Please post any and all of you Storm and Storm related questions here.
Thank you.
Please post any and all of you Storm and Storm related questions here.
Thank you.
i know it doesnt kinda belong here, but what are her best loops?
Questions a question bro, [media=youtube]tvVOwOK2ArI[/media]
I think I posted a couple others in the video thread although I could be mistaken in that regard.
Any advice on how to get Hail Storm to connect at the end of her 10th Mission?
I can land it in any other situation, but as soon as I try that mission, I always seem to drop down way too slow for me to OTG with Hail Storm after the last Air S.
^Input the air portion of the combo a bit slower so you’ll practically fall with them and you should be able to land quickly enough.
I’ve got a question for this video:
Starting at 4:30, does anyone know exactly how to do the trick with Storm where she stays in the air (and offscreen) for a such long time after knocking them down with air S?
Someone suggested to me to trying holding up to activate her float after air S, but I’ve never gotten her to float after that combo.
All I can do is airdash up, but that doesn’t keep her up there nearly as long. What’s the trick to this?
I doubt its a float cause she would have been gradually descending, my guess is he activated flight. Makes sense since he came down with an :s: and that deactivates flight.
I didn’t mention it, but I already tried that and flight puts the camera back on her (unless there’s some trick to it) so doing it defeats the deceptive nature of having her offscreen for a long time.
I’m thinking because the video doesn’t have any actual sound effects, she might be doing something like lightning attack or lightning sphere to stay up there (haven’t tried this yet, but I’ll try when I get home). I hope that’s not the case though. I saw Clockw0rk doing something similar/the same trick with Phoenix during a match on the WNF stream, so it’s been a burning question for me regarding the best way to pull this off.
Edit: I was testing around with this and looks like doing lightning sphere while up in the air might be the answer (unless Fanatiq or Megaman DS wanna de-confirm). Lightning attack will keep you up there for a while as well but you won’t be able to come down with another attack afterwards. I was hoping it would be something you that you can’t really ‘hear’ so it’ll be trickier but oh well.
you can activate the Elemental Rage hyper with any combonation of 2 :atk: buttons but if you hold a single :atk: button after you activate the hyper you can effect the range of the hyper.
Holding nothing will give you standard range.
Holding will give you 3/4 to full screen range
Holding :h: will give you some kind of crazy super distance range, for certain situations.
Holding :l: during elemental rage gives you about 1/2 screen distance in addition to the other ranges mentioned so really there’s a total of 4 ranges to pick from.
^oh I did not know. I thaught :l: was the same as neutral.
The more you know.
Is there a trick to doing Storm’s float instant-overhead? The one with up, up, :s:?
I always seem to get an airdash + :s: D:
edit: an up airdash*
Try holding the second :u:. See if that helps, it helped me, I used to have the same problem.
So tap :u: hold :u:
Thanks! That helped. Another thing I noticed while practicing this is that Storm’s airdash has a height limit, so if you do the :u: :u: fast enough you won’t airdash regardless.
ok sweet thanks
What’s storm’s most damaging combo?
I think I was fooling myself with the ‘hold :u:’ idea.
knowing that there is a minimum height for her air dash is a great piece of info.
knowing that its sooo much easier to do the cr:h: jc:u: float j:h: land cr:h jc:u float j:h:, loops
Storm alone doesnt have huge damage on her combos, she is a different type of character that gets her damage from team synergy. She deals damage through zoning and chip(hail storm), as well as combos, but to get significant damage from her combos its going to require a team effort, DHC or DHC glitch… I have yet to see a good(high damage) storm combo that only uses assist (i.e. Wesker)
but probably her most damaging solo combo would be the 11 fierce combo into hailstorm that was showed to us by ECZANGIEF
^something like this but with a j:s: for a hard knockdown to Hail Storm inplace of the LAs and Electric Storm
The most damaging combo I saw in the combo thread was:
Instant Float xx j:s: land cr:h: jc :df:Lightning Attack
jc :df:Lightning Attack
cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :f:Lightning Attack xx :u:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Damage: 615,200
I haven’t transcribed ECZANGIEF’s video, so that might be more damage.
Edit: Just transcribed the combo, no idea on the damage: :s: ^ j:h: Instant Float xx j:h: add xx j:h: land j:h: xx add land cr:h: jc j:h: land :s: ^ j:h: xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx :uf:Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm
Mr.Nannie says this might do more damage: :s: ^ j:h: Instant Float xx j:h: add xx j:h: land j:h: xx add land cr:h: jc j:h: land :s: ^ j:h: xx adf xx j:h:j:s: land, Hail Storm (or Elemental Rage for the DHC glitch). For the ending j:h: xx adf xx j:h:j:s:, you’ll need to be a little higher than Sentinel for the :s: to connect.
P.S. adf is air dash forward, add is air dash down
Could you explain?
Yeah i dont know for sure at all. I dont think were gonna find any 800,000+ combos without DHCs
What I think is important about Storms combos is not just damage but also proper placement for the right DHC, or mix-up.
He mobility is amazing and she can Hyper out of any throw, so I think that mix-ups leading to throws, would be something worth spending some time on.
I remember seeing a post recently that said IDK, but maybe you could use that, for the high damage combo