Stop Saying Fuck

If they made such a moronic mistake, so did everybody else. Nobody wanted to touch that show with a ten foot pole then and Cartoon Network got a bargain basement price for it because of that. Ratings reflected this. btw If you see it on Fox in primetime, it’s going to be censored.

Upsetting his Internet/rent sponsor what? oh his mother? The mother that bought him his underwear. Maybe your brand, even. Well how DARE she stumble on in here, how intrusive! You need to put up a notice on your website, announcing to all those mothers with kids wanting to see spines being pulled out of people that they need to KEEP OUT of their sons’ rooms GOSH!!! She doesn’t even play the game, and she just wants to hate. She’s so stupid.

You asked for proof of mothers sponsoring EVO trips, just ask anyone from the arcade days, their habit was often fed by change left on their parents’ dressers or diverted funds from lunch budgets. That’s how it all started for some. They eventually went away to college and said the dorm rent was increasing or they needed more money for beer etc. but it really funded the game habit and car trips to tournaments. I actually worked a lot during those formative years and spent my own money but that’s not to say parents never helped out directly or indirectly in other ways. Maybe some people come from harsher backgrounds, I don’t know but I’m willing to bet that more than one roadtrip to EVO has resulted in a phone call of severe desperation to SOMEone’s parent, at one point or another.

swearing is only fun when you are talking to your close friends.

I remember when I first discovered srk/EVO and started watching some sf4 streams, chris hu and skisonic didn’t give me a good impression, they just seemed rude.

But then of course now I have no problem with them swearing since I’m used to it and I know them a little bit more.

So yeah I agreed that as long as we keep saying fuck, the stream would only be enjoyed by the same group of people or rebellion teenagers/young adults (i.e. DSP’s youtube viewership)

So can we have two tracks and those of us who are not new to fg can watch the more “colorful” stream? :]

Yeah, that’s been the unspoken but plainly obvious bias in DSP’s position in this thread: self-selection bias.

BTW, what do we do about English people? I take it for granted that people who firmly believe an ordinary word such as “bloody” is a curse word must be disregarded, but as I know a few people from there, I’m wondering. :slight_smile:

I’m with the OP. You can’t stop the competitors at the TV from swearing, but at least learn to censor yourselves in interviews and on commentary. This is why Evo’s streams look so professional (Well, until you get Bronson Tran and Aris near the microphone, although I think Aris did strive to censor himself this year IIRC)

IMHO the best commentators are the ones that always keep you informed as to what’s going on, and drop useful information that you may not have known about beforehand. A good sense of humor is always a plus. That said, if you can’t do that without cussing then that’s honestly pretty sad. It’s like how some people have a talent for comedy and can crack plenty of jokes without being inappropriate, and some others just get cheap laughs by cussing up a storm. If the commentators are really good then they should have no problem relaying information and being funny without going overboard.

Enthusiasm is more important than being funny or informative by far.

I can understand about 25% of Ken Bogard’s (french commentator) commentary but he’s still fantastic because of the enthusiasm he brings.

Or look at Nuki : [media=youtube]W4VCqbKGUQ0[/media]

When you have that amount of enthusiasm behind your commentary it doesn’t matter if you are swearing or not.

It really does depend on the atmosphere etc, it shouldn’t be one way or the other. Both sides have their appropriate times and places.

Frankly I don’t think it matters. As long as the commentator is enthusiastic and interesting, he can swear or be a gentleman like Dudley.

I think as long as the commentator isn’t as ugly as DSP, it doesn’t matter.

/end thread

Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe someone who knows a thing or too about being popular and successful, should probably be the person to have an opinion on how EVO can become more popular and successful? It’s not bias, it’s experience. Teenagers/young adults ARE going to be the target audience of EVO, and they don’t want censored or boring commentary.

So your argument is that we should censor commentary because of young adults who leech off their parents for funding to attend Street Fighter tournaments? HUH?!?! I had a job the day I turned 15 and I’ve paid every single dollar I’ve ever spent towards Street Fighter, and traveling for SF, out of my own pocket. Maybe parents should stop fucking funding everything their kids want to do and teach them some responsibility? Sorry but when you have a more logical argument other than “we have to be careful, bad parents might hear naughty words on the commentary!”, please come again, but this is nonsense.

That’s probably the dumbest, and gayest, insult I’ve ever heard. Straight guys don’t judge other guys on their looks, bro. Personally I don’t care what you think about me, but the tens of thousands of people who watch my vlogs don’t seem to mind my looks, so I think I’ll go with their opinion over yours. Also, you’ll be happy to hear that Justin Beiber is still single, since he’s probably more your type.

Youtube views == popular and successful?

I’m curious, what sort of medical insurance do you have right now? The reason I ask is because I saw one of your videos and you look like you’re at severe risk of having a heart attack.

lol dsp will shoot himself in the foot

This x2…seriously I LOL’d.



Kinda ironic to say my insult was dumb, and then call me “gay”.

And why must you defend your inability to articulate your thoughts or formulate some humor without the word “fuck”? Curse words have no good purpose, there’s no point in using them at all. They can only hurt our image. Any attention that ST may bring shouldn’t be taken for granite.

Good to know how ignorant my “opposition” is.

I get paid to make videos on Youtube. It’s my full time occupation. I get to play video games (ANY video games mind you) in any style that I choose - I don’t even have to be good at them. I record the footage and get paid. I turned my lifelong hobby into my source of employment - mind you, it wasn’t easy at first and it’s had ups and downs - but it’s looking like I’m now making significantly more money now than my previous full-time job of 5 years. I make my own hours, I do what I want, I’m self-employed and control my own life and destiny. And I’ve got 50k+ dedicated fans along for the ride who support me in what I do. So yeah, I’d call that “popular and successful.” And I actually have comprehensive medical insurance, but it’s expensive as fuck since I’m self-employed. Thanks for asking!

So what do YOU do for a living? Surely it makes you an expert to comment on this subject matter like my job does, right?

The fact that you don’t understand the meaning of the word irony, paired with the fact that you think the saying is “GRANITE” and not “GRANTED,” now allows me to understand why you resorted to ugly jokes. You’re an idiot. Don’t worry, I won’t bother responding to anything you say again, it’s a waste of time.

So - since nobody yet seems to legitimately have any counters to my points about popularity and the age demographic of the vast majority of the Street Fighter community - and the best argument yet I’ve seen is “but dirty words aren’t nice, and may offend a small audience whom don’t actually play SF or spend any money on it” - should we close this thread? Or would you all like to continue turning it into an anti-DSP bashing fest, and derailing it from any use whatsoever? I’m really getting tired of ignorant people who like to discredit everything I say because they are so blatantly biased or misinformed.

DSP is the smartest guy in the room!! Or, an infinitely more likely possibility: Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in r… [J Pers Soc Psychol. 1999] - PubMed result

Phil, do you have any knowledge whatsoever regarding the concept of sustainable competitive advantage? Why couldn’t a corporation that has more resources than you duplicate what you do and take your audience? Perhaps you think your potty mouth and ‘sense of humor’ are your value added? Get ready for a surprise.

i thinks its pretty simple. sure we wont look as badass or cool if we stop swearing (at least no f bombs). but we will look more stable and mature, and present ourselves as something worth being taken seriously. IMO

lol @ “taken for granite”
