Stop Saying Fuck

Hey guys, what do you think, should we tone it down on all the cursing over streams of tournaments? The more we progress, the more I think we should clean up our language because it’d be better for our scene over the long-term.

---------- Quick & Dirty ------------------------------------

  1. Keep it more professional on streams (mics)

  2. Any entertainment that is trying to pass itself off as professional has to work on its image:

  • Whether it’s pro football/basketball/baseball/hockey, X-Games, Pro Wrestling, etc., polish on the delivery is key
  • Slick production values (state-of-the-art effects; big events and commentary that flows smoothly)
  • Polished commentator personalities, language the public can follow and that doesn’t put them off
  1. Being more professional (not cursing) helps the growth potential of the playerbase, audience, and sponsors by:
  • Getting it accepted more as a real e-Sport
  • Opening it up to wider appeal to other sponsors beyond those already on board
  • Making for a more amiable climate/experience for general audience viewers (from the MC tone-setting perspective)
  • Allowing mainstream media to play unedited footage a lot easier and to a wider audience
  • Gives parents one less thing to be bothered by: when their kids are playing online, the language used by older players

------------ The Full Monty ------------------------------------------

Now, I don’t mean, the casual conversations we have at tournaments, nor words used here in the forums; I mean, words said by announcers or players commentating over the mics. I’ve been hearing the word fuck a lot lately on youtube tournament videos, and I’m wondering whether this is a good thing or not.

It’s not like I’ve never heard bad words before. I use them myself all the time; I curse like a sailor. You know that show Inside the Actors’ Studio, with that guy with the goatee who sits up in front of a classroom with a famous actor each episode? He always asks the actor the question, “What is your favorite curse word?” I’ve spent many waking hours of my life trying to determine just how I’d answer that very question. First of all, there’s so many to choose from. Should I limit my answer to just curses in English? Talk to a Korean about it sometime, there are some really creative ways to curse in Korean. Why do we even have curse words and use them, and why do we use our particular curse words, and not others?* These are all worthy topics to consider, but let me get back on track.

I feel this question of swearing over the mics at tournaments is pertinent because we as a community are at a stage of such fast growth. What was only a dream in the past of putting on big shows with sponsors and big budgets is becoming a reality now. Fighting games have hit some big milestones recently. That entails that people who may not otherwise be interested in fighting games or watching tournaments might now be so inclined. Many from outside the community may know a player (such as yourself for example) in a tournament and want to spectate. Wouldn’t you want them to see it? This doesn’t just include your buddies that play FPSes who aren’t going to be offended by swears anyways, but maybe people in your family. If you haven’t gone home to be a family man yet, someday you just might. Maybe someday you’ll have kids and want to share something you’re proud of. Maybe you even want to show a work colleague at some point-- just kidding, why would anyone ever admit to someone in his workplace that he plays video games, that’s ridiculous! But someday, it might not be so taboo. I have a dream!

I’d like to see our recent progress be matched by what I’d describe as more professionalism. Zaspacer described it well by use of the word “polish” which is probably more appropriate. I’d like to see a little more polish in cleaning up the language used over streams because, for better or worse, videos of our tournaments are representing us as a whole. The NSFW acronym being used on srk’s front page makes sense- always good to help keep non-productive employees wasting company bandwidth without losing their job to someone more qualified/industrious. The “NSFW” acronym before a link is certainly appreciated, but how about we go that extra step? After all, you don’t hear network TV announcers ever curse on the air. (The players are always cursing, grabbing their crotches, spitting, etc., but not the guys in suits!) Jeff Skilling, one of the main villains of the Enron fiasco, was once on a conference call with analysts, and he was asked by one “Why can’t you show us a balance sheet?” but Skilling mysteriously just called him an asshole. And that was like, a big thing, even bigger than Enron not providing such a basic thing as a balance sheet, but also that he called the analyst an asshole, because suits just aren’t supposed to do that, so that was basically a chief executive losing it. He probably could have danced around the question with polite speech, but the curse alone became a red flag, drawing all the more attention to their enormous problems.

If you are announcing or commentating during a tournament, and suddenly find yourself saying “fuck”, how about trying this: consider quickly adding on, “–rying out loud”, as advised in a film I saw recently. E.g. “fuck–rying out loud”… Fucrying out loud!

Anyways, I’d like to know what you guys think about this.


*This essay about Why We Curse gives some great insight on the general etymology:
TNR Online | What the F***? (1 of 3) (print)

Good to see this post after our talks on the issue.

I agree. (for the most part)

I don’t think players (in the heat of battle) or fans should worry about their behavior, just the people actually micced up on streams. (play-by-play during matches, both parties during interviews, pre-match hype by commentators, etc.)

It’s a growing pain for any sport looking to become a big player: tighten up their delivery for mass appeal. (aka “polish”)

NHL Hockey did it by having their GM’s wear suits.
NBA Basketball did it by restraining backtalk on foul calls and limiting trash talk.

Fighting Games are pushing the boundary of being able to break into a much bigger mainstream arena of hype/fandom. Commentators have a chance to cement themselves as big name personalities to go along with that by tightening their game and becoming the guys who can deliver for the expanding market/audience.

Step it up.

As a newbie to the ST scene, I concur.

Did you know Tiger Woods is the professional player who is fined the most for cursing?
Probably not, as his sport edits it well. So players will often curse, but it’s another thing to say it over the airwaves.

It has to return to the lowest common denominator of trying not to offend anyone. I know, it’s hard to shake it from the 90s arcade days. But when being viewed across the world, in a time where people are trying to revive the scene, it helps to make the community more accessible.

What is said/done on streams reflects on the community as a whole. I know I personally couldn’t stand to hear the Tekken announcers of Evo '10 complaining that “You people watching the stream should be ashamed for not coming here in person. We only got <X> number of participants.”. For me, it didn’t make the Tekken community seem any more approachable after hearing that.

No, keep it blue collar, this isn’t commercial.


This is an interesting topic by XSPR and like Zaspacer, I’m glad to see an attempt to bring public awareness to it.

The major tournaments these days are investing a lot of resources into making their streams as wonderful as they are. A lot of them are very impressive with the multiple cameras, the production and the great commentary but personally, the swearing on the stream is a bit of a turn off.

I watch a lot of sports so I’m used to seeing commentators who conduct themselves very professionally.

Why can’t this keep growing? Why can’t this be on G4 or who knows, maybe even some ESPN channel one day (like Magic). Why can’t we have sons, daughters, younger siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. watching us on streams without subjecting them to such vulgar language?

I think it’s a great suggestion.

J.Wong @ [media=youtube]olhkPdh-_IU"[/media]
Gootecks and some other dude @ [media=youtube]IlTF9d_hXXQ"[/media]

Personally, I like the cursing flavor, but I gotta look out for [media=youtube]yJBFwAHn0nQ"[/media].

If you wanna put shapely naked women in the videos, though, I’m totally fine with that.

You’re fat, right?

Cursing via streams and tournies does add flavor depending on who’s talking imo. Usually this only happens in scenes like the mahvel or SSF4 where the players/audience/commentators swear like crazy. I mean the whole decade of marvel 2 was driven on nothing but trashtalk and $1000 money matches.

I don’t think I’ve seen ST tournies where you hear people yelling “FUCKKKK WHY DIDN’T YOU THROW THE FIREBALL” it’s far more controlled and subtle like a golf game.

But I totally agree that the AUDIENCE needs to start keepin it classy and watch what they say on streams and such. There are a lot of ignorant posts on streams and people hollering across the room unpleasant things.

just have two tracks

one done by official TO like ultradavid (no nsfw language, boring, no hype :slight_smile:
and one done by the community (team spooky, etc)

evo finals

ustream : (pg13) s-kill + jchensor : chris hu & co (hype) + jwong

I had thought about suggesting this, but it didn’t seem all that workable, to me. How does one keep minors from simply electing to hear the unexpurgated track?

I mean, since exposure to minors has been expressed as a concern.

lol i thought kids nowaday surf p0rn as soon as they know how to use an ipad =]

I thought it’s just to make the fg scene political correct. Nobody is after censorship I don’t think. If they switch to the other track it’s their choice.

But swearing makes you seem like a tough guy!

I can imagine this easily.

Seth: oh a clutch DP coming from Daigo!


Papasi is expanding his troll game to srk eh?

Hahahahaha sorry but that was pretty good

But as Zaspacer points out, the more “blue collar” the sport is, the more refined and clean it is, e.g. NFL, NHL, bowling, etc. A lot of dedicated people have worked hard to get it this far.

That kind of added flavor (cursing) marks us as immature-- which, in a few ways, we are, and I’m not saying everyone has to grow old playing video games or share it with their kids/parents- but some might like to without it flaunting the immaturity.

Interesting option, but one would represent us over the other, and that’s my point: which one should it be? A lot of people will think I’m crazy for proposing something like this but here goes:

  1. No cursing on announcer’s mic, if so you get fined, proceeds go to support ggpo
  2. Announcers (& senior staff/TOs) wear suits & ties

(note, a penalty fine may actually wind up increasing the cursing on mic, not decreasing it, i.e. announcers that intend to curse may feel they’ve paid for the privilege to do so…)

As I mentioned above, dedicated people worked for years to get it this far. All for the purpose of some kids can swear over the Internet? There’s no reason to stop progressing now.

In all honesty I don’t think anyone gives a flying fidoodle. It’s nice that you care though.

Anyone who wants to see Street Fighter take the next step should care.

I care, that’s why I edited my fidoodling post