STREET FIGHTER CLUB: October 24th in Brooklyn, NY

I’m hearing arcade version. Maybe…


Playable Sakura, Says the blogs on Capcomunity, so console.

nice so im def coming to this. but its invitation only right? what r the requirements?

Join the Street Fighter Club is all.

I guess there is no reason they couldnt have both versions, arcade and console but who knows.

I dont know the requirements. You should be good if you registered.

as long as you sign up before their signup limit is reached (they cant violate firecode), you are g2g. Seth will send out a confirmation email a couple days prior to the event, confirming you are on the list. sfc is FUN!

if it says ur already in bucko am i in? and shit i messed up the size of w.e there gona give me lol. i put M by mistake. i need a XL. anyway to fix this? im certain is prolly a shirt

I still get that white page. Wtf?

I signed up for this a while back, hopefully things go alright enough to allow me in. If I buy my ticket I don’t wanna get denied

o and when they get in contact with us do they send a mail to me? srry for all the questions but i never been to one of these b4 lol

I get a white page with two fields and then a shirt size.

Holy shit… they have ladies shirts! God DAMN that’s good shit.

Anyway, anyone know what those two fields are about?

I’m not sure, but I just put my weight

i just put ken and ryu lol i had no idea what it was. but now it says ur already in bucko

i think those fields are city and state.

LOL at those fields.

I just typed whatever, but yea I guess I’ll be there.

whoops. it shoulda said that then lol. i just put ken ryu lol

I’m from shoryuken.

And I am here to help. 8)

If you dont have Ken, RY on your drivers license then you’re fucked, sorry man.

Oh that’s gonna be hella wrong if that actually happens.

Hella wrong, but hella funny.