Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

Just want to give a shout out to Sonicabid, he destroyed me last night in 3s ranked.

I just spent 15 minutes waiting for an HF match and I thought the same thing - too bad itā€™ll never happen because of egos and greed.

I see you at # 9

Funny thing happened- so I Iā€™d been playing on Steam version with my stick which has a PS360+ PCB. It was plug-and-play, had no problems so far. Today I plugged in another stick- one with a Mayflash PCB (PS2 & USB PS3). This one didnā€™t seem to work as well (no access to menu button) and you had to manually set the other buttons, but otherwise it was fine (some people are having the diagonals issue with the Mayflash, but it seems that can be fixed in Windows).

So I plug the PS360+ stick back in andā€¦all my shit is wrong. This is even setting all the buttons back to default. the main buttons for navigating the menus are different and my menu button settings no longer work. Also no diagonals, as some of the people here were complaining about.

Also, there seems to be a weird glitch where it will register the directions twice and skip over menu items:


Have tried restarting the game and my PC, no dice. Other games arenā€™t out of whack (Xrd, Marvel 3 all the same as before etc). May have to try to reinstall the game if I canā€™t get the troubleshooting to work.

Edit: I also have a 360 clone pad for PC (Logitech) works fine like the PS360+ used to. It seems like thereā€™s a specific issue with PS3/PS4 stuff?

edit 2: Easy fix on my end, just forcing into 360 mode works since I have a multi-system PCB. This is allā€¦kinda whack tho. I feel worse for the people having problems which are harder to fix.

Iā€™m actually kind of surprised, this port is pretty decent. Not the arcade perfect thing they were touting, but itā€™s certainly one of the better ports of 3S, at the least. Netcode, for me, I would say is slightly worse than fightcade, but isnā€™t bad at all. I play exclusively on delay 0, and it hasnā€™t been particularly stuttery, save for one match which was one of the laggiest things Iā€™ve ever experienced. I will say that unlike GGPO, stuttering, frame loss and otherwise results in a lot more dropped inputs with this netcode. Fightcade, even if Iā€™m missing half the damn frames, my inputs still generally come out fine. Here though, they drop very easily, which is unfortunate. Back to double tapping everything.

Not a huge sample size on PC, but I would say 95% out of my 134 games have been playable. That was probably between 30-40 different opponents.

I will say it feels like the game inherently hasā€¦ I donā€™t even want to say 1 frame extra delay, it feels more like itā€™s inconsistent. So something like 4.5. I hope someone does testing on this on PC. If there are ways to reduce it even below what 3S normally has for delay, then I could use delay 2 or something for perfectly smooth and lagless matches online, just like I do for Guilty Gear on PC. That would be the dream though.


I said I was never going to play 3S for more than the occasional fling, yet here I am, playing it again. Have more hours in 3S in the past week than I have put into it in the past two years. So if anyone wants to face my very rusty Ibuki, by all means message me on Steam (same as on here).

Donā€™t know; should I use Jion_Wansu or my real name if I decide to get 30th. Iā€™ve been on FightCadeā€¦

Maxmillion video I saw, he says that these ports are from 1st US version, also saying that ST has the bug of arcade difficulty that is set on a very high level(by default on boards), and possibly having that effect on the port when people try to lower it. He also said Japan wonā€™t get their 30th until later which may have different ports.

Guys, how do you select regular colors on Alpha 3 on this complitation? No matter what button I preset while selecting a character I always end up with a bronw gi Ryu. PS4 version here btw.

Arcade A3 only has 2 colors per each -ISM. Punch is always color 1, kick is always color 2.

Also your color is decided when you choose the -ISM, and not the character. So if you select Ryu with a punch button and then hit kick when you select A-ISM, you will get the kick color.

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Thanks! I got P1 color now :wink:

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Already getting tough to find matches for Street Fighter 2 on Switch. Maybe itā€™s the matchmaking?

Community is split between 4 platforms and some of the Switch base is likely still playing Ultra

Nope, itā€™s more like everyone is still on FightCade

What a waste of money this was.

  • No way to set a ping in ranked
  • No way to blacklist those with a high ping
  • Same stage over and over again
  • No crossplay, community split between 4 platforms when it was small to begin with
  • Iffy reversals in HF
  • ST seems too fast(?)
  • No training mode while online

Exactly why did I pay for this when Fightcade is free? @DevilJin_01, please do some of your infamous shilling so I can justify having wasted money on this garbage.

Lol, for shits n giggles I loaded up Ultra SF2 and tried to find matches. No dice. Seems everyone has changed over to 30th now.

I already have people rage quitting. I canā€™t wait until someone gets put in an infinite in A3

You could have looked up information about hf and st. You canā€™t blame capcom for that. Everything else you listed is making me not want to buy it though. Hopefully there is a patch with the international version.

Like everyone else that bought it, the so ever many bucks wasnt going to hurt you to try.

I only paid 20 for the steam version so even it was horrible it wouldnt have killed me. 3S runs better for me than fightcade does so Iā€™ll keep it around for that. SFV is the only game thatā€™s going to have PC PS4 crossplay for a long time so itā€™s hard to force that as a con when no one else is doing it any way

Is that confirmed?

Iā€™m very familiar with both HF and ST. HF, unlike previous arcade ports, lacks charged auto correct reversals and ST definitely seems faster than on FightCade, but that may be just my imagination.