Step up your 3s game with interviews featuring top players

Great stuff Gootecks!

It is unfortunate that only 16 people thus far have donated money to help you guys go to SBO.

FFA should hold tournies weekly so some part of the pot can go to SBO donations…we’re doin that on the EC…it could help raise the money quicker…especially with ppl hearing these podcasts…im sure they would love to get that juicy competition lol =P

If people have questions to ask any of the upcoming interviewees they should post them here.

16 for real!?!? does that count the amount of people that contributed through john choi? i’ve donated 3 times now and 2 of those times were through choi

Yeah, especially since FFA hasn’t been too active lately.

Thx for the podcasts Gootecks. I was especially happy to listen to the Emphy podcast tryin to learn some stuff with Urien. :woot:

I’m trying to see if I can get a friend of mine to donate some money, and we’ll both hopefully be able to donate money sometime this week.

Thx again.

Great stuff, I only listened to Emphy’s one and I really liked it. A lot of the stuff he said is too true, especially when talking about the Yun matchup. I always thought/said it was the hardest matchup, but a lot of others said that its hard for Yun. Really nice to hear the players give some input and nice to hear what they’re getting up to etc. Ima listen to the rest when I get a chance, great work Gootecks!

justin’s up :slight_smile:

yay :woot:, but page is down :shake:

Taking all of what I’ve heard from these podcast’s to heart. These guy’s have so much wisdom about the game Its like they’re speaking out of the 3s bible. Thanks to Gootecks and the rest of the players for sharing this knowledge.

ReNiC and Sanchez are lined up and will be on soon.

Thanks, we’d really appreciate it!

Thank you! Yeah, only 16 people have donated specifically through me, but there were a ton of other people that donated through John Choi. Either way, we are grateful for all the support and understand that times are tough for everybody right now.

It doesn’t count those who donated through Choi. He had already collected a ton of money before I set up the blog and podcasts. Thank you for donating three times! You are a superstar!

Glad you liked them and thank you in advance for your donations!

Thanks! IMO, it’s an uphill battle for Urien, but Emphy proved last weekend that it can be done.

No problem, glad to do it! Happy to help expand the 3s knowledge in a different way than before.

Justin Wong says Dudley is his hardest match up. I knew he was going to say that from when i talked to him. Plus Anerysm X got him in Canada and yeah Dudley doesnt give her much of a chance if she guesses wrong. Still It is the Legendary Chun-Li and Justin Wong strongest team ever and this podcast shows me that Justin is just on another level. Gootecks man everyone of these podcast are awesome I learn something from all of them. Im just waiting for Victoly podcast to happen. Oh and im still donating just using my friend paypal. I think us toghther should be pretty good donation.

IS there anyway i can send a money order? i cant use pay pal :frowning:

and i would like to donate SINCE i really did feel these podcast were VERY helpfull

lol, i enjoyed justin’s podcast. dude is funny, i loved the comment about Kuroda Q going down if he ever meets the guy in a match again. i found it interesting that he made last chance qualifiers not knowing a lot of matchups at all back then. hope to see him do good at SBO this year.

50 pounds is 100 dollars son.

Finished listening to Justin’s podcast.
Really good podcast, but wow… I think some of what he said is really hard for normal players, cuz we don’t have a reaction time like his. His style is uniquely his then.
Good stuff.

grr im FIENDING to see those qual vids =)

What’s wrong with the site??

need to practice some SGGK’s, gadamn!

Gootecks will you be interviewing JR Rodriguez?