: I sent my friend a text as we were heading to a tournament. “Yes We Ken!” he responds “If you Ken do it, then I’m Abel as well.” (We play Ken and Abel, respectively.)
My friends always do this one…
“Hey bud, can I borrow your Keys??”
Still hate it to this day…
Beikoku: I like your true stor bit. It’s kinda cute in a stupid kinda way.
Evawingzero: might wanna slap him.
myleftshoe jokes were too good
LOL haha sf2 ftw
Console Battle
I heard these a while back so here goes.
-Why does balrog dislikes the playstation 3 so much?
… Cause he’s an X-boxer.
-What’s sagat’s favorite sexual position?
Warning, bad jokes:
My friends call me hadouken, because I’m down right feirce!
what’s a Yorkshireman’s favourite car?
e honda! (you’ll understand if you know what yorkshire accent sounds like.)
Why did Zangief give up wrestling?
He couldn’t bear it anymore.
What do Street fighter character’s use to keep warm at night?
An electric blanka(t)
Zangief gets woken up from his drunken slumber in the gutter by Chun Li clipping at his arms with clothes pegs. “What are you doing crazy lady?” He asks, and she replies “Sorry, my clothes are all wet and I thought I’d use your spinning clothesline!”
Which bad habit did vega die from?
nose picking!
Blanka walks into a caf and grunts out an order for a coffee. The caf owner thinks “Blanka’s just some dumb ape-creature from the jungle, he won’t know what a cup of coffee goes for.” and charges Blanka 10.
So Blanka sits down and starts sipping the coffee. As it’s a quiet day, the caf owner decides to make small talk.
"So… We don’t get many Street Fighters in here."
Blanka pauses, and looks thoughtfully at the cup. After a second he replies “Oooraarrgh. I’m not surprised at these prices.”
Why did Ken punch the road?
He’s a Street Fighter.
Blanka walks into a bar.
“Why the long face?” asks the barman.
Blanka, incapable of human speech, makes several guttural growling noises before beating the barman unconscious with a table leg.
Why do PS3 owners hate Zangief?
A: Because most of his moves require a 360.
Most of them weren’t mine.
Blanka walks into a bar.
“Why the long face?” asks the barman.
Blanka, incapable of human speech, makes several guttural growling noises before beating the barman unconscious with a table leg.
some how i found this one really funny
Myleftshoe made me giggle at work
Its not really a joke though, as there’s no definitive punchline.
Its more like an event. But yeah, I laughed pretty hard when I found it. I just had to copy/paste it lmao.
I like to put my alarm clock beside my bed so I can wake up super!
Zangief’s released a line of HDTVs. They’re all 720p.
Chun-li is the most agreeable person you’ll ever meet. She’s always saying yup-yup-yup.
Why did Dhalsim cross the road?
He didn’t he teleported.